
Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
Like others I was a bit disappointed that there was going to be a Remake first instead of the next Episode

But I have to say it was worth it after all. I haven't played the first episodes in years and doing that again with the Remake was fun. The characters look much better and it just feels more polished.

Looking forward to the rest. This game remains one of my favourites and the dev has never disappointed

Top Tier girls (main and side. Love how much focus the side girls get in this game. Makes them more memorable) and a fun goofy Main story too.


Mar 8, 2024
I've always loved how well this story breaks down the basic foibles of human nature. Greed, Avarice, Lust, Envy. Just to name a few. The author, the protagonist and damn near every character in the story agree that MC's father was a mean spirited, conniving, manipulative, hard hearted, spiteful old man. Yet, two sisters, Elaine and Bella, were fucking him and, now that he's dead, they both want to fuck MC. I left out an important trait in the human foibles list; naivete. In what universe would anyone in their "right" mind touch either one of those skanks with a ten foot pole
I definitely agree about Cheeky's talent in adding to his already interesting story that everlasting aspect, so-called seven sins. That never gets old. As for the LIs, I guess there's quite a few naive weirdos here with "wrong" mind who not only willingly choose the red sis duo, but even prefer romancing these hotties before other girls. After all, the fact someone slept with basic "evil old man with load of moolah" doesn't mean they only did it for money. And doesn't mean that spiteful old man (everyone agrees about that, right?) was only a "demon" with completely black heart, not like all the other humans who's always a grey mix between white and black.
especially, with Katie, Debbie and Lily wrapping themselves up as a package deal? Oh! and don't even get me started on Jolina! That fat cow isn't even good lookin'! Jenna is sweet and hot. Monica and the chocolate neighbor are mangnificent MILFs. I hated to let them go. I liked the receptionist. The model is as blonde as blonde gets. Both are just side piece distractions.
I would agree about Katie, Debbie, Lily, Jenna, Monica, Zarah, but your "fat cow" and "isn't even good looking" about Jolina is mildly put... highly subjective :ROFLMAO: Either it's extreme exaggeration or something else, but yeah, her body and face is close to perfect for me. And definitely disagree about Wanda and Angel, even if they were considered "side LIs" by default start of WTHI years back, both of them completely left status of "distractions" long ago and warmed a lot of hearts throughout course of the story, even became someone's favs. So i'm sure we will get the ending with each one, even if the overall content might be less than with main LIs.
Well, It has been a short game for me overall. I have 3 solo saves. Wanda, Debbie and Zarah. So, it's nothin new for me. lol
That is pretty sad to me (Zarah is a marvelous certified milf but no Momica at all? And no Elaine? REALLY? And no Lily + Katie for the mix with Debbie? No Jenna? omg), especially as completionist :Kappa:Interesting choices of LIs tho for sure. There is some pattern here in that all three have some similarities in personality/backstory, but at the same time so different in other aspects.
I always wished Zarah had more content. I might try for a Zarah ending in the rewrite. Her character seemed a little more full in the rewrite and I was even starting to wonder if there might be a Monica/Zarah ending... Wouldn't that be nice for all us MILF lovers!
Yeah, but her personality seemed less abrasive and more playful in the rewrite AND she is waaaaaaaay hotter! She's actually pretty and I always have a thing for milk chocolate complexions.
I'm almost sure there will be both romance ending with our sweetie-n-hottie chocolate Zarah and sandwich option with Mon, considering all the changes we see for her in remaster.
I honestly never gave Zarah a chance didn't like her the moment she was shown on the screen with how she got mad if the MC doesn't show her his dick. and her model before the rework made me want to stay away even more.
Maybe so at first in original she could leave that "too forward cougar" impression, but NOW? You just can't ignore that walking choco sex bomb, and her personality and backstory definitely got even better.
She's amazin. She has zero confidence and is kind of amazed that you would even choose her. She constantly needs affirmation. But all in all, she's awesome.

Her character went to shit due to side-bustin from a patron vote years ago. Which pissed me off. But hey, even my single vote at the time, couldn't stop it.
Yep, that's one of the main reasons (beside DAT ass :ROFLMAO: ) i choose romancing Zarah (as much as that was possible) in original, default zero confidence, constant affirmation that she's sexy af, and deep clingy connection that this creates with MC. Pretty unique. And i liked the touching backstory we learn later in the game. But i honestly don't really remember that story with patreon vote and how that affected her character.


Devoted Member
Jul 25, 2017
Maybe so at first in original she could leave that "too forward cougar" impression, but NOW? You just can't ignore that walking choco sex bomb, and her personality and backstory definitely got even better.
wouldn't know im waiting till either the rework is 100% done or episode 25 to replay this game. But from one screenshot ive seen of her from what I can recall she is okay still not my cup of tea look wise. I doubt the change in her writing / character will make me like her but I am willing to try her path out now that she doesn't send me running for the hills.
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Mar 8, 2024
wouldn't know im waiting till either the rework is 100% done or episode 25 to replay this game. But from one screenshot ive seen of her from what I can recall she is okay still not my cup of tea look wise. I doubt the change in her writing / character will make me like her but I am willing to try her path out now that she doesn't send me running for the hills.
You're lucky to have that patience, i couldn't wait after seeing few first screenshots of the remaster. I've been following this story for so long after all, and those new G8 girls are just too tempting to wait for Ep 25 :ROFLMAO: I personally love to look for all the little changes in new script, how characters and backstories change, points etc Well, hopefully new and improved Zarah and her story will grow on you and change your initial opinion of her. This character arguably needed remaster the most, and she's got exactly that and i hope for much more in the following reworked episodes.


Mar 4, 2019
I am pretty bummed that the girl caught on camera turned out to be who it was. I was hoping for a more dramatic twist, like Monica, Jenna and Katie were trying to each 'seduce' you to finally rid you of the money so they could keep it (as per some will conditions we had not heard of).

Imagine, Monica tells her daughters that there is loads of money in play and they have to do anything to seduce MC and make him pick any of them instead of the money... ultimately making them win the money, Katie could have got her friends in on it.

It would have been heart breaking, but by far better story wise in my opinion.

You innocently would choose to be with one of your love interests (Monica, Katie or Jenna, or a combination of them with maybe others) and you loose the money (because love is more important than money, right?) and later you find they were only with you for the money and they get it all and you get nothing... and of course they never really loved you all along. At some point even one of the girls (Katie, Debbie or Lily) even said something like they were good at pretending (or something like that if I remember correctly) that could have hinted in this direction (maybe I got the idea from that!).

Only if you had chosen Angel (although Angel works for Monica so...), Wanda, Jolina or Debbie or Lily (without Katie or Jenna) you could have ended up with the money! (Zarah or whatever her name is could be on it too as she is Monicas business partner).

I will have to rewrite my parallel version based on this (with CheekyGimp's permsision of course) and I would have to learn how the hell to create a Renpy game as well (Python and Daz ?), so no one hold their breath.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
I am pretty bummed that the girl caught on camera turned out to be who it was.
Have you actually got to the current end yet (CH24)?

I suspect you haven't and decided to comment without finishing the available content...always better to play all available content before deciding to let you fingers run riot on your keyboard half way through the VN.

(and have all the money (all of it) and have any LI you want).
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Mar 4, 2019
Have you actually got to the current end yet (CH24)?

I suspect you haven't and decided to comment without finishing the available content...always better to play all available content before deciding to let you fingers run riot on your keyboard half way through the VN.

(and have all the money (all of it) and have any LI you want).
Yes, I have played to the end of the current version (a few times choosing different paths). And I stand by my comment.

And I am fully aware that Bella was behind the emails from the coffee shop and Jolina knew about it.

And I am not sure if there are going or not to be many mind bending twists in the chapter to come (maybe there are or maybe not, I know not). I am just stating that in my opinion a darker twist with Monica and the girls involved in tricking you could have been more interesting (in my opinion) and very heart breaking. (although this could still happen in the final chapter but I doubt it, nothing indicates that that is the path the devs are going to take, even though as I said, there is a point in the game with one of the girls says something like 'we are good at faking or pretending' or something similar, and that is what got me thinking... 'hello!, what if the girls are behind a cunning plan to out you of you well deserved money?', at work at the moment so I can't look for it).

I mean, choosing love over money just to find out at the end that they did not really love you and you are left without love and without money would be a movie I would like to see (not that I would like to live it though).

Anyway, just an observation. This forum was pretty fun when people would throw around wild theories on what would happen in the upcoming chapters.
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