Well you can look at some statistic that might help explain a lot of this. Take a look at the number of white males for example that have had sex in the last year. Granted white males aren't the only people making these games. But I think the reason you can find statistics on that vs others is a number of issues that would be off topic for this so I will avoid that part of the discussion.
If however I look at the kids I see in my son's school and the people and number of other stuff I see on line and the college age and those recently graduated there are some trends that go along with it. This generation has a lot more socially awkward individuals. Probably because they spend so much time online rather than having face to face conversations. School districts like my son's don't help. For example you can't do party invitations unless everyone is invited in the class. So any sort of socializing like that you have to reach out after school hours. The point being is the school districts actually make situations worse not better.
Then you have shit bag parents these days that are another issues. They don't teach their kids proper behavior or enforce discipline. If you look at the number of females under 30 resorting to cam modeling and porn and prostitution well its really at epidemic levels.
Couple that with the long term relationships decline and hookups have increased.
Pretty much that says a lot of people aren't really experienced in the romance area. That kind of makes it hard for them to write about romance. For a lot of guys its just hard to approach a woman to ask her on a date let alone follow through with having a date and making proper conversation and not acting awkward simply being confident in themselves is hard for them. You can blame a lot of that confidence issues on crap like people getting participation rewards rather than simply being acknowledged for what they are good at. Think about it. How do you know you are good at something or have something to be proud of in comparison to others if you are never actually measured against others.
As I said before hand there are a lot of reasons why this is the case. The reasons are because we live in a world of cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction. People just don't care to think about the consequences of their actions these days so much because they want to get away with doing whatever it is they feel like doing at present.
That's it, roll credits/lock the thread.
Certainly, the lack of quality and depth of any kind of competent narrative in this context is a confluence of factors, all of them touched upon or mentioned by everyone in this thread, but those only really amount to a negligible percentage. However, what
@grtrader wrote about is the meat of the subject.
Now, don't get me wrong, here. I'm not expecting literary masterpieces coming from these things, and if you are, I'm afraid I have some bad news. But it couldn't be more clear, from the way everything in these 'games' is portrayed, that an overwhelming number of them are the authors' dumpster-fire of personal fantasy and power trips. It just so happens that this specific medium is in its novelty years, and through the digital branches of media, other people with similar tastes have been brought together, by the inertia of limited expression, sexual, emotional, or otherwise.
Look at the majority of the porn in question, in the context of the explosion of simulated incest across the interwebs, in the last few years. Ever wonder why the subjects are always white and somewhere around middle-class? I don't think I've ever seen incest or domination themed porn of any other demographics.
It's all about supply and demand. Always has been, always will be. To those whose needs of expression are met, it may not seem so, but porn IS a product, just like everything else in this world. The objective of the seller is to make their customer come back, not give him the perfect product. That'd be fiscally irresponsible of them.
It's something
@dspeed mentioned, too. Incest is already established, right? It's expected that the reader/watcher/player ought to do most of the workload. Kind of Lovecraftian, in a way, if you think about it.Though leagues below the quality of the aforementioned work, of course. The most powerful force in the universe is your imagination, right?
The fact of the matter is, fiction has been sanatized, over the past ten years. People always have and always will require an outlet for their more...private needs of expression. And we know for a fact that the most satisfying fantasies people have always find themselves a little on the transgressive side. I mean, I don't know about you, but no matter its nature, glamor porn feels like watching paint dry, and I ain't no Wilson Fisk. If the fantasies of people are too disconnected from their reality, the journey and its eventual crescendo will prove attractionless. It's why amateur porn is significantly more sought after, than anything else. In real life, folks ain't smooth barbie dolls. Most men don't have big cocks and last 45 minutes. Most women don't look like 18 year old girls and provide constant auditory entertainment, for the neighbors to hear. People tire, cum prematurely, fart, laugh, their knees ache and their backs hurt; take water breaks and comment on how annoying their squeaking bed is. It's all about that relatability, man.
Look at these 'games', and see how many of these models actually provide plausibility. I mean, shit, a lot of people 'play' these 'games', and are obviously attached to the concept of the mother. But why is it that, barring few exceptions, they all look like college girls? Oh, but wait, the writer basically has to call her 'mom', so that it's clear who she is, since otherwise you'd have no fucking idea, by the looks of it. I've touched on this before, and I'll do it again. There's three factors that can elevate the type of work on this kind of site, and others like it, bringing it closer to success. For a 'game', like most of these, you need a programmer, a writer, and a director. Most of the people making these 'games' try to be all three, and buckle under all that pressure sooner, as we've come to see and expect, rather than later. When you're your own soundboard, your creativity and voice exist in an echo-chamber.
Furthermore, a lot of people want to, or feel the need to, but have no idea how to express themselves. You know what the responsibility of a writer is? It's not to write. It's not to read. It's to live. If a writer's potential stems from his imagination, no matter how much one writes or reads, if a point of reference doesn't exist, their thought process exists in a vacuum. Good fiction always has and always will be anchored in reality.
It's just baffling to me, how much potential is flushed away, because of basic impulses. Ironically enough, what's older in reality and history, than power? The relationship between power and weakness is intrinsic to human nature, and domination and submission exist in every fiber of everyone's being, be it unconsciously or otherwise. It's a tale older than time, but the future can never be written in the absence of the past. It's why fiction like this seldom feels plausible. If our nature and our very bones and nerve endings are lined with the need to echo the actions of our distant past, why don't we listen more, instead of continuing to make the same mistakes, time and time again?
Today, inertia's made folks latch onto certain things and throwing them at the wall, to see if they stick. Today, most of us hear, instead of listening. Stare, instead of paying attention. Sloth used to be a sin. Now, the mentality of the least amount of effort providing the most amount of profit is, at the very least, worshipped.
Kinks are what makes us tick. They're what's good for every individual soul, making everyone's exclusive experience empowering. But that doesn't mean we ought to let them turn into fetishes. Faith is private, and religion is public. As gooey and warm as the feeling of community might be, if we one day wake up, looking around us, finding ourselves in a crowd of strangers, all while having no idea of how we got there, in the first place, maybe that day is an opportunity for reassessment. Because maybe, just maybe, we were part of a cult, and didn't know it. You thought mother nature was a bitch? Inertia is her evil sister. I think it's good to know the nature of our own stories. You never know; they might be tragedies.
TLDR: Porn games are mostly made by virgins (regardless of their gender). Sexually, emotionally, and intelectually.