Mt PewPew

Active Member
May 3, 2018
Speaking of Cheeky...if you have your reading glasses handy, try this out for size. Consider this even more time to head over and pledge!

Start of week update (Long version)
Patrons only
Sep 24 at 8:04pm
Hey All,
Apologies for being quiet over the past week, but I've been working on the game consistently, so I avoided all forums / postings. I took Thursday & Friday off work to work on the game and worked continuously for the past 5 days (4x18hr days Thurs-Sun and 7hrs tonight after I got home from work) to try to get some shape onto Episode 7.

At the end of Thursday, I concluded that some of the pre-party scenes were rushed / too short and ALL of party scenes I created were absolute shit and needed to be completely re-done (When I completed a playthrough, I didn't like the scenes / revenge plot or any of the script that I had written),

So that's when the panic set in. On a positive note, with the exception of one scene, I was happy with the renders / images.

The past few days have been the only time since I started the game that I did not enjoy the Dev process. And although I always feel a bit of self-imposed pressure, this is the first time that I had some actual panic.

So I had to make a lot of changes, move a lot of stuff around and the bottom line is that....

I WILL have a playable episode out by the end of this week. It will be average length compared to previous episodes (images/script) and I am now happy with the quality of it. However, it is pretty much ALL based on the build-up to the party, which means that most of the party will be in the next release. But you shouldn't have to wait as long (approx. 3 weeks) for the next release as it will be an extended version of Episode 7 (similar to the 6X version for Episode 6).


Episode 7 out this week (standard length). Episode 7X (completes the party) will be out in Mid October.

I committed to completing the ENTIRE party scene this month, but that's not going to happen, so.... for any $10/$5 patrons that paid for September, I'll ensure that you get Episode 7 this month AND Episode 7X next month, even if you reduce / delete your pledge at the end of this month.

Also: Although I have not yet reached my planned goal for hiring some help, I am going to go ahead and advertise/hire an additional member to the team, as I've learned this month that a one-man band is not enough to keep up with the required pace!

Apologies for not getting everything into this month, but it was just too much to cram in.
Don't sweat it @CheekyGimp . Sometimes things just don't turn out as planned, these things happen. I am perfectly fine with the delay. Thank you for being honest with us about it and for keeping us in the loop!


Apr 30, 2017
@CheekyGimp Don't feel obligated to put out a release every month! Putting in four 18 hour days is overkill. I think I speak for everyone when I say you should just work at a comfortable pace, and put out whatever you have done. There is no need to push yourself so hard to get to the finish line you set for yourself a month previous.

Your work is going to be fantastic whether it gets done now, next week, next month, or next year. Don't sweat it!


Active Member
Jul 19, 2017
Speaking of Cheeky...if you have your reading glasses handy, try this out for size. Consider this even more time to head over and pledge!

Start of week update (Long version)
Patrons only
Sep 24 at 8:04pm
Hey All,
Apologies for being quiet over the past week, but I've been working on the game consistently, so I avoided all forums / postings. I took Thursday & Friday off work to work on the game and worked continuously for the past 5 days (4x18hr days Thurs-Sun and 7hrs tonight after I got home from work) to try to get some shape onto Episode 7.

At the end of Thursday, I concluded that some of the pre-party scenes were rushed / too short and ALL of party scenes I created were absolute shit and needed to be completely re-done (When I completed a playthrough, I didn't like the scenes / revenge plot or any of the script that I had written),

So that's when the panic set in. On a positive note, with the exception of one scene, I was happy with the renders / images.

The past few days have been the only time since I started the game that I did not enjoy the Dev process. And although I always feel a bit of self-imposed pressure, this is the first time that I had some actual panic.

So I had to make a lot of changes, move a lot of stuff around and the bottom line is that....

I WILL have a playable episode out by the end of this week. It will be average length compared to previous episodes (images/script) and I am now happy with the quality of it. However, it is pretty much ALL based on the build-up to the party, which means that most of the party will be in the next release. But you shouldn't have to wait as long (approx. 3 weeks) for the next release as it will be an extended version of Episode 7 (similar to the 6X version for Episode 6).


Episode 7 out this week (standard length). Episode 7X (completes the party) will be out in Mid October.

I committed to completing the ENTIRE party scene this month, but that's not going to happen, so.... for any $10/$5 patrons that paid for September, I'll ensure that you get Episode 7 this month AND Episode 7X next month, even if you reduce / delete your pledge at the end of this month.

Also: Although I have not yet reached my planned goal for hiring some help, I am going to go ahead and advertise/hire an additional member to the team, as I've learned this month that a one-man band is not enough to keep up with the required pace!

Apologies for not getting everything into this month, but it was just too much to cram in.
It is a very good thing he hasn't beaten himself into putting out a follow up update 2 weeks later like the last time.

Average sized monthly updates and more story for the player are all to the good and nothing to feel guilty about.

And he should really stop taking time off work for his game starting yesterday. That's crazy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2018
I couldn't agree more with all that is said. I am LITERALLY DIEING to play the new game, but not at the cost of Cheeky's health or sacrificing the quality of the game. That being said I also am in total agreement with you hiring on a will (probably) feel like more work in the beginning (babysitting) until you trust them enough to fly on their own, but long run will be totally worth it! That WILL make this easier. Make your build-up strong Cheeky. Stick to your guns & never be afraid to blow it all up and start over with an update like this.
I know you are afraid of losing funding but after people grouse about this, they will come back and understand.

Things will work out for the best!


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
It is a very good thing he hasn't beaten himself into putting out a follow up update 2 weeks later like the last time.

Average sized monthly updates and more story for the player are all to the good and nothing to feel guilty about.

And he should really stop taking time off work for his game starting yesterday. That's crazy.
Thanks. Taking time off, was just because of my own stubborn streak and not hitting particular milestones. But you're right. I won't be doing that again!


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Thanks for the comments folks. TBH I did feel under pressure, but genuinely not under pressure from any of the fans / patrons (nothing but support from them). Just my own stupid stubborn streak trying to hit a self-imposed deadline. And I know there are some Devs out there who have let the stress/pressures get to themselves so much, that it starts to hit their real lives (to the point where some DEVs have abandoned their game), so I want to stress that this will 100% not happen to me. Anyone who knows me would know that this just isn't part of my DNA, so have no fear. I just hate not hitting my own goals!!! I've been working on this game for 10 months now, and have only had four days that I didn't enjoy, so that's still a pretty good streak. And after I posted my Patreon post last night, I went back to the game for another couple of hours and I was back enjoying it, so grey clouds have cleared up already ;). I know how to put things in perspective. Some people have genuine stress / real-world problems in their life, so I know that spending two hours trying to get a decent render of a finger up a pussy (genuinely that's what I spent some of my time last night doing last night :p) isn't a real problem. But as soon as I started collecting money from people for this game, I took on an obligation to deliver,......or at least try my best,..... or at least post an excuse..... or maybe just fake a heart attack (that's Plan Z) :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2016
Your track record+you coming here often to interact with fans has earned you a lot of trust. I think that people will understand if you feel that you need a little bit more time to deliver all content that you have planned for the update. It will also allow you to polish things up as much as possible too.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Thanks for the comments folks. TBH I did feel under pressure, but genuinely not under pressure from any of the fans / patrons (nothing but support from them). Just my own stupid stubborn streak trying to hit a self-imposed deadline. And I know there are some Devs out there who have let the stress/pressures get to themselves so much, that it starts to hit their real lives (to the point where some DEVs have abandoned their game), so I want to stress that this will 100% not happen to me. Anyone who knows me would know that this just isn't part of my DNA, so have no fear. I just hate not hitting my own goals!!! I've been working on this game for 10 months now, and have only had four days that I didn't enjoy, so that's still a pretty good streak. And after I posted my Patreon post last night, I went back to the game for another couple of hours and I was back enjoying it, so grey clouds have cleared up already ;). I know how to put things in perspective. Some people have genuine stress / real-world problems in their life, so I know that spending two hours trying to get a decent render of a finger up a pussy (genuinely that's what I spent some of my time last night doing last night :p) isn't a real problem. But as soon as I started collecting money from people for this game, I took on an obligation to deliver,......or at least try my best,..... or at least post an excuse..... or maybe just fake a heart attack (that's Plan Z) :)
That's awesome...and maybe learn to use paragraphs next time, too...


Active Member
Aug 25, 2016
Cheeky, from personal experience, the moment you stop enjoying working on a project is when the core of the project suffers. And pulling those kind of hours make it much more likely for the blinders to come on and not realise you're burning hours on something that isn't working. Much better to be well-rested and approach the project with fresh eyes each day.

Once you're done with your next milestone/release, I'd suggest spending some time tweaking your workflow to something that makes it more manageable for you. Maybe using DAZ screenshots (instead of renders) and rough text to make a draft of the episode, and once you're happy with the flow, only then commit to rendering. While the renders are happening, you could polish the text and add a few extra dialog elements that don't require extra screens. That's how I'd do it (although since I haven't actually made a game on my own, my opinion isn't all that informed.)

Getting an extra person on board could alleviate the workload, but there's always time spent getting the new hire up to speed and making sure that communication is always clear, so don't expect to save much time initially. Hopefully it pays dividends down the road, though. Good luck with 7, and take care of yourself.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
]Also: Although I have not yet reached my planned goal for hiring some help, I am going to go ahead and advertise/hire an additional member to the team, as I've learned this month that a one-man band is not enough to keep up with the required pace!
Just a small suggestion that if there's a way you think is fair, you could also create a $20 tier. I think you have a good track record so people know you aren't just trying to milk the game and cash-in from patreon. Having a $20 tier would help you reach your goal to have the fund for additional help.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Just a small suggestion that if there's a way you think is fair, you could also create a $20 tier. I think you have a good track record so people know you aren't just trying to milk the game and cash-in from patreon. Having a $20 tier would help you reach your goal to have the fund for additional help.
Thanks. I plan on doing a re-jig of my tiers at some stage, but at the moment... with the time between episodes increasing, I don't want to add any extra tiers yet. I'd prefer to get some help on-board first, get a decent flow going that doesn't take all of my free time and then offer higher tiers. Otherwise I'd be charging extra without actually delivering anything extra.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Are you all salivating in anticipations? Would you like a dollop of more info?

Ep7 Dev Update
Patrons only
Sep 27 at 2:09pm
Script is done. Just need to add renders for the final scene. And one of the middle scenes needs a couple of more renders. Then it is onto full playthrough (for bugs / errors / typos / variable tracking ) and then add the stats screen (after I calculate the max points for each character).
Current count for this episode is over 2000 lines of code/dialog and 120 renders (with another 15-20 to add)

Current estimate for completion 48hrs....
4.40 star(s) 330 Votes