So I haven't played the game in forever, just ran through the remake and I gotta say, Monica is a fucking hypocrite bitch. Which would be fine... if the characters in the game acknowledged it and treated it like shitty behavior instead of just pretending she's normal.
Case in point, she straight up sexually harasses a guy literally young enough to be her son. One who she basically raised as her own child. Now far be it from me to cast aspersions, its a porn game after all. Buuuut where I draw the line is that while she's doing all this suuuuper sketchy behavior she absolutely flips her shit if he want to date either of her daughters. Not two time them. Not mess around with them. If the MC shows any open interest at all, she slaps him down hard and tries to make it seem like the MC is the one being inappropriate. Again, it would be fine if the game pointed out that she's basically being a lonely creep who obviously wants to keep this boy she groomed just for herself (its funny cause its a porn game).
I almost always play maximum slut so I can catch all the content on one playthrough and she does look great in the new renders, but I think since I'm repeating anyway I'll do someting different this time. Should I shut her down hard right from the get go? Or lead her on waaaaaaay far, then nail and bail on her and replace her with her own daughters?