
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
if we take away Elaine's feelings of guilt towards MC and her desire (sincere or not) to rebuild a healthy relationship with him (sentimental or not), I think she has very little left. she would become the parody of the sexually repressed milf....

if MC is very hard on her, she never doubts the reasons of his anger, she hopes he will one day forgive her. but in the same way even choosing the opposite options it is always MC who forgives her, the past is never erased, at the most the guilt is partly shifted towards her father, but Elaine never completely exonerates herself

but then heck there really is a path of guilt....

if it was all a misunderstanding, an overreaction of Mc, if we remove this premise, what is the meaning of the story we are living? why Elaine would have been so uncomfortable with the presence of Mc to have to kick him out of her house the day after the funeral of his father? why should she get involved with lawyers to make sure that both have something?

the past is not in question, what is in question is the truthfulness of their present relationship, which is deliberately kept doubtful, with more shadows than lights
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
I've already done this dance with you and you know my theory. I don't think she will end up being the villian in this story. I've said I could be wrong, but that's the way I'm leaning. As far as ignoring and avoiding equaling abuse sorry that's going way to far. Most teenagers are not trying to spend any time with their family anyway. He was fed and looked after not tied up in the basement and beaten. I wouldn't even go as far as to call it neglect. It certainly wouldn't meet the legal standard for charging them with neglect. He wasn't loved by her, but she wasn't his mother so not really a crime. You can say mistreated to a point, and I'm certainly not pretending she was a saint. She was not good to him that doesn't make her a demon.
Sorry, I am afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. The kind of neglect Elaine and the dad heaped on MC is most assuredly also emotional abuse and can in the long run lead to severe mental problems and abusive relationships, though MC might have the luck that his more early youth having been in a more stable loving situation with his mom will protect him from that. Fact it happened soon after losing his mom, will not have helped though.

Thing is long term emotional abuse is every bit as damaging to a person as physical or sexual abuse, just even harder to proof and see. It is not for nothing that by now things like coercive control and similar abusive patterns are accepted as full on abuse when they happen between a man and a woman in a relation and is even accepted as ground for jail sentences or if the abused one gets violent not to send them to jail. Now if that is the case for grown men and women in an emotionally abusive relationship, do you think it will be any better for a kid or young teen?


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Guys, can we stop going around and around with this? It's been what, 120 pages now? :)

We feel differently about it and that is all good but seriously, this is getting a little silly....

See what you people have done! Making me be the voice of reason.......IT'S NOT A GOOD LOOK ON ME!!!


New Member
Apr 15, 2021
Victims often (not always) victimise out of self-preservation or trauma, deliberately or not, until a change occurs. But every situation is also unique, fictional or not.

There has never been a drama, mystery, thriller, soap-opera, comedy or tragedy that didn't involve someone as a victim, and an antagonist or situation to stir the plot.

Whether the characters actions make sense in our own perceptions and experiences don't really matter to the story told. But we do bring those forward when you get choices on whether you play the game and in the MC responses.

After all... it's effective writing/scripting if it actually impacts on the audience enough to create uproar and emotional connection, right?


May 12, 2017
After all... it's effective writing/scripting if it actually impacts on the audience enough to create uproar and emotional connection, right?
That's the problem!!!!! I was looking for a PORN game with good renders and a decent story, now i almost care more about the story then the lewd parts.

Something it's not right, it's not acceptable to feel guily in ditching a character to prevent harm to another one, not in a porn game :LOL:
Dec 29, 2018
That's the problem you and a few others have, you take everything the MC has said to be gospel and ignored everything else the game has told you.
You're projecting harder than an IMAX theatre here. I didn't ignore anyone. I listened to everyone and weighed out all the possibilities. You on the other hand, have been reaching further than Stretch Armstrong ever could to try and make excuses for Elaine. You've made up an entire fantasy about Elaine being a doting mother for years, all because they used to eat together at a dinner table for an unspecified amount of time a long time ago.

You also like to claim that Elaine fought for years on behalf of the main character, because the father's recorded will said that Elaine used to complain about his treatment of the kid before she fell in line and did what she was told. That is a rather generous interpretation of events. I'd say that her complaining about their treatment of the kid means that she complained about the treatment of the kid. I'm not going to take that to meant that she was fighting on his behalf for years, because fighting isn't the same as complaining, and we weren't told how long it went on for. What I will say, is that it shows that Elaine knew that what they were doing to this kid was wrong the whole time, but she still went along with it. Which isn't exactly a good look for her, is it?

You also like to insist that Elaine was only ever guilty of ignoring him and not actually being mean to him (because being cold to a twelve year old boy who just lost his mother and was forbidden to ever see the loving family who help raise him is totally not mean at all), and that the kid was not a kid, even though Elaine specifically says "You were just a kid and I wasn't nice to you at all, so no wonder you grew up hating me. And I let it happen. It made it easier for me to be mean to you and to ignore you if I let you hate me."

Absolute best case scenario for Elaine is that she was suffering something similar to battered wife syndrome, which was the result of the years she spent with Don before his ex-wife died. The worst case scenario is that she was a gold digger who felt guilty enough about her treatment of a kid to complain about it for a while, but not enough to actually do anything to counteract it. There's no talk about her secretly being nice to the kid when the father was away, or anything of that sort. So for the foreseeable future, I'm still going to suspect her of being a gold digger who had to change her plans after she found out that she wasn't guaranteed the house that she threw the kid out of after his father died.

Elaine made the father promise her the house while he was sick, then she kicks out the kid immediately after his death. We then saw that the cold and cruel father actually suspected Elaine would do just that, so he left his son the beach house and $100,000 just to make sure that he wasn't out on the streets. Only after Elaine learns that her ownership of the house is temporary (unless the will conditions are met) does she have a change of heart. And what a change it is.

Elaine: Please don't think you can come back if you are having trouble finding somewhere. I want to be very clear. This is no longer your home and you are not welcome here. Please let me know your new address ASAP and I'll ship the rest of you stuff. I don't want it in my house. If I don't hear from you in three days, I'll assume you don't want it and it will go in the trash.

That was before the will. But shortly after the reading, it's a complete flip. She's showering the main character with affection and begging him to move in with her and going on and on about how she misses having a man around to dote over. She talks about how she wishes that they could've been like a family before and she wants them to be like one now. And then, after several days of that, she asks him to promise to give her the house if he ends up in possession of it.

And that's why I'm more than a little skeptical when it comes to Elaine. Because it's the logical thing to do.
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Aug 11, 2016
Just finished this and I seem to be missing about 70 points on Debbie and 80 points on Lily. Are there Debbie-only and Lily-only scenes in Chapter 20? I did the foursome in Chapter 19 so I'm not sure where I missed so many points with them. Katie is also missing about 60 points.


Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
Just finished this and I seem to be missing about 70 points on Debbie and 80 points on Lily. Are there Debbie-only and Lily-only scenes in Chapter 20? I did the foursome in Chapter 19 so I'm not sure where I missed so many points with them. Katie is also missing about 60 points.
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Active Member
Dec 22, 2019
Elaine made the father promise her the house while he was sick, then she kicks out the kid immediately after his death. We then saw that the cold and cruel father actually suspected Elaine would do just that, so he left his son the beach house and $100,000 just to make sure that he wasn't out on the streets. Only after Elaine learns that her ownership of the house is temporary (unless the will conditions are met) does she have a change of heart. And what a change it is.

Elaine: Please don't think you can come back if you are having trouble finding somewhere. I want to be very clear. This is no longer your home and you are not welcome here. Please let me know your new address ASAP and I'll ship the rest of you stuff. I don't want it in my house. If I don't hear from you in three days, I'll assume you don't want it and it will go in the trash.

That was before the will. But shortly after the reading, it's a complete flip. She's showering the main character with affection and begging him to move in with her and going on and on about how she misses having a man around to dote over. She talks about how she wishes that they could've been like a family before and she wants them to be like one now. And then, after several days of that, she asks him to promise to give her the house if he ends up in possession of it.

And that's why I'm more than a little skeptical when it comes to Elaine. Because it's the logical thing to do.
Also if you include Donald's words about him "hoping Elaine let's you stay in the house", then I think it's starting to all come together.

Seems clear that the Dad might be an asshole but he still wants the best for his son and in his twisted way, its for him to grow a spine and be able to take care of himself, hence the will conditions.

From this, we can assess what Donald knows:

Monica is a mother figure and has loved the MC like a son before so he knows as soon as he dies MC will end up depending on her, the will condition is his attempt to mitigate it.

Elaine will likely kick MC out of the house as soon as he dies, and from his words, we know Donald still wants MC in the house, so from this, we can assume his way to mitigate this is to have a will condition for Elaine.

Also, if supposedly Elaine was also a "mother figure" to MC before, why did Donald not add her into MC condition if he thinks she will go back to her motherly ways after his death and dote on the MC?
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Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
Donald himself said in the tape the 3 people in the will are the only ones he gave a damn about. But ultimately I think his interest in his son is mostly dictated by him wanting to leave a "legacy". Hence why the MC was never good enough.


Resident Lesbian
Aug 22, 2018
Also, if supposedly Elaine was also a "mother figure" to MC before, why did Donald not add her into MC condition if he thinks she will go back to her motherly ways after his death and dote on the MC?
That's because he thinks he's driven enough of a wedge there.

Besides that he has a grudge against Monica. Donald has a massive ego and if you read between the lines in places he tried it on with Monica at some point. If she's to be believed and I don't see any reason not to believe her, she turned him down because his wife was her best friend, that would have pissed him off so he's punishing her as much as he's punishing the MC.

He refused to let her see the MC when he took him from her and kept her away from him for years.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
Donald himself said in the tape the 3 people in the will are the only ones he gave a damn about. But ultimately I think his interest in his son is mostly dictated by him wanting to leave a "legacy". Hence why the MC was never good enough.
Yeah, that is why I would not be surprised if Dizzy's condition would also include something like having a kid from MC or even worse get married and stay married to MC and take care of him financially. :p Dizzy seems exactly the kind of person I can see dad believing could raise a grandson in his image and considering how hard he tried to form MC in his image, somehow I have problems imagining dad as someone that would give his whole inheritance to someone not off his blood.

Also in defense of the dad (I still consider him to be a conniving, manipulative and coercive bastard to make sure nobody gets the wrong idea :p) and even if MC might consider it a bit scarce considering his total fortune, I suspect millions of 20-22 yo would jump with joy for the chance to start their adult life with the title to a beach house that can be used as a fully functioning house, a good car and USD 100.000. It fits with dad's behavior overall in taking care of MC's minimal physical needs and even a bit more, but no regards whatsoever to his emotional needs.

He does give his son a chance and enough to be able to walk away if he wishes so, with a nice seed even though mainly just enough to get a good start and have a reasonable chance to build a good life for himself if he works hard. Not enough to guarantee it.

From MC's side well he has a choice, take what his father offered and walk away and live his own life with a decent start or following the conditions and have it all or at least most of it at the price required.

My overall suspicion considering the will is that dad has at least partly been lying to MC and his main goal was not to man him up, though that may be a secondary goal, but that the three conditions likely work together to right a wrong that dad felt was done to him in the past and that he might also blame for MC being to soft for his liking. Dad as portrayed I can easily see holding a grudge forever, just wondering why he did not use his fortune to get that revenge when he was alive or right that wrong. Well maybe we will find out if my suspicion or wild speculation as it may well be pans out.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
That's because he thinks he's driven enough of a wedge there.

Besides that he has a grudge against Monica. Donald has a massive ego and if you read between the lines in places he tried it on with Monica at some point. If she's to be believed and I don't see any reason not to believe her, she turned him down because his wife was her best friend, that would have pissed him off so he's punishing her as much as he's punishing the MC.

He refused to let her see the MC when he took him from her and kept her away from him for years.
I suspect Dad has an even bigger beef with Monica and might even not be completely wrong from his pov. Something likely did happen in past, just if looking at it from Monica's or Mom's side it may be completely different. Now this is just pure speculation from my side, but what if Monica tried a sting on dad to show Mom he was a cheating bastard or to make him back of in custody case or pay up the alimony, that was partly successful?

Well I can see both Elaine and Monica not wanting to talk about that to MC, while both would have a completely different view about what happened at that time from their perspective.

Now likely it will be something completely different, that it will include and concentrate more on both the mom and MC though and is more as just a failed tryst I am pretty sure.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2019
Yeah, that is why I would not be surprised if Dizzy's condition would also include something like having a kid from MC or even worse get married and stay married to MC and take care of him financially. :p Dizzy seems exactly the kind of person I can see dad believing could raise a grandson in his image and considering how hard he tried to form MC in his image, somehow I have problems imagining dad as someone that would give his whole inheritance to someone not off his blood.
I've said this quite a while back, thinking about the dads motivation in all this. He isn't just doing it for shits and giggles. The only thing that fits with what clues have been strewn throughout the game is him wanting a "worthy heir" to his legacy.
Why did he get another "lover" (*cough* breedable womb *cough*) after Elaine? Because she is a "barren bitch" who wouldn't give him a child!
The MC was spoiled in his eyes but given his infertility he is the only way to continue his legacy. So he's trying to force us to keep away from people he's likely to end up with Monica and more important her daughters while. But still giving us some means to "date" someone (nice car, beach house).
Then force Elaine to break with the MC to force him out of the house where his chosen "broodmare" would have trouble to make a move on him.
And finally force the third recipient who he had chosen previously to carry his heir to get pregnant from his son and raise the child to a certain "standard", whatever that may be. Who that is isn't certain but I'm leaning heavily towards Bella.

I suspect Dad has an even bigger beef with Monica and might even not be completely wrong from his pov. Something likely did happen in past, just if looking at it from Monica's or Mom's side it may be completely different. Now this is just pure speculation from my side, but what if Monica tried a sting on dad to show Mom he was a cheating bastard or to make him back of in custody case or pay up the alimony, that was partly successful?
The thing is I see no reason to doubt Monica's side of story? This was years back so it's unlikely her business was in financial trouble at the time. The only reason I could feasibly imagine would be that she actually had something going on with the dad and then for some reason that broke down. But she really doesn't strike me as that kind of woman through all this. She would have easily found someone else as a partner in all the time since then.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I've said this quite a while back, thinking about the dads motivation in all this. He isn't just doing it for shits and giggles. The only thing that fits with what clues have been strewn throughout the game is him wanting a "worthy heir" to his legacy.
Why did he get another "lover" (*cough* breedable womb *cough*) after Elaine? Because she is a "barren bitch" who wouldn't give him a child!
The MC was spoiled in his eyes but given his infertility he is the only way to continue his legacy. So he's trying to force us to keep away from people he's likely to end up with Monica and more important her daughters while. But still giving us some means to "date" someone (nice car, beach house).
Then force Elaine to break with the MC to force him out of the house where his chosen "broodmare" would have trouble to make a move on him.
And finally force the third recipient who he had chosen previously to carry his heir to get pregnant from his son and raise the child to a certain "standard", whatever that may be. Who that is isn't certain but I'm leaning heavily towards Bella.

The thing is I see no reason to doubt Monica's side of story? This was years back so it's unlikely her business was in financial trouble at the time. The only reason I could feasibly imagine would be that she actually had something going on with the dad and then for some reason that broke down. But she really doesn't strike me as that kind of woman through all this. She would have easily found someone else as a partner in all the time since then.
What if Monica’s business was started with money from the asshole?

I don’t believe that but I do feel like Monica knows more than she is willing to admit... But then I’m so paranoid I won’t open the pod bay doors no matter who asks.
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Aug 4, 2017
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, so I'd expect a progression towards the "ultimate 4 way", which presumably would be one of the last major sex scenes in the game. Not much you can do to top that once it happens, unless they really do go for a harem ending.
Would it still be a harem if the girls have no idea that they are in the harem and are all pregnant at the same time? Damn, will they kick our MC out of their lives once they find out what happened or are so hopelessly in love with the baby daddy that they learn to co-exist with one another?
Only Cheeky can tell ::p
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Developer of "The Call of Darkness"
Game Developer
Oct 15, 2018
What if Monica’s business was started with money from the asshole?

I don’t believe that but I do feel like Monica knows more than she is willing to admit... But then I’m so paranoid I won’t open the pod bay doors no matter who asks.
I'm starting to wonder if all the conspiracy stuff Cheeky and I have strewn about hasn't made everyone a bit paranoid. :D


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
I'm starting to wonder if all the conspiracy stuff Cheeky and I have strewn about hasn't made everyone a bit paranoid. :D
that's whatcha get.gif

I mean, seriously, after the length we've been waiting for all this information and to have the game near to ending... We are gonna conspire on some theories like you won't believe!
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