
Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
The condition for the MC to cut ties with Monica and her fam pertain both to seeing them intentionally, socially or romantically. I imagine bumping into them on the street would be fine so long as no prolonged socialization happens from a legal perspective, but in any event we are likely fudging the ability of the laws on inheritance here a bit. It is a story. :)

In the real world the MC could likely take the money, and immediately hire a dozen lawyers to tear down his fathers rights to retract or even withhold his inheritance on any number of conditions.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
She coud have done any number of things to keep the beach house away from him. Burn it down for insurance if she knew the plan before hand which is what was assumed in the previous comment.
Does that sound like something this character would do though, really? It doesn't to me but I see your point.
Quick one, why, oh why, would he be banging Elaine and living with Monica?
You were the one that had it in your melon that she was on this journey to bang him? Why would he HAVE to live with her to bang her? That doesn't make sense?
That makes no sense. He has reason to be with Elaine, they are banging, and she has room for him to move in. If they started seeing each other that's what he'd do.
Ok, whether they're banging or NOT is player choice so that's subjective, not objective. And so what if she has room for him? Would you move into some ones place (Whether it was your former home or not) if you had only just started something with someone? That's a tad quick don't you think?
Or is your MC an idiot?
I think I may be an idiot because I have no idea what you mean by this one???
Start a relationship with someone outside of Monica's family yet still live there for no reason and throw away millions.
Now that is solid point, well played.
Wut, wut? Again ? :unsure:
For the Elaine banging journey, yes it's your choice to pursue it but the fact it can be pursued shows she's open to it.
But if you are NOT it doesn't really matter if she is, if it's part of her conditions to bang you and you don't give a shit, well she's out of luck and her conditions are screwed.
You are missing the point though.
What point am I missing? It would help if you fill me in then I can bounce back if I've misunderstood something.
Anyone setting the MC up needs him to stay at Monica's. Flirting, handing over other property, offering a place to live etc... are all in direct opposition of that.
If he stays at Monica's. Elaine gets his money too.
No she doesn't, you're forgetting the third party. We know she didn't know the other mistress (Unless she was lying) so there is nothing at all (at the moment) to suggest she is in league with her. So she wouldn't get his money, his money would be divided between the other two.
If he leaves Monica's he gets it.
The second she starts something with him, he moves into the beach house or even takes her up on her offer of moving in with her, he's won his conditions.
Again, choice ... not absolute. You seem to think that it would be super easy for the MC to just ditch Monica and the girls (Essentially estranged family) like it was nothing. The whole point of getting him back at Monica's was to make it nigh impossible for him to leave again.
It doesn't matter if Elaine's conditions are to fuck the Mc, get close to him, mess his head up completely. He's still won his conditions and walked away with millions because she actively got him away from Monica which, again, would make her the dumbest antagonist ever.
Again though, you assume that just because he's fucking her, he would leave Monica's? He has the beach house yes, but there is dialog with Elaine to the effect of he didn't want to live alone, or wasn't sure what he wanted to do going forward. Now you could be correct if he chose to move in with her.
Jolina and Bella also want him to move out of Monica's and with them to the beach house.
Yup, agreed.
The only people trying to keep him at Monica's are Zarah and Monica then you have Theresa that either hasn't done anything or set her son up to stalk Jenna which would keep the MC there to protect her.
Maybe there is in game dialog I'm missing as I haven't done much on their paths as not interested other than to see how their stuff plays out so I can't say I was paying too much attention to the details but I didn't see anything that had them actively trying to convince him to stay? Were they?

I like your sarcastic tone you bring to the table but you don't seem to like people challenging your opinion on thing's. I'm not trying to be insulting by saying that, just trying to understand where you're coming from.
Sorry for all the wall of text by the way.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Maybe there is in game dialog I'm missing as I haven't done much on their paths as not interested other than to see how their stuff plays out so I can't say I was paying too much attention to the details but I didn't see anything that had them actively trying to convince him to stay? Were they?
They have all tried to convince him to stay since he told them of his will conditions.

I like your sarcastic tone you bring to the table but you don't seem to like people challenging your opinion on thing's. I'm not trying to be insulting by saying that, just trying to understand where you're coming from.
Sorry for all the wall of text by the way.
I'm not against my opinion being challenged i'm against people fighting against common sense.

Why would he start a relationship with someone else yet live in Monica's house while having a home of his own and his own life with his new lover to start?

It makes no sense.

Sure it's all down to player choice but it still defies logic.

Start a relationship with Jolina, she wants to live at the beach house with him like he offers on her route but instead he says "nah love, you go live there on your own i'm just gonna throw a few million away and live with Monica for no reason whatsoever, i'll see you on Tuesday".

I'm not trying to be snarky with you but your retorts have all been shotgun blasts in the face of common sense.

It probably won't be easy for him to walk way from Monica but he does have his own life to lead with whoever he picks. Unless it happens to be one of those 3 I can't imagine any of the other love interests see much of a future living 2 separate lives.

If he is going to see someone else it makes more sense to take the money, start whatever relationship he wants to start then if he wants to stay friends with those 3 speak to a lawyer and see what can be done.

Someone laying out elaborate plans of Elaine's when all she needed to do was ignore him. Like the last comment, what if Elaine's plan involved the beach house ... for what purpose?

Why go to all that trouble when it probably won't work and ignoring him would have done a better job.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I thought you specifically meant Monica and Zarah. I could imaging Monica saying something, but Zarah? I don't recall anything from either, I'd have to replay. My bad.
Monica asks him to stay right after he tells her his will conditions. Jenna and Katie do the same.

Zarah is trying to set him up with Monica but hasn't been told about the will yet.


Jun 3, 2017
The more i replay parts of the game, the more i'm getting convinced that Zarah is Lily's biological mother. They have some physical similarities, especially with the first episodes. Then we have Zarah, who's in the fashion business and Lily who has a natural gift/talent for designing clothes and a well developed fashion sense. Kinda hard to get that trait from 2 doctor parents. Think this is one more surprise that awaits us there in the future. Won't be surprised at all if she turns out to be Mc's half-sister. Not the ending Lily fans want but a pretty plausible one.


Jun 3, 2017
And how would be Zarah's daughter make her MC half sister?
In the same way Dog-Boy could be MC's half-brother...

And since someone mentioned grouping of women again earlier... The idea of 2 sisters together is not always a pleasant one ...



Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
In the same way Dog-Boy could be MC's half-brother...

And since someone mentioned grouping of women again earlier... The idea of 2 sister together is not always a pleasant one ...

View attachment 831253
MC isn't fucking dog boy.

Lily has fucked the MC and this game has no incest so still not a plausible theory.

I'm just gonna leave you to it.

Every single theory you've come up with has been so far off the reservation and totally against anything resembling logical that the only explanation in game for any of it to work is "a wizard did it".


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I'm not against my opinion being challenged i'm against people fighting against common sense.
How is it fighting common sense? People have made valid points that you yourself just shoot down because you disagree yet make only the point that makes sense to you.
Why would he start a relationship with someone else yet live in Monica's house while having a home of his own and his own life with his new lover to start?
Maybe because he's young and dumb for one. He can choose to start things with multiple people before he even gets his own home so to begin with he has nowhere else to go. Now once he get's it yes, despite what he says to Elaine, it doesn't make that much sense for him to stay with Monica but he HAS to stay there, you know, for the drama. ;)
Sure it's all down to player choice but it still defies logic.
What defies logic? Most of this is likely just arguing what we can't do much with, with the choices in game.
Start a relationship with Jolina, she wants to live at the beach house with him like he offers on her route but instead he says "nah love, you go live there on your own i'm just gonna throw a few million away and live with Monica for no reason whatsoever, i'll see you on Tuesday".
:ROFLMAO: Ok, the "Nah, love" made me laugh. But yeah, I replayed this part last night and the way she jumps at it is very suspect.
I'm not trying to be snarky with you but your retorts have all been shotgun blasts in the face of common sense.
You think I'm dumb, got it. And if you mean the way I'm replying with answering point by point that is because I'm dyslexic and have OCD tendencies so have to take my time to read, re-read and re-read again, reply and check multiple times before I post so that's why it takes me so long to do so. And I don't mind snark, I find it funny. (y)
If he is going to see someone else it makes more sense to take the money, start whatever relationship he wants to start then if he wants to stay friends with those 3 speak to a lawyer and see what can be done.
Makes sense.

Can I just ask you, what is your main game like? Who are you pursuing/ignoring? Do you plan to take the money? I get you'll likely do most if not all once all is said and done and it's complete but which way are you playing on your main playthrough? (If you don't mind me asking)


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Can I just ask you, what is your main game like? Who are you pursuing/ignoring? Do you plan to take the money? I get you'll likely do most if not all once all is said and done and it's complete but which way are you playing on your main playthrough? (If you don't mind me asking)
My main playthrough is for Lily.

I have saves for all of them but Lily is my main one.

Maybe because he's young and dumb for one.
He isn't dumb. A lot of things can be said about many of the characters in the game but him being dumb isn't one of them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
My main playthrough is for Lily.

I have saves for all of them but Lily is my main one.

He isn't dumb. A lot of things can be said about many of the characters in the game but him being dumb isn't one of them.
Cool, thank you.
I didn't mean dumb as in his overall intelligence, I meant in terms of choices he (We) can make. Take the party night for example. If you go to extremes, you can't honestly say that wasn't a dumb thing to do. (Justified maybe) but still dumb.
You yourself point out why should he stay with Monica when he could move out and be in the money, that would be dumb, no?
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
You yourself point out why should he stay with Monica when he could move out and be in the money, that would be dumb, no?
No, I said starting a relationship with someone else not in that house and staying there would be dumb.

He's picked someone else, he has his own life to lead and won't be there forever so he starts his new life with his new love interests and moves on because that's how life works.

The only time it makes sense to stay living at Monica's is if you are with Monica herself.

The second you tell her you're fucking one of her kids she's going to remove your balls so moving out would make sense there too.

He only went to Monica's in the first place because he had nowhere else to go, that is no longer the case and once a new relationship has started it makes even les sense to be staying there.

He has hiw new relationship and possible future children to think about which that money would set them all for life. So yes, I do whole heartedly believe staying at Monica's after starting a relationship with someone else and giving up that money for no reason would be dumb as all hell.


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
Lot of assumptions here on Elaine's conditions when in reality...we know absoloutely fuck all what they are. So be careful coming across as making facts when in reality they are opinions.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Lot of assumptions here on Elaine's conditions when in reality...we know absoloutely fuck all what they are. So be careful coming across as making facts when in reality they are opinions.
That's true, but if her conditions don't involve the MC one way or another the whole Elaine story is kinda pointless.
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Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
That's true, but if her conditions don't involve the MC one way or another the whole Elaine story is kinda pointless.
Oh agree, they must at some will our mystery third wheel too. Dad all over isn't it (from what we have been told about him) to have the three of us all trying to screw people over...namely us as the huge disappointment we obviously were to him.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
No, I said starting a relationship with someone else not in that house and staying there would be dumb.
Ok, my bad.
He's picked someone else, he has his own life to lead and won't be there forever so he starts his new life with his new love interests and moves on because that's how life works.
What do you mean, he's picked someone else? Again, that would be YOUR choice, in YOUR game. Most peoples games can play out quite differently depending on choice so you can't really say the MC DID this and DID that, if it is a choice with different out comes.
The only time it makes sense to stay living at Monica's is if you are with Monica herself.
Yeah I can agree with that.
The second you tell her you're fucking one of her kids she's going to remove your balls so moving out would make sense there too.
Now this is what I'm dying to see the outcome of! :)
He has his new relationship and possible future children to think about which that money would set them all for life. So yes, I do whole heartedly believe staying at Monica's after starting a relationship with someone else and giving up that money for no reason would be dumb as all hell.
I like the way you look at that.
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
What do you mean, he's picked someone else? Again, that would be YOUR choice, in YOUR game. Most peoples games can play out quite differently depending on choice so you can't really say the MC DID this and DID that, if it is a choice with different out comes.
I think her point is you pick Monica you stay, you pick someone else you move out.
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