
Futa lover!
Jan 28, 2018
I'll only say this, i see both points in that sites like this help creators to get exposure and helps them get more donations and at the same time i get that creators want people to pay. The issue is that so many of us are poor and so many creators just abandon games so it is hard to trust creators to finish the game.
I'll end by saying if i was a creator i would ask my patreons to wait a month before leaking the game to pirate sites.
We all should at least acknowledge how everyone feels about this from the creators to the fans/people playing the game.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
A few points to address:

1: Please do not expect the F95 mods/uploaders to "block" any uploads until after the 4-5 day window. It is just not feasible on a piracy site to expect the mods to start adhering to / enforcing rules like this. If someone pirates/uploads within seconds, then the mods are obliged to post/update. If they start blocking uploads just because the DEV asked (reward or no reward), then this would just turn people off F95 (and it would go against a lot of what F95 is for). So if the game gets leaked early, please do not direct any complaints to F95/staff/uploaders. The decision rests solely with the pirate (not the facilitators / medium).

2: I have never (and will never) criticize F95 when my game is pirated. And I 100% acknowledge that I have a lot of current patrons that found my game through F95.

3: I really do not understand the points made about Patrons getting punished / shafted, etc. I really think those posters should get an adult to read to them the proposal once again, because they are just not getting it. The bonus scenes are not going to adhere to Patreon rules, so they were never going to be released via Patreon. And they are not something I have already created, which are going to be deleted just because I am pissed off. They are a Reward scheme (e.g. Extra) to try to dissuade people from pirating. You stick to my request, you get the reward, you don't stick to the request - you don't get the bonus but everything else still continues as is and the game keeps on trucking either way!

4: The only person I'm appealing to is the person who considers pirating/uploading the game immediately. This person does the pirating because they obviously get some sort of gratification from it due to the kudos (either real or imagined) they feel they receive from the rest of the community. All I'm doing is trying to bring some balance to the other side of the scales and show them that they may not be the "hero" to everyone in the community if they release too early.

5: Will it work? Doubtful, but as I've said already, at this stage it is mostly a social experiment. If it works (very low expectations), then great. If not, my game gets pirated immediately, I get pissed off, I get over it and the dance starts again (but hopefully the "hero"'s sense of achievement will be diminished because he'll be pissing some other people off too, other than me)!

6: Since this forum began, I have seen countless messages (here and via DMs) from people telling me that multiple things I am doing (items such as this proposal, some of my responses, some of my game choices, etc.) are "going to cost me Patrons" or "going to piss off my patrons". All of these comments usually have one thing in common - they are almost always written by Non-Patrons. Please don't try to second guess the patrons, they are well capable of representing themselves.

7: For the non-patron fans out there, I write this game as much for you as anyone else (hence why I interact here), so please don't feel the game is only for Patrons (just the early release version ;) ). And while I appreciate the offers of boycotting an early pirated version, please don't. If someone has pirated it, then go ahead and play it and join the discussion guilt-free.


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Fair enough @UncleVT , but I believe you agree with me saying that F95 would increase the amount of exposure a game gets, greatly increasing its patreons as a result. These are people supporting because they want to support a good product, not because they have to. @WaltS and @DrFog I would really like it if you told me what I don't know about what I'm talking about. I read the latest pages of the thread, and CheekyGimp wrote;

"And bear in mind that one of the factors of there not being a December release was because of the piracy in November. I was so pissed off about the immediate piracy that I stopped working on the game for over a week. "

This january delay, the "reward scheme" as people said, I said I can get behind. Please read what I write before you start touting your horn.
You quoted me, so you must be right! I love a bit of quotation tennis, so I'll serve :)

I hope you also read this line.
"I also had a lot of RL stuff to sort out and that was the major reason, but the extra one-week definitely added the final nail for a December release. "
Hopefully you did, it came pretty soon after the line you quoted.

You said this:
"Delaying a month release because of piracy"

Rather than wait for a reply from @WaltS or @DrFog, I'll give you what you're looking for....
You are wrong!
Now go grab a dictionary and look up the words "Major" and "reason".
And a little maths puzzler for you: 1 month > "over a week"
And before you go "touting" your own horn, I'm just having a little fun (I'm in a mischievous mood), so don't get your knickers in a twist. And please don't cancel your patronage.... Oh Wait.....:unsure:


Active Member
Game Developer
Mar 8, 2018
Man...just stop the walls of text and get back to giving me more Monica and Jenna. Sheesh.
I like to take a break from writing every now and then with.... some more writing.
But you are genuinely one of my "bosses", so I'll do as I'm told and you won't hear another peep from me tonight.
Ignatz has spoken... And so it shall be done!
And to confirm: Yes, I am off my meds tonight! :devilish:


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Well, you are supposed to put (sic) after a quote of an incorrect word.
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Aug 28, 2017
6: Since this forum began, I have seen countless messages (here and via DMs) from people telling me that multiple things I am doing (items such as this proposal, some of my responses, some of my game choices, etc.) are "going to cost me Patrons" or "going to piss off my patrons". All of these comments usually have one thing in common - they are almost always written by Non-Patrons. Please don't try to second guess the patrons, they are well capable of representing themselves.
yeah i don't understand where the entitlement comes from.
"i pay a tiny whiney fraction of your revenue, so i'm practically your boss!"?
it's not like you are the boss of every police officer, just because you pay taxes.

do what you think is right. seeing on what you already achieved, that can't be too wrong.
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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Kind of shocked at this point that anyone would not have charge upfront turned on
I always thought charge upfront and per release (if update takes more than a month) should be the default for gaming devs. This would ensure the patrons are willing to donate, and the devs have incentive to not take too long with their updates.

I usually think devs missing monthly updates time to time is okay, but there are devs out there that started with one week late, then became two weeks, then suddenly a month late and turned into 5 updates per year while collecting 12 monthly donation.

Back to the game, I am very much looking forward to see what will happen to Jenna in her storyline.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Just because the charge is monthly doesn't mean an update has to be monthly. That misses the point of being a "patron". The support is for the creator, not the creation. That is the classical model of patronage.

Mikey Mike

Engaged Member
Feb 18, 2018
I really enjoy this game and am anxiously awaiting the next installment. I'm sure the dev realizes that some of his present and future patrons are because of this site, so probably shouldn't be so sensitive.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2017
Just because the charge is monthly doesn't mean an update has to be monthly. That misses the point of being a "patron". The support is for the creator, not the creation. That is the classical model of patronage.
Half agree. The support is indeed for the creator, but the reason of supporting is the creation. While monthly charge doesn't mean the update has to be monthly, there needs to be some sort of reasonable timeline to be acceptable before I'd consider such practice as milking instead.
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