
Jan 14, 2024
I'm sorry if I misunderstood the situation but what is the point of remaking the game after 24 episodes?


Jan 18, 2018
Oh yeah, I remember that now. F95's worst April Fool's ever.
It wasn't just Cheeky who was pissed at that, a lot of the fans were too. It genuinely was not funny.

There's such a thing as standards, even when committing crimes. That's why leakers and pirates are terms used independently of each other.

Take the example of Project Myriam then.
Patreon release and a week later a public version that includes more than is in the Patreon version, and is shared here by the dev, on purpose...
The Patreon version gets shared here which leads to people questioning where certain content is that was in the previous version they played that happens to be things Patreon forced Zorlun to remove, and is put back in with the "Prometheus Patch" version from Subscribestar. This happens multiple times with the "usual suspects" complaining about content disappearing in the game and issues with mods designed to work with the later *intended* version, despite the numerous times Zorlun asks for the Patreon version not to be shared here - the Patron(s) who share from Patreon are in fact doing a disservice to the community here, instead of waiting for the "full" version from another site to be released before sharing here.

So, good pirate distributes what is better and intended for release. Bad pirate is a self-important prick who only cares about being the one to do the pirating first regardless of whether or not it's a working product.
First of, I found it funny, after a bit of time of being pissed not getting a new version :D

Second, it seems we have a totally different understanding of what is an acceptable leak and what is good practice for leaking.

I agree that there is often a drastic lack of information about the version provided on F95 (like what you described, or like when this version had no changelog at the beginning), but I don’t care what kind of version is leaked as long as the changelog/information is provided. Which I do, when I leak.
Sometimes I even just make a report so that a mod changes the first post and adds additional information about the version/game to it, when I have relevant information that is not already there.

With the provided information, everyone downloading a game here should be old/mature/knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision whether they want to download the provided version or not.

Anyone complaining about issues with the version can just be ignored because they will never have anything useful to add to any conversation, at least in my opinion.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
I'm sorry if I misunderstood the situation but what is the point of remaking the game after 24 episodes?
Probably shouldn't answer this, but fuck it. Just in case, any clown responds to THIS post, pretending they know more about MY situation than me,I'm just gonna ignore so don't expect any follow-on updates, regarding this specific post.... ;)

Basically, after costs and tax, the Patreon income worked out at less than minimum wage per hour for me and a whole lot less than what my real-life job is paying me. Costs include paying Cell (plus other members of the team when it was bigger), paying our animator, paying a proof-reader (when I had one), one-off payments to other folks (to save me time to help with code or write a walkthrough - two of many examples), paying for assets (in honesty, I don't pay for all), Patreon's cut, plus a multitude of many smaller outgoings. The small stuff is pretty negligible but just listing some examples, so any potential devs will be aware of stuff to consider: Some examples of very small outgoings are: Money transfer fees, subscriptions to various sites, (such as google play, MEGA, various music, SFX and stock photo sites) and (it's spread out over 5 years, so I'd consider it negligible) spending 9K on 2 rigs plus an extra GPU when one died. All of those last items ares small-fry, but just listing for context.
Plus, I have a pretty decent real-life job, so ALL of my Patreon income was taxable at the highest rate of tax (in my country, this is 52%). One of the terms of my employment was that I cannot set up my own company, so that means that I had to declare WTHI income as sole trader income, so I paid 52% on the gross, not the net and any payments to other team members, etc. couldn't be written off as a cost (because on paper, this was extra personal income, not a company.) And % of payments to other team members was based on gross, not net, so I was paying tax first and then paying everyone else their gross % (I can't expect them to take a hit on my country's extortionate tax rate.) So, that meant after Patreon's cut and tax, I had about 2.4K a month to pay all those other expenses mentioned above, including Cell's paltry wage and pay myself. That might still be a lot to some folks, but where I live (average 3 bed house is $600K), it's not.

So, I was really just working on WTHI because I enjoyed it... My real life job was paying a LOT more per hour (but I enjoyed it less), so I was never short on cash. But to work on both my real life job and WTHI, was taking about 100 hours per week. And I decided, I just couldn't do it any more, as I was burnt out after 5 years and running on 4-5hrs sleep a night. Rather than abandon WTHI, I decided to quit my IRL job and try dev as a full-time gig. The only way I could do THAT is if I get on Steam ASAP. Next week is my last week in my real-life job, and then it's WTHI full-time. If it all goes tits up, then I'll look for a new job next year and WTHI will become a hobby (but it will still get finished). If it all goes well, I can build a team, finish WTHI and move onto new games. If I finished episode 25 instead... that would mean another year working 100hrs a week. And if I THEN wanted to get on Steam, that would mean another 6 months+ on top of that. Wit quitting my real life job (gambling on Steam success), at least I have a chance at making it as a dev, and if I can build a team (using $ from steam), that will significantly speed up progress!

they need to remake the "remake game" again after remaking the game

Nope, we need to re-do the remake of the re-do. And then do a redux of that! Clear? Wait for the hate once I announce the directors cut version!
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2024
Probably shouldn't answer this, but fuck it. Just in case, any clown responds to THIS post, pretending they know more about MY situation than me,I'm just gonna ignore so don't expect any follow-on updates, regarding this specific post.... ;)

Basically, after costs and tax, the Patreon income worked out at less than minimum wage per hour for me and a whole lot less than what my real-life job is paying me. Costs include paying Cell (plus other members of the team when it was bigger), paying our animator, paying a proof-reader (when I had one), one-off payments to other folks (to save me time to help with code or write a walkthrough - two of many examples), paying for assets (in honesty, I don't pay for all), Patreon's cut, plus a multitude of many smaller outgoings. The small stuff is pretty negligible but just listing some examples, so any potential devs will be aware of stuff to consider: Some examples of very small outgoings are: Money transfer fees, subscriptions to various sites, (such as google play, MEGA, various music, SFX and stock photo sites) and (it's spread out over 5 years, so I'd consider it negligible) spending 9K on 2 rigs plus an extra GPU when one died. All of those last items ares small-fry, but just listing for context.
Plus, I have a pretty decent real-life job, so ALL of my Patreon income was taxable at the highest rate of tax (in my country, this is 52%). One of the terms of my employment was that I cannot set up my own company, so that means that I had to declare WTHI income as sole trader income, so I paid 52% on the gross, not the net and any payments to other team members, etc. couldn't be written off as a cost (because on paper, this was extra personal income, not a company.) And % of payments to other team members was based on gross, not net, so I was paying tax first and then paying everyone else their gross % (I can't expect them to take a hit on my country's extortionate tax rate.) So, that meant after Patreon's cut and tax, I had about 2.4K a month to pay all those other expenses mentioned above, including Cell's paltry wage and pay myself. That might still be a lot to some folks, but where I live (average 3 bed house is $600K), it's not.

So, I was really just working on WTHI because I enjoyed it... My real life job was paying a LOT more per hour (but I enjoyed it less), so I was never short on cash. But to work on both my real life job and WTHI, was taking about 100 hours per week. And I decided, I just couldn't do it any more, as I was burnt out after 5 years and running on 4-5hrs sleep a night. Rather than abandon WTHI, I decided to quit my IRL job and try dev as a full-time gig. The only way I could do THAT is if I get on Steam ASAP. Next week is my last week in my real-life job, and then it's WTHI full-time. If it all goes tits up, then I'll look for a new job next year and WTHI will become a hobby (but it will still get finished). If it all goes well, I can build a team, finish WTHI and move onto new games. If I finished episode 25 instead... that would mean another year working 100hrs a week. And if I THEN wanted to get on Steam, that would mean another 6 months+ on top of that. Wit quitting my real life job (gambling on Steam success), at least I have a chance at making it as a dev, and if I can build a team (using $ from steam), that will significantly speed up progress!

Nope, we need to re-do the remake of the re-do. And then do a redux of that! Clear? Wait for the hate once I announce the directors cut version!
shit. you must be full, I wasn't expecting such a long comment, but thank you for taking the time to explain, good luck


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
With the provided information, everyone downloading a game here should be old/mature/knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision whether they want to download the provided version or not.
Here's where your reasoning falls flat though.
The majority of people here are idiots. Whether from being too lazy or just plain old ignorance, they're idiots. It's apparent from far too many instances that happen regularly across most threads, that using the reasoning of age/maturity/knowledge for making any sort of informed decision is disingenuous.

Anyone complaining about issues with the version can just be ignored because they will never have anything useful to add to any conversation, at least in my opinion.
I never thought I'd ever be in a position to post something from one of the worst Star Trek shows ever... Yet here it is.
4.40 star(s) 326 Votes