
Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
I had to get this off my chest. Firstly, I've been a long term fan and player of the game, so it's not that I turned up from hibernation to unload my negativity. I do read the theories and the responses from the devs about the game but 2 years and 19 episodes in an adult VN, there are some glaring issues I couldn't miss.

  • Story -- Let's start with the elephant in the room itself, the story. It started with a great yet simple premise of an MC trying to find his footing with his surrogate family, with which sparks that began a while ago start to rekindle with the intensity of a bonfire. Over time, we were introduced to a larger, supporting cast and importantly, a mystery person who may or may not have been seen by a barista as the computer from which the email was sent was in the cafe. While this was interesting when it appeared when the episodes were in single digits, for me at least, it has lost all the suspense to the point that I hardly care. The key of a great suspense plot is to constantly feed the viewer/reader/player into it and all the characters would have a minor plot to play in the big picture. Even till end of Ep19, we're nowhere near to any solid leads but we go from one bombshell in one update to a cluster of them in another, with the main plot getting convoluted.

    This is reflected in the dev's delays as the technical backend of so many characters and so many choices leads to a plethora of combinations, that it becomes intractable and infeasible. I believe this was because of lack of vision of what the end should have been for this game. It has got to the point that no matter how you "win", as a player who played 20+ episodes, you won't be satisfied as the devs seem to show a fatigue of plot progression.

  • Choices -- Stemming from the point above, too many choices for anyone's liking and as a player, hard to determine the impact of a choice because in my view, the more choices you have per character interaction, the impact of that choice diminishes like a temperature cooling Newton curve. Why not have more choices with OG characters/characters that influence the main plot rather than every random character that pops up every 2-3 update? Wouldn't that make the dev's workload manageable and keep long-lasting players like me happy?

  • Considerations -- The above critique may sound harsh but if I remember correctly, Cheeky became a father, there were couple of instances the staff was reduced and Covid hit. These are beyond anyone's realm of control and because the team have kept the lines of communications wide open like a German Autobahn, players like me have been loyal. Even with these considerations, I believe some oversight and end point of a game with multiple endings is the very least loyal players like us deserve. With that I think the team have got their work cut out. I've deliberately avoided mentioning any character names, as I'm sure I'll be pounced on by hardcore character fans for being biased.

    I hope acewinz and CheekyGimp take my points in the right spirit and address it to some extent. Looking fwd for Ep20. Cheers!
I'll just start out by saying I have to disagree with a lot of your points. I think the devs have had the ending mapped out from the very beginning. You couldn't do a game like this without knowing what direction you are going to go. It can be frustrating with all the choices related to different characters when you don't know who to trust, but to me that is part of what I like about this game. I love the mystery element to this game, and trying to solve it before the devs just drop it in your lap. I have plenty of theories based on clues the devs have put in the game, and I think they do a good job of giving you a little something in each episode to help you along without giving it away. I look forward to getting another piece of the puzzle in each episode and seeing if it fits in with what I was already thinking. As far as the cast goes while they won't all tie into the mystery surrounding the will, I think they all bring something to the game. I mean I can't see any way in which Debbie and Lily tie into the will but come on how could anyone not love Debbie and Lily.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
All I’ll say is that I can neither confirm nor deny that a certain grump has actually become bored of the over abundance of lewdness (yes I said it) and not enough advancement of the main mystery. I’m looking forward to seeing something happen that doesn’t involve a dick entering a hole repeatedly.

Yes, I am weird.


Mar 2, 2020
Any future plans for NTR?
future? jenna and katie are secretly mc's sisters, but via the vagaries of time travel (elaine is in fact a chronowizard, no spoilers) mc is also their father via monica thus he's in fact cucking himself by sleeping with either of them. because monica is his mother, you see. i won't explain how mc is his own father, though. you'll have to wait for the update.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2020
All I’ll say is that I can neither confirm nor deny that a certain grump has actually become bored of the over abundance of lewdness (yes I said it) and not enough advancement of the main mystery. I’m looking forward to seeing something happen that doesn’t involve a dick entering a hole repeatedly.

Yes, I am weird.
Sir... this is a porn game. Please go back to Final Fantasy and leave Fist Fuckery alone


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2020
I hope that further updates are in the works. There are still many options and I love the game!!
:love: :love: :love: :love: (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
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Active Member
Sep 30, 2020
Any games that you can recommend with similar theme and good amount of content to play ?
Depends on what you mean by theme. If you're just looking for a game where the MC moves into a house with a Milf with a couple hot daughters there are plenty out there. Of course the Milf will usually be your "landlady" (Mother) and the daughters your "roommates" (sisters). But if you mean something well written, funny, and with a bit of mystery then the list is much much shorter.
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Mar 5, 2021
Depends on what you mean by theme. If you're just looking for a game where the MC moves into a house with a Milf with a couple hot daughters there are plenty out there. Of course the Milf will usually be your "landlady" (Mother) and the daughters your "roommates" (sisters). But if you mean something well written, funny, and with a bit of mystery then the list is much much shorter.
Can you recommend some of the later one ?


Active Member
Sep 30, 2019
Is there a love triangle in this game? Just in a mff mood right now haha.
I think a love triangle refers to a bad situation situation (you like a girl but she likes another girl who in turn likes you).
A throuple contains 3 persons in a relationship but in the latest update you can actually have a great scene with you + 3 girls.
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