
Jun 3, 2017
Cheeky actually still works full time outside of his home. Pretty sure Red did too (though he is no longer with us). Cell I'm not sure about. I'm the only stay at home for sure in our group (but don't do rendering). Something else to consider, even if they were home more... generally unless you have a dedicated rendering machine, you aren't rendering when you are using your pc. Most I know have one high end PC they use for everything, and render at night when it's not in use.
Now that explains why rendering takes so much time. I thought rendering was spread amongst people for when they're not using their PCs (for example at work or socializing somewhere idk). With 1 PC, unless we are talking about a nice Threadripper/Ryzen9 setup along with a Quadro RTX, it can get really tedious.

Anyway, back on the conspiracy theory. I'm almost 99.9% sure Angel isn't Dizzy. Something in her whole story about the older man seems off. That's why i think she is an impostor and works in team with someone. I went back through every Jolina interaction to check for some little, but important detail i may have missed on the other playthroughs, which can help to tie her in the story, but found nothing. So i guess she's either clean or really really careful and smart. If the 2nd is the case, i think her description of the single PC user (40ish, curvy MILF with short hair) might be misleading on purpose. And if that is true, then she's most likely teamed up with Elaine through Bella. Remember that both of them (Bella AND Jolina) were suspiciously eager to jump on MC's disco stick.

The thing that i'm dying to find out now is how the hell Elaine knew what MC's conditions were even before he got to Monica. Did the father mention this to her on his deathbed? Because it's crystal clear she knew all along what his condition were.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
The thing that i'm dying to find out now is how the hell Elaine knew what MC's conditions were even before he got to Monica. Did the father mention this to her on his deathbed? Because it's crystal clear she knew all along what his condition were.
What is it specifically that makes you think she knew before? It's very interesting. I dunno about crystal clear, but it would make sense.
Also, if you were running the Katie only play through, what did you do with the Monica magazine shoot / help with the Business, just leave it and not take part/help? :)

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
she's most likely teamed up with Elaine through Bella. Remember that both of them (Bella AND Jolina) were suspiciously eager to jump on MC's disco stick.

The thing that i'm dying to find out now is how the hell Elaine knew what MC's conditions were even before he got to Monica. Did the father mention this to her on his deathbed? Because it's crystal clear she knew all along what his condition were.
Disco stick :D

Doesn't really make sense, why is she inviting MC to live with her if she's in some conspiracy with others?


Jun 3, 2017
What is it specifically that makes you think she knew before? It's very interesting. I dunno about crystal clear, but it would make sense.
Also, if you were running the Katie only play through, what did you do with the Monica magazine shoot / help with the Business, just leave it and not take part/help? :)
Nah, i helped her, but went only for the friendly options.

About why i say Elaine knew about the MC's conditions: on a couple of occasions during conversations she makes it really, well not exactly crystal clear, but clear enough she knows you are most likely to fail your conditions, which suggest she knows what MC's conditions are. One such example is when they both talk at the beach house. Before that there was the talk about his father and Monica. And i think there was one more instance where she almost slips out that she knows what his conditions are (will try to find the exact conversation and lines).

I'm starting to wonder if the condition under which she stays in the house (cause remember, the recording said she keeps the house for a short term) has anything to do with MC coming into contact with Monica. For example it could be that if by the date of the final reading of the will MC hadn't come into contact with Monica or the girls, he gets to keep the house and can make the decision whether to keep or kick Elaine out, but if allready by the final reading he has made contact with them, Elaine gets to keep it, that could explain why she and Bella were so eager to send him to Monica asap. Until this final date though Elaine can't throw him out according to the will and that's why she started acting nice all of a sudden.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
but if allready by the final reading he has made contact with them, Elaine gets to keep it, that could explain why she and Bella were so eager to send him to Monica asap. Until this final date though Elaine can't throw him out according to the will and that's why she started acting nice all of a sudden.
I'm pretty sure the lawyer said whatever happens before the final reading doesn't matter, Elaine is also after 1/3 of the money not just the house.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
that could explain why she and Bella were so eager to send him to Monica asap.
Now I know this can be explained away with off screen actions/interactions - But how did Bella know MC was at Monica's to drop his stuff there? Elaine didn't know, the way it was spoken in game sounded like that info came from Bella to Elaine. MC was dossing about in a hotel right, before he went to Monica's so how did Bella know?


Jun 3, 2017
I don't think Elaine is involved in a conspiracy, I think she needs MC to move in to collect her part. Basically looking out for #1.
Naaah... Elaine is a lying whore if i've ever seen one. That said, i guess at some point if you take her route she would have a change of heart and would start to really care about the MC, but for now she's keeping her cards really close to her chest and playing her own game, that's for sure. Flirting with the MC, fucking him, talking about getting close is all a part of the play. Unfortunately for her, it's not hard after the initial intentions of screwing him over, to fall under his spell and taking the "disco stick for life" route.

Now I know this can be explained away with off screen actions/interactions - But how did Bella know MC was at Monica's to drop his stuff there? Elaine didn't know, the way it was spoken in game sounded like that info came from Bella to Elaine. MC was dossing about in a hotel right, before he went to Monica's so how did Bella know?
Damn .. i was so focusedon the later conversations i really glanced over that fact. Think however at the begining when they talked over the phone, he mentioned to Elaine he was at Monica's. Will check this one real quick.

Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
Naaah... Elaine is a lying whore if i've ever seen one. That said, i guess at some point if you take her route she would have a change of heart and would start to really care about the MC, but for now she's keeping her cards really close to her chest and playing her own game, that's for sure. Flirting with the MC, fucking him, talking about getting close is all a part of the play. Unfortunately for her, it's not hard after the initial intentions of screwing him over, to fall under his spell and taking the "disco stick for life" route.
I love your posts. :D That's basically what I said, she's playing her own game. I've never actually met a whore, well, unless they were lying to me. :geek:


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I think I just hit a bug in my game. I'm playing along the Jenna route and staying as friendly as possible with Jolina without going into her route and I just rejected her when dropping her off at the coffee shop (For like the 3rd or 4th time - woman is persistent, I'll give her that) But when talking to Jenna after she is saying I did the walk of shame (Not in this run I didn't) so I don't know how this is triggering?
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Well-known Member
Mar 8, 2018
But when talking to Jenna after she is saying I did the walk of shame (Not in this run I didn't) so I don't know how this is triggering?
I remember that...I just figured Jenna thought something (bad) happened (because I hadn't gone with Jolina until a later playthrough so I didn't know she popped up on vid). Later I never gave it any thought.
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Jun 3, 2017
About that fact how Bella knew where to drop off the stuff. On the 2nd day MC reads an e-mail from Elaine where she asks him for an address where she should ship his stuff at. Couldn't catch however if he returned anything to her, because the next interaction between both of them is the phone call where things don't go all the smoothly.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I remember that...I just figured Jenna thought something (bad) happened because I hadn't gone with Jolina until a later playthrough so I didn't know she popped up on vid. Later I never gave it any thought.
Yeah, I don't think it should have popped up like that since MC didn't go upstairs or even into Jolina's apartment. Ah well, I don't mind waving it off, it doesn't really matter I guess.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
About that fact how Bella knew where to drop off the stuff. On the 2nd day MC reads an e-mail from Elaine where she asks him for an address where she should ship his stuff at.
I just replayed that bit like two days ago .... jeez, my memory sucks. Thanks for that. (y)
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Jun 3, 2017
I just replayed that bit like two days ago .... jeez, my memory sucks. Thanks for that. (y)
Well this is not really the case, because from the phone call one gets the notion MC never actually emailed/texted her back anything. Also there is the option to delete the messages/mail without reading them. In this case MC couldnt have know Elaine was planning to throwing his stuff away. So my guess is he never gave her an address and this makes the fact Bella knew where to bring his stuff, much more intriguing.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Well this is not really the case, because from the phone call one gets the notion MC never actually emailed/texted he ack anything. Also there is the option to delete the messages/mail without reading them. In this case MC couldnt have know Elaine was planning to throwing his stuff away. So my guess is he never gave her an address and this makes the fact Bella knew where to bring his stuff, much more intriguing.
Hmm, so maybe we're finally onto something! :ROFLMAO: (Doubtful, but it's still fun) (y)
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