
Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
LOL I do think people defending Roger and Natasha might have their priorities a bit wrong. :p Good old Roger is portrayed as a bully, who has been emotionally and physically abusing poor Sammy for years and years without being stopped by anyone and abused untold others as well including Katie. Especially the way he treated Katie already had MC pretty angry before he ever went to the party. Katie is someone he cares for and not just to get into her pants. Even if she is not his sister, due to their past there is that family dynamic between them and to him she has been seriously abused and hurt by that duo. So yes he was quite willing to get physical with Roger, also if follow game you know he might have had his own bullies in past.

Natasha is more or less portrayed in the same way as Roger and every bit as abusive and remember the whole tape thing was her idea to hurt and abuse Katie even more. MC was there just to help Katie out, protect her and help clear her name in first instance. Then Natasha goes out of her way with her plan to give him an option and incentive as well to go much further as he originally intended by turning the tables on Natasha. Have no doubt if he had really been a douchebag new boyfriend of Katie instead someone who cared for Katie, Katie would have been hurt badly at least emotionally at the end of that party. As far as I can see Roger and Natasha got hung by the rope they themselves provided and deserved everything they got in the end and provided MC with all the motivation he needed to go as far as he did, even the Sammy part.

Sorry if you think you should sympathize with bullies and not with their victims as MC does, but the kind of manipulation and abuse that people like Roger and Natasha like to dish out created likely way more emotional victims and suicidal people that might actually been helped a little in their anguish and help them move forward. Now if you think MC only did what he did to get into Katie's pants and not out of some true anger himself about the behavior of those two in past also to poor Sammy, yeah then it might seem weird behavior, if you see him as getting angry about people hurting people he cares about with no reason then his actions do make sense. Payback is a bitch just as is Karma, poor Roger and Natasha.

Admittedly though with that model he might have shown himself to sometimes be to easily triggered, but not by Roger and Natasha. My two cents. :p


Nov 30, 2018
Ah, who knows? Maybe Cheeky has a nasty surprise in store for those of us who play the field.

Don't do it, Cheeky.
Nah I wouldnt want harem fans to be penalized, I just want "being a gentleman" to be a viable choice. Cheeky obviously is doing something right with his characters if they're likeable enough that I'd feel guilty for not choosing one and sticking to it.
Sorry if you think you should sympathize with bullies and not with their victims as MC does, but the kind of manipulation and abuse that people like Roger and Natasha like to dish out created likely way more emotional victims and suicidal people
I'm fine with a wee bit of revenge I just think it was a bit much. Made me feel no better than them. Having sex with someone just to hurt them ranks pretty high on my "things that are completely evil and fucked up" list. And Sammy blowing Roger ? He hates Roger ! What kind of man-whore would do such a thing just out of revenge ?
I dunno, I'm getting old maybe. haha


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
True about the Sammy part so there may be another weird dynamic there as well between victim and oppressor, but on the other hand it also shows how bad Roger is likely that Sammy is prepared to go this far to get his revenge.

Fucking Natasha should be not that big a chore for someone that has trouble to keep his pants on anyway for every woman around:p Also again, do not forget Natasha did provide the motivation for MC to go that far all by herself by her actions at the party. Not that MC is only a white knight and a gentleman anyway, more a horndog. :)

Yeah I do suspect there will be a harem option, but think I read somewhere before from dev that will have complications. Might have been on Patreon though. :p

John Winkel

May 19, 2018
I was really enjoying myself up to the party. Game seemed to have an easygoing air to it and it suddenly got incredibly mean. I mean Natasha was a bitch and Roger's a fucking idiot but nothing that would deserve such punishment.

Also I was attepting to do a 100 % faithful monica run and you basically have to fuck the skank (still did it with a second save because the game implies that not going through with the horrible revenge plan is a big mistake)

I'm a bit disappointed but I'll still keep an eye out for the game I guess.
I'm a 65-year-old half-deaf retired Navy veteran. I've been back-stabbed a time or two in my lifetime. It HURTS!!! I have tried, AND GENERALLY SUCCEEDED to be a gentleman if at all possible. But sometimes, retribution presents itself like a young leaf on a tree in May. Life isn't fair, people...pussies need not apply!


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
I would also point out that the MC does not HAVE TO be as big a dick. There are points during the party where you can choose to be less "evil". But, you always knew going in that it was a revenge plot. It had been discussed for several episodes. By definition, that decision is inherently "dark".


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
One other question though for all those who think MC should have been a nice guy to Roger and Natasha. Should you when you know people are abusive and hurting other people just for their own gain and/or pleasure and you are in a position to do something about it do something about it or look away and let them continue destroying peoples lives if you are a true gentleman? To me doing nothing in such a situation makes me at least partly responsible for all evil they would be allowed to do in the future.


What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Except that, in lowering yourself to that level, you have also poisoned yourself in the process. Letting a little darkness into your own karma.

I'm okay with the revenge plan, since I agree that there needs to be someone who stands up to bullies. I didn't go full "Dark MC", though, so we'll see how that affects the MC in later episodes.
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Si vis pacem para bellum
Apr 4, 2018
I'm a 65-year-old half-deaf retired Navy veteran. I've been back-stabbed a time or two in my lifetime. It HURTS!!! I have tried, AND GENERALLY SUCCEEDED to be a gentleman if at all possible. But sometimes, retribution presents itself like a young leaf on a tree in May. Life isn't fair, people...pussies need not apply!
Bravo Zulu.

Life's a bitch and then you die.


Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
That was MC and Katie's plan yes until those two Roger and Natasha changed the plans by their own behaviors. Now I will not deny that MC showed a pretty ruthless side and seems to have a habit of going overboard when triggered (also see the situation with the model, her behavior might have warranted some playing with her but MC took it pretty far). Maybe the dev will make the reasons why MC reacts so badly to assholes more clear in future by flashbacks to MC's past if he wishes to. :p

Another question is though if any less would have really broken the power Roger and Natasha obviously have in their group to keep hurting people MC cares about, I suspect it likely would have not since they have been getting away with their behavior for years already.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
To your point about the model, again, that's the player's choice. It's revelatory that so few people chose to simply ignore the model. Most people wanted the dark domination move. Again, you can make the MC as dark as you want, but Cheeky does leave open the option for a less creepy MC.
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Devoted Member
Jan 10, 2018
True and it is also not like that model does not more or less willingly participates on that part either. I meant it more as I myself think that is more of an unreasonable reaction from MC as the Natasha and Roger part if go full out at the party. Though the mistreating of model of the receptionist was there, seems it is something that triggers MC.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2017
I think alot of the posts here have it a little backwards, yes this is a porn game and yes we all play porn games to see the pictures / animations but saying that the MC reacted in a certain way or that you were forced to do such and such is incorrect. The game clearly gives you many opportunities to opt out of scenes, it is always a players choice to proceed, we might do this to not miss any content or because we are playing a certain route in the game but it is always OUR choice to go through with parts of the story. This game also clearly warns you things are going sideways and asks do you want to continue and give you the option to stop or pick a different path. If a players values are high enough to feel disgusted or upset by parts of the story just remember it was your choice to go ahead.

At any point players could have stopped and...
asked / read on the forums here just how bad it would get (although the game does tell you)
loaded a save and chosen not to follow that path
asked here for cheats / mods to bypass content you would not like and still get points / scenes (save editing etc.)
could have decided the reward pictures / animations were not worth what you were asked to do (put you off / killed the horny ;) )
and even asked for a CG rip

The dev didn't do anything other than give a wide range of people a choice and access to different fetishes, it's up to us players how we play and what we choose to do ingame.
The MC didn't do anything and was not triggered (sorry DA22 i just liked your phrasing so i borrowed it ) the player IS the MC and the player did what happened and the player was triggered.

The game and these forums warn us about the content in the game if we choose to ignore it for Katies awesome pictures the blame falls on us. Personally im glad i got her pics :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
I think alot of the posts here have it a little backwards, yes this is a porn game and yes we all play porn games to see the pictures / animations but saying that the MC reacted in a certain way or that you were forced to do such and such is incorrect. The game clearly gives you many opportunities to opt out of scenes, it is always a players choice to proceed, we might do this to not miss any content or because we are playing a certain route in the game but it is always OUR choice to go through with parts of the story. This game also clearly warns you things are going sideways and asks do you want to continue and give you the option to stop or pick a different path. If a players values are high enough to feel disgusted or upset by parts of the story just remember it was your choice to go ahead.

At any point players could have stopped and...
asked / read on the forums here just how bad it would get (although the game does tell you)
loaded a save and chosen not to follow that path
asked here for cheats / mods to bypass content you would not like and still get points / scenes (save editing etc.)
could have decided the reward pictures / animations were not worth what you were asked to do (put you off / killed the horny ;) )
and even asked for a CG rip

The dev didn't do anything other than give a wide range of people a choice and access to different fetishes, it's up to us players how we play and what we choose to do ingame.
The MC didn't do anything and was not triggered (sorry DA22 i just liked your phrasing so i borrowed it ) the player IS the MC and the player did what happened and the player was triggered.

The game and these forums warn us about the content in the game if we choose to ignore it for Katies awesome pictures the blame falls on us. Personally im glad i got her pics :D
btw you CAN totally do a less extreme revenge


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2016
You could, but why would you? What they did to her, humiliation and bad reputation spanning for quite a while, those two had it coming and deserve nothing less, now they know what it feels to be the laughing stock :p
im not the one complaining about it, i had fun in last ep. was just pointing out that you dont even have to go the extreme route to get through her route
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