Feb 2, 2024
Elaine's is a disproportionate demand on a boy who has little financial certainty, a house has an important value is not something one normally gives out of a good heart. But her request is precise, she doesn't just want to live there, and in retrospect she repays Mc for his gift. She will be 40-45 years old, leaving her the house until she dies is still quite a commitment...
That's the thing, who gets the house when she dies?
Whose dumb enough to give it away to charity?
Maybe she could leave it to Bella?
That's anorher thing, she could do that if she wasn't trying to get rid of her first.
Well any decision is better then charity.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
That's the thing, who gets the house when she dies?
Whose dumb enough to give it away to charity?
Maybe she could leave it to Bella?
That's anorher thing, she could do that if she wasn't trying to get rid of her first.
Well any decision is better then charity.
If you decide to give it to Elaine it will go to whoever she decides. And if you don't make a will it will go to the next of kin
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Feb 2, 2024
If you decide to give it to Elaine it will go to whoever she decides. And if you don't make a will it will go to the next of kin
That's another thing that wasn't mentioned in the will.
If he keeps the house but still sees the other girls after he signs,
does he still keep the house or does he loose it along with the inheritance.
The house is probably worth more then half a million.
If he gets to keep it, he could sell it and earn more income little by little.
It's not 15 million but it's a start and still see the girls,
That's better then waiting 10 years to see them again.


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
That's another thing that wasn't mentioned in the will.
If he keeps the house but still sees the other girls after he signs,
does he still keep the house or does he loose it along with the inheritance.
The house is probably worth more then half a million.
If he gets to keep it, he could sell it and earn more income little by little.
It's not 15 million but it's a start and still see the girls,
That's better then waiting 10 years to see them again.
It seems to me that it has been made clear that the house, regardless of mc's behaviour, will belong to him. But the value is still amply repaid by Elaine's share, of course mc has to trust her a lot to accept this deal, and when Elaine asks him, mc has little reason to accept


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
That's another thing that wasn't mentioned in the will.
If he keeps the house but still sees the other girls after he signs,
does he still keep the house or does he loose it along with the inheritance.
You're getting confused on what the conditions are. Whether the MC keeps the house or not is not relevent to the rest of his conditions.

READ things slowly and comprehend what you are reading.

As I'm nice (for once muhahaha) and have 5 mins I'll explain. There is a will. The will has been settled, MC got a car, 100k and the beach house. That's it. That was his inheritance. That is done, dusted, and finalised. Finito.

There is the house. This is a time-limited decision (perfectly legal btw) as to what he does with it.

There is a trust fund. This constitues an entirely sperate entity and does not form part of any inheritance (it is part of his fathers will). Again, this is not inheritance, it is a legally set up trust fund with conditions in order to be able to get 'extra'.

Three different things here, while all constituting part of his fathers 'will' are all very different to the recipients and is not and does not form part of any inheritance. That has been dealt with and finalised.

If you want to meta-game, give the house to Elaine, allow Jolene to stay at the beach house. Anything else is irrelevant. If you let Elaine keep the house, she gives you her share of the cash (for meeting her trust conditions). If you allow Joline to stay at the beach house, because she is clever, she actually meets Bella's terms of conditions for the money (because the ole man worded it very cleverly) and she gives you her share of the cash. If you want to continue seeing Katie/Jenna/Monica, you lose your third, which gets split between Elaine and Jolene....which they are giving to you hehehe. So you end up with it all! ;)

What happens to Eleine's house is none of your fucking concern, it's not yours. She can leave it it to whoever the hell she likes. What do you care anyway...you have the beach house and 15 million ;)

As for why give it to charity? Have you even read anything? Because he an asshole and wants to fuck with them even after he's dead.
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Feb 2, 2024
Who let Bella in?
I thought those Police beach house security were more proffetional.
They let anybody in even in a Thunderstorm.
A little warning from them would have helped, well not really.
Now time to make more difficult decisions.
Feb 2, 2024
Bella is starting to sound like the third cougar in question, what are the odds?
All this sounds so familiar where money is concerned, like an old TV episode.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2024
Am I the only one who feels they need to do something about Bellas hair. Looks like a brick landed on her head.


Post Pro
Sep 3, 2022
Where the Heart Is [Season 1 Beta] [CheekyGimp]


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