
May 12, 2017
It was never stated but kudos to them creating all sort of fake facts or arguments and twisting words to make her look good.
Apparently we should believe Bella when she says Elaine was a really nice and caring person before meeting dickface BUT we should not believe when she says elaine threw all his things out. We should also believe elaine version of what happened all those years BUT not believe the mc version(he confirmed she was a bitch right at the start of the game). Indeed we should believe everything she says as the ultimate truth.
Well it is stated that he moved to his dad when he was 11, but we don't know when the meals together stopped and when Elaine became distant (or a bitch, or whatever) to the MC. We do know that both happened around the same time.

As for dumping his belongings, Elaine pleaded guilty on their first meeting (ep 12), asking for forgiveness right away. She also phoned the MC about it before, after sending a mail (I suppose ep 4, but not sure on it)


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
It was never stated but kudos to them creating all sort of fake facts or arguments and twisting words to make her look good.
Apparently we should believe Bella when she says Elaine was a really nice and caring person before meeting dickface BUT we should not believe when she says elaine threw all his things out. We should also believe elaine version of what happened all those years BUT not believe the mc version(he confirmed she was a bitch right at the start of the game). Indeed we should believe everything she says as the ultimate truth.
Well my twelve was also a shot in the dark, but Dad did get MC reasonably soon after his mom died and he was not much more as max an early teen when that happened, based on some things said with Monica at carnival I even assumed slightly younger. That might be bad memory from my side though.

Also I might misremember but Elaine was either already in a relationship with dad when mom died or pretty soon after. She was around at the time of the Monica allegations the way she spoke of it not something she heard 5 years after and had a long relationship with the dad. Also with current age of MC it would not fit he was 16-18 when Elaine came into his life.

Like I said I am willing to believe that Elaine has reevaluated her life and some of her actions especially considering MC after reading the will. There are some hints for that if you take what fortune teller said as literal truth and a few more things, though there is also still not enough communication and trust between MC-Elaine. They are still rebuilding that and her behavior directly after dad died does not help with that, whether Bella told the truth bout his stuff or not. Now we do not know if someone egged her on.

It is also not impossible that Elaine is fully playing MC though and she is still a bitch for whatever reason and just playing Mc to fulfill her condition and did not convert after reading her conditions. Without knowing those conditions we also can not know whether the hints she gave about them to MC are false or not.

Now Bella and what Bella has said. Either we believe as some have interestingly made a case for that Bella may well be the number one suspect to be Dizzy and then we can not believe anything she says also not in defence or attack on Elaine, since she is working to get the whole inheritance and doing whatever it takes. Interesting enough that also means she should keep MC in contact with Monica and family. I can not really remember either Bella or Elaine doing that, besides Bella possibly bringing his stuff over nd we know Dizzy knows his condition. :p (Now I am somewhat suspicious maybe too many trails lead to Bella and she is a bit too obvious and do keep a few other options open for now, one that would really surprise and disappoint me and as such would make sense if devs want to be mean :))

Now if Bella would be Dizzy and as I suspect that Elaine, though she has no proof, might have a strong suspicion who Dizzy is, well that could lead to some interesting fireworks and drama, whether Elaine cares for MC or not and is only cucked by her younger sister. :p
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Oct 14, 2019
This is a who is gonna done it to the MC since they haven't done it yet but it is the same principal from a writing point of view like a detective Poirot novel.

Elaine did throw the MC out of the house before his dad was even cold in his grave. She also told him his stuff was going in the trash if he didn't pick it up so she threatened it. At the same time, apparently, there was plenty of spare room in the garage to store his stuff because that is what Bella did. Can't believe anything Elaine is saying or doing or her sister Bella either for that matter. Sister comes before stud dude every time unless both sisters are fighting over how (I swear I typed WHO, ha) is going to get the stud service.
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Devoted Member
Jun 26, 2018
We never said there'll only be one. We just said we don't see a realistic harem end (Harem meaning ALL women staying with MC knowing and happy to share him with ALL other women)
I suppose that if at the end there is an ending that includes all the LIs that interest me (I can't say how many there are now, but I think a few) I suppose I'll try the game again.


Active Member
May 28, 2018
The thing that some people keep overlooking with Elaine, and it's brought up in this update, is there was a time where she did mother him and love him like her own son.

She was good to him, they had family time and they started bonding well.

Then his dad stepped in and said it was a waste and made changes. She went along with it because she loved her man. I also see people saying she was abusive towards him, she wasn't. She ignored and avoided him because that's what she was told to do.

The only time we see her get short with the MC is about his stuff. She just lost the man she's been with for years, her future is uncertain and her life has been turned upside down. I think I can forgive a lapse in decency under the circumstances.

Also, we only have Bella's word she chose to bring his stuff. If she is the gold digger then for all we know Elaine could have asked her to take it over and Bella lied about it.

When the MC goes to visit Elaine and Bella is there, despite Bella saying she wants them to get along, she keeps throwing in snide remarks to remind the MC what she was like.

I give Elaine a pass because I personally haven't seen her doing anything dodgy apart from 1 photo that could have been tampered with. Several people have stated that Elaine being distant and ignorant of the MC was out of character and she was usually nice even the MC remembers the nice times they had together.

The e-mail sent to Monica was also sent to several of the MC's friends so if it was Elaine she was obviously trying to look out for him. She tried to make sure he would have somewhere to go. Even if you take the will conditions into account and her knowing there was no way to be certain Monica would take him in and he wouldn't go to one of his friends.

Ever since he found out about his conditions and having to cut Monica and her daughters from his life Elaine has tried everything to help him move out so she's obviously not setting him up there. She even looked disappointed he hadn't moved into the beach house.

There are far more plus points than minus points and I can't see her being the bad guy in all this.

End of weirdly long Elaine rant.
Ava...great synopsis and I totally agree. I would also point out that Elaine has stated several times that she would do everything she could to ensure the MC was financially taken care of and she is constantly pointing out that it is his house and asking him to move back in.
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Engaged Member
Apr 17, 2021
Ava...great synopsis and I totally agree. I would also point out that Elaine has stated several times that she would do everything she could to ensure the MC was financially taken care of and she is constantly pointing out that it is his house and asking him to move back in.
I'd need to replay to remind myself, but what is Elaine's exact phrasing of this sentiment? My recollection was that she said something closer to wanting to ensure that the MC 'got what he deserved', which is far more ambiguous as to intent.
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Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
I'd need to replay to remind myself, but what is Elaine's exact phrasing of this sentiment? My recollection was that she said something closer to wanting to ensure that the MC 'got what he deserved', which is far more ambiguous as to intent.
She said she'd always make sure he was taken care of and wouldn't leave him wanting.


Engaged Member
Apr 17, 2021
She said she'd always make sure he was taken care of and wouldn't leave him wanting.
'taken care of' can certainly be taken different ways. 'leave him wanting' is somewhat less ambiguous, but it isn't a stretch to think this might mean something other than financial terms.
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
'taken care of' can certainly be taken different ways. 'leave him wanting' is somewhat less ambiguous, but it isn't a stretch to think this might mean something other than financial terms.
And there is no reason to believe anything she says in the first place. What has she done to deserve the MC's trust? She has given the MC all the items she is required to by law - the beach house and the car were his inheritance. Sure she had the place and car cleaned. Other than that we know for a fact she has lied or hidden the truth from the MC about the email. On top of which she ignored him for years because her dear Don told her to, so why should the MC believe a thing she says?


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
And there is no reason to believe anything she says in the first place. What has she done to deserve the MC's trust? She has given the MC all the items she is required to by law - the beach house and the car were his inheritance. Sure she had the place and car cleaned. Other than that we know for a fact she has lied or hidden the truth from the MC about the email. On top of which she ignored him for years because her dear Don told her to, so why should the MC believe a thing she says?
Why would she need to offer him anything if she was such a bitch?

If she wanted to screw him over she'd do everything she could to keep him with Monica.

Regardless of anyones thoughts about the email it got him somewhere to stay whether it was at Monica's or one of his friends. Of which we don't know anything for a fact, the only thing we have is a photo, that has passed through the hands of 2 people that know their way around computers and 1 of which knows Bella so would surely also know Elaine, which shows Elaine was there.

Now, considering Jolina would know Elaine ..... why did she not say that Elaine was there that day using the computers because she'd know.
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Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
Why would she need to offer him anything if she was such a bitch?

If she wanted to screw him over she'd do everything she could to keep him with Monica.

Regardless of anyones thoughts about the email it got him somewhere to stay whether it was at Monica's or one of his friends. Of which we don't know anything for a fact, the only thing we have is a photo, that has passed through the hands of 2 people that know their way around computers and 1 of which knows Bella so would surely also know Elaine, which shows Elaine was there.

Now, considering Jolina would know Elaine ..... why did she not say that Elaine was there that day using the computers because she'd know.
Because Elaine wants the house. Everything she does can be motivated by her desire to have the house. Why change her entire demeanor towards the MC? The house. Why offer the MC anything? The house.

She already screwed him over by getting him in contact with Monica and the girls, if not for that email he wouldn't have contacted them. Which would have made it easy for him to comply with the will conditions. Perhaps she did that as a "last wish" for Don? Or maybe she knows all of the will conditions and is manipulating him.

I don't see Jenna as someone who would intentionally screw over the MC unless she made a deal with Jolina, which seems unlikely. Then, if she didn't make such a deal, she should have been able to tell the MC if the photo was messed with...

As for trusting Jolina to tell the MC, I don't trust Jolina but that distrust doesn't automatically make Elaine trustworthy.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Why change her entire demeanor towards the MC?
She hasn't, that's the thing.

She's back to how she was before Donald put his foot down. This is how Elaine usually is. Both Bella and the MC himself have said how she was before his dad set his rules.

The only thing that changed is she dropped the act she was forced to live.

You keep painting as some cold heartless bitch except she never was. Her only screw up is listening to the man she loved and people can keep bringing up the money but she did everything to keep their relationship going above and beyond it being about money.

By all means hold a grudge but at the end of the day she was in that relationship for Donald not the MC. She wanted to be his mother but she isn't and she had no say in how things were. She's old fashioned, she did as she was told and Donald didn't budge when she tried to change his mind.

She was told not to bond with him and mother him so she didn't. That is all she's guilty of.

The MC has been sneaking around planting spyware on her PC and in some cases putting on a whole act to get close to try and cheat her out of her inheritance. Neither of them are innocent really.

Elaine was guilty of ignoring him and that's something she's trying very hard to make up for. Whether you let her or not is up to you, i'm not trying to change your mind but you seem to be pushing the narrative that she's a complete mega bitch when she never has been.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
She hasn't, that's the thing.

She's back to how she was before Donald put his foot down. This is how Elaine usually is. Both Bella and the MC himself have said how she was before his dad set his rules.

The only thing that changed is she dropped the act she was forced to live.

You keep painting as some cold heartless bitch except she never was. Her only screw up is listening to the man she loved and people can keep bringing up the money but she did everything to keep their relationship going above and beyond it being about money.

By all means hold a grudge but at the end of the day she was in that relationship for Donald not the MC. She wanted to be his mother but she isn't and she had no say in how things were. She's old fashioned, she did as she was told and Donald didn't budge when she tried to change his mind.

She was told not to bond with him and mother him so she didn't. That is all she's guilty of.

The MC has been sneaking around planting spyware on her PC and in some cases putting on a whole act to get close to try and cheat her out of her inheritance. Neither of them are innocent really.

Elaine was guilty of ignoring him and that's something she's trying very hard to make up for. Whether you let her or not is up to you, i'm not trying to change your mind but you seem to be pushing the narrative that she's a complete mega bitch when she never has been.
I don't see any reason to believe anything she or Bella says about how she acted before Don. She wasn't around Don 24/7 365, she could have forged a relationship with the MC behind Don's back if she actually wanted to be the MC's "Mom". Instead she did exactly as Donald wanted her to and ignored a kid who had an asshole for a dad.

And your whole "she was in the relationship for the dad not the MC" doesn't make it less terrible of a thing to do to another human being, especially a child. She lived in the same house as the MC and didn't do a thing for him after the dad ordered her to ignore the MC. What kind of spineless person does that? I don't care if it was "love" or not. That's just a shitty thing to do to another person who has done nothing wrong to you.

There is NO reason to believe her. Whatsoever. She changed her entire demeanor and behavior for Don, why wouldn't she be able to do the same when she is trying to get the house? She really wants the house so it is about money to some extent. She threw the MC out of the house, planned to throw the MC's belongings out of the house, and only changed her demeanor after the will reading.

How is completely ignoring a kid she lived with for years, throwing them out of their own house, and then threatening to throw their possessions away not a mega-bitch thing to do?

If the MC hadn't been thrown out of the house AND Elaine hadn't sent that email then he would have no issue fulfilling his will conditions.

I don't believe any of the people in the game who aren't around the same age as the MC. It's a very short list of people. There's no way that Elaine is being 100% truthful in her dealings with the MC.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
This actually does help me a lot as I have been looking in to the names of the characters and variations and same goes for the name and variations of Dizzy/Dizziness. Viper and Belladonna we are both talking about poisons and venoms, And I did check on the symptoms just now which does make sense as it tells us Dizzy by Name but not by nature, which could mean that while we know the effects of the plants and such but by nature in itself it is not itself an issue just the symptoms it causes. So yeah that does bring more suspicion to Bella, thanks you got me something I was searching for a while.

This part I can understand where it comes from but it is a bit far fetched, see it would mean that both Cheeky and Ace are shooting themselves in the foot however by their writing if Cheekygimp would say it is one it would confirm Bella, if he says one or two it could mean either one or 2 that is up to us to find out, Ace points out with everything everyone has some are on the right track but he does not point which camp has all the deets, so with that being said that is not the case. However even IF it is two people being deceitful does not mean that those 2 are working together. Jolina is not trying to take anyone away from their families, on the contrary if you put it all together, you will notice that Jolina actually has interest for Jenna from the get go and her interest there would go in direct conflict of wanting to separate the MC from the family. Also remember Jolina does not know the family at all they all met by coincidence. Jenna is the cause of meeting Jolina, Jolina is the cause of meeting Theresa. For that planning to make it a guaranteed meeting happening as part of their plan would require Bella knowing Jenna to be a super computer tech savvy person, Bella does know absolutely nothing about Monica and her family other then who they are and what they possibly mean to the MC.

Jolina her "deceitful" part is the fact she is Bisexual and might be in a relationship with another woman or was while she was getting with the MC, that woman being Bella but taking out that factor it would mean she was in a possible relationship already before being with the MC and is now attached to the MC and actually have feelings for him that she wants something serious with them. The other thing like I said is that Bella finding out about all the situations through either confining or heard it from Jolina herself is now using Bella to further her gain. The MC has money right now, he is not rich or a millionaire by any definition but he has money. He offered her twice financial aid and a place to stay and Jolina declined both of em, Jolina is willing to go through humiliation of working and using her body for money and tips over accepting money from the MC. She is having a mental break down because her business is failing. Someone in her position who would be working for a Viper/GD and is trying to make with the money would have accepted a long ago and would have done a lot more. Jolina works on emotions and pride. She refuses help from others because she wants to not be in debt with anyone and will accept the bare minimum, and she works on emotions as she is currently vulnerable, She is stressed about her business, she is stressed of the betrayal and loss of control she feels about being hacked and spied on by Jenna and MC people she let in and trusted. Getting where I am going with this ? Jolina is not in the right state of mind to plan ANYTHING, she cannot even plan a proper fix for her own situation. However if she is in a relationship or had a friendship with Bella she has no reason to not trust Bella's judgement on certain things and if the request seems innocent enough she would not mind helping out. Does not mean she is working with anyone. She is more likely being used, As I said a victim of circumstance.
Except for the problem that Jolina in the coffee shop when talking about Dogboy and the MC says to her: "Ex-boyfriend?" . Jolina spouts: God no I don't do men, well uh I mean I don't do boyfriends. I think that she doesn't do men and the deception is that she is only doing things with the MC because she wants Bella to get the money from the will.

Jolina knows everything that is going on and is part of the plan but Bella is the one doing all the planning. Of course Jolina does have one plan she is helping Bella get the money and because those two are together Bella will help Jolina out of her financial situation. Those two are a couple and after Bella gets the money they will both be living the high life.

The only reason Jolina is coming on to the MC is because that is part of Bella's plan to seduce the MC. And she wants to have sex with Jenna because she is a lesbian and likes women and Jenna is beautiful. Jolina could even turn Jenna against the MC. Wouldn't be the first time a girl turned a straight girl into a lesbian.
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Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
So seems most people are saying Jolina, Bella, and Monica for the third person in the will.
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