Why are so many games on here so rapey? [Poll]

Why do devs make rapey games? (explained below)

  • Shortcut to Sex

    Votes: 131 17.7%
  • Rape Fantasy

    Votes: 344 46.4%
  • They don't know how to interact with human females

    Votes: 267 36.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 11, 2019
ipps makes some good points. I want to be clear on one other point (this isn't directed at ipps, just made me think of it). I'm not advocating that rape in games has be realistic. Real rape can be devastating and scar someone for life. I mean a game can handle it that way if they want, but that's not what I'm after. The thing is that you have to address it, at least a little. Maybe it lowers her opinion of you. Maybe she won't talk to you for a few days (thinking harem here). Something, anything. Just acting like it's normal and has no repercussions isn't really the way to do it. It's like when an action star gets injured and starts limping for a few scenes, then flat out sprints a little later. You go, but what about the injury? Some people will say "Oh, it's just an action movie, you're over thinking it." But I still think it's lazy and can be handled properly.
I get where you are coming from. I tend to agree for the most part.

I mentioned this incident I know of in real life before. Young lady I know passed out drunk at a party in the owners bed room. He took advantage of her while she was asleep. She woke up the next morning with him passed out on her. The way I found out was I came over to give her a lift over to her sisters and she told me everything on the way. I honestly wanted to go back and shoot the guy. The problem was she had already by the time I picked her up convinced herself she was in love with him and that she wanted it to happen. This was her sisters X husband that they had 2 kids. So we are talking one fucked up situation.
Just so you know the guy was still passed out on the bed when she walked out the door and got in my car.

The point is not everyone reacts the same to something. People have different coping mechanism. The woman mentioned above hers was to try and excuse it and justify it so she could accept it. Other people shut down, become violent, lose trust in others, and many other ways. Some people compartmentalise and then emotionaly the issue hits after the situation has passed. Our coping mechanisms are usually developed over time in how we handle issues we find we don't like.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
"Why are so many games on here so rapey?"

Because, that in general, is a sexual fantasy. And I can totally understand this... Both in a sexual game and In a roleplay setting IRL with someone that you trust.

However, if there are people who actually 'want' to be raped in Real life, and explore this fantasy through sexual games with the plan on going out to be raped by strangers, then you have problems and should consult with professional help. It most certainly isn't fun.

I can attest to the fact that, IRL, Rape is a vile, reprehensible and a downright horrible thing. I have been raped (And at a very young age, about 5), and It most certainly isn't fun. It isn't even the physical aspect about it that is so reprehensible about rape, Rather it is the psychological issues that are the largest problem (Or, at least in my case). It fucks people up mentally, sometimes for life, the pain... only lasts for a few days, if that. Rape can cause PTSD, a psychological trauma that front-line soldiers can suffer from in military action, and the mental effects are strongest the younger you are. Soldiers are often at the point of their life where they are capable of dealing with it. Rape victims are often young and do not have the right frame-of-mind to handle what they are dealt with at such a young age. I wouldn't be surprised if there are suicidal attempts that are brought about from the suffering and grief caused by rape, just like there is with Soldiers today.

I primarily had... and still have, problems of a self-destructive and anger-management nature. Being raped, makes you feel like the weakest, most insignificant human being in the world, and you do 'things' to restore the balance, like lash out at people etcetera, so that you can feel stronger and better about yourself. And it works... for a while, but it doesn't fix the problem. I've managed to keep these things 'in check' myself, but others aren't so lucky. And I certainly feel lucky, in this aspect. People who have had to deal with this over a period of years, unlike me, have my undying respect. I don't think I could handle that.

That said, I do not want people coddling me over it. I can handle the subject material in question just fine. I can read about the 'Rape of nanking' and not have mental flashbacks or cry like a bitch over it, in the same way that I can play Sexual games which might feature rape and not go "This is a travesty, Kill the people who made this shit!" like some people would. I don't want 'trigger warnings'... Because anyone with a lick of sense would know that flashbacks tend to occur randomly and to sometimes weird shit contrary to what is 'listed' in the trigger warning. (Soldiers, for example, might suffer a flashback upon seeing a trashbag floating around in the wind and immediately think it is an IED, They certainly won't read a Trigger warning and go "Fuck I can remember my friends blowing up because I read this book with fantastical elements of sword-fighting and fantasy combat.").

If people want to make games with people spiking a girl's drink... go for it, or want to make a game where you rape other women... go for it. I might be concerned with the person making such content, but I certainly wouldn't form a lynch mob. That person has the right to make such content with his game... it is really a form of sexual escapism... and you have all the freedom in the world to do so, But please know that it is really Cringy. At least it will never be as cringey as the bullshit logic in hentai stories which feature 'A princess'... who immediately upon being raped goes 'I love your cock!' Type mind-fuckery. That shit is frankly Cringe, and you should know that it is cringe...

As I said. I have no problem with rape content, when it is used for people's sexual fantasies in a game. My problem, is with real people who might latch onto this content and then attempt it in real life. And I know that there is no policing this sort of thing, but It certainly could be a problem.

If there are real-life people who want to spike a girls drink IRL or attempt to stalk and rape a woman or man... then frankly you are an utter disgrace of a Human being, but you still have a chance. Rape isn't something that you just do. It is an act with moral, physical and psychological consequences, and if done with the willful intent to inflict those on others, It is nothing short of vile. If you are playing these games with the intent of doing it in real life. Get help. Seriously, Get help. There is nothing wrong with seeking out help, but If you go down this road, you will eventually end up down the darkest path there is, with no coming back.

Frankly, Anything RL involving rape... Is a big fucking No-no. And the people who do this in real life... Are the most reprehensible scum of the Earth. Such is the vileness of RL rapists, who are not so much humans, as they are a pack of voracious animals who commit a crime that frankly deserves a death sentence, In my honest opinion.

I guess to sum up a long story short. Stick to it as a sexual fantasy. If you do it in real life, you aren't really a person, and I wouldn't really call it a criminal act either... given that it would be an insult to Criminals... who sometimes have been on the other-end of a rapist and have suffered their abuse... Hence needing to keep rapists separate from Criminals. Because even criminals hate Rapists and pedophiles. RL Rape is one of the great blights of humanity In my honest opinion. Rape, as far as I am concerned, is a crime against humanity.

People have different coping mechanism. The woman mentioned above hers was to try and excuse it and justify it so she could accept it. Other people shut down, become violent, lose trust in others, and many other ways. Some people compartmentalise and then emotionaly the issue hits after the situation has passed. Our coping mechanisms are usually developed over time in how we handle issues we find we don't like.
This. So much this.

I can actually remember going to a pond when I five, a few weeks after being raped, and there were these tadpoles swimming in the pond. I can remember squishing them out of anger, as though I wanted them to suffer, probably as an attempt to restore my 'power' which I had so utterly lost. To this day, I dislike tadpoles, they remind me of a very, very dark place in my life. I guess someone older would have coped in a different way, but at my young age I probably coped differently.

I am also somewhat self-destructive, and I find ways to cope with that.

To date, I've stored the memories in a 'box', mentally speaking and I lock them away, but they come out sometimes... perhaps once every year or so, and those days are the worst.


Feb 11, 2019
This. So much this.

I can actually remember going to a pond when I five, a few weeks after being raped, and there were these tadpoles swimming in the pond. I can remember squishing them out of anger, as though I wanted them to suffer, probably as an attempt to restore my 'power' which I had so utterly lost. To this day, I dislike tadpoles, they remind me of a very, very dark place in my life. I guess someone older would have coped in a different way, but at my young age I probably coped differently.

I am also somewhat self-destructive, and I find ways to cope with that.

To date, I've stored the memories in a 'box', mentally speaking and I lock them away, but they come out sometimes... perhaps once every year or so, and those days are the worst.
People older than you also act similarly. It really is an individual by individual thing. I'm sure age plays some factor into what coping system a person is more likely to resort to but. Anger from what I seen can be at any age. Secondly, when they start dealing with it they can run through a gambit of emotions. Self blames, anger, depression... It can be very much like a loss of a love one in that way. After all you did loose something the sense of security and safety and trust... and more. Some women feel dirty or more accurately tainted as if no one could love them after that and other emotions. Its a process and in the long run its beneficial to go through its a matter of coming to grips with you weren't at fault and that you don't have to feel powerless.

The way I see it that was the best way you knew how to mentally cope with it at the time. You simply did the best you could for yourself.

One woman I dated for a time was an escort her high school boyfriend turned her out. I met her years after she got away from him and his control. So I know about some of it from her and other women I helped. I used to also open some of the spare rooms up to victims of violent crimes. That was up until one of them did an identity theft against me. That's why I know the little bit I know.
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May 2, 2018
Not to make light of real events, but, these examples of actual repercussions would fit perfectly into the right VN story. Primarily because they are true. There were consequences, even if they aren't always what you expect. The point isn't that there should be a specific outcome, just that there should be some outcome. One result might even be acting like it never happened. You still have to show that she's struggling with it and chose (even if subconsciously) to ignore reality. Another result might be the victim blaming herself (I know someone this happened to). The point is that a good story wouldn't just skim right over it and move on to the next thing. Yes, it's my fault for looking for good stories in erotic VN, true. At the same time, it doesn't take a skilled author to give these situations some kind of treatment.

Also, this wouldn't be that big of an issue if devs didn't use rapey content in situations where there is supposed to be romance. Could a person fall in love with someone that raped them? Sure. Is it a highly complicated and unusual circumstance? Yes. People's minds have all sorts of ways of coping with the situation they find themselves in. I think in the modern age, using force/coercion/etc to form a romantic bond with a woman is about as relevant and using leeches to cure "blood poisoning." There is plenty of evidence that it's not very effective and there are better ways to do it. Set your VN back in the dark ages, and I have no problem (thematicly) with the men treating the woman poorly. It's a thing that happened at the time. However, it still doesn't make it a good approach. Just as I would have no problem with leeches as a medical treatment in the right time period, it doesn't mean I expect it to be effective.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
You could make a game where the protagonist is a convicted rapist-murderer who served their time and is a changed person when they get out. They have a daughter as a result of the rape-murder, and take an interest in their life. They have to notify their neighbors they're a convicted sex-offender, struggle to find any meaningful work to support themselves with, are closely watched by police, and so forth. In spite of truly reforming, they do experience temptation and often face difficult choices.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
I actually think a lot of it is just that it's easier to write a rapey scene than a romantic one. Romance/seduction requires more thought and character development. After looking at the Patreon pages for a lot of the games I've played there are a decent number of them where it sounds like it's just 1 guy doing the entire game by himself. Making a game like this basically takes 3 separate sets of skills and they really don't have any overlap. You have to have experience at coding, writing, and rendering. I suspect most people are good at 1 or 2 but not all 3 and most of the tech people I know would probably list writing as their weakness.

I would bet that the games focusing on more romance and seduction are done by someone who either has a writing background or is partnered with someone who does. I've also noticed that a lot of those types of games with really good stories have rendering that is poor to mediocre so it was probably a writer who did his best to learn enough coding and rendering to be able to do the story he wanted.


The problem I have with rapey games is not so much the hard-core rape but more the handling of borderline cases.

If a game is about rape as the main theme, then it is what it is and people are welcome to play it or not.

The problem is, that there are a lot of games where the rapey situations happen as a side-show. And those are handled really poorly, given that the game is set in a "normal" world where "normal" rules apply. I mean, peeping is not nice and kind-of rapey, but I'm sure plenty people, especially teenage boys, do it occasionally. Same with sniffing panties. Sleep-groping on the other hand is crossing the line, especially when it progresses to some kind of penetration. Such actions should have a meaningful consequence in a good story.

The reason why I like games, as opposed to porn movies or erotic stories is:
- Choices
- Consequences to these choices
Without these, the game becomes meaningless.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
The problem I have with rapey games is not so much the hard-core rape but more the handling of borderline cases.

If a game is about rape as the main theme, then it is what it is and people are welcome to play it or not.

The problem is, that there are a lot of games where the rapey situations happen as a side-show. And those are handled really poorly, given that the game is set in a "normal" world where "normal" rules apply. I mean, peeping is not nice and kind-of rapey, but I'm sure plenty people, especially teenage boys, do it occasionally. Same with sniffing panties. Sleep-groping on the other hand is crossing the line, especially when it progresses to some kind of penetration. Such actions should have a meaningful consequence in a good story.

The reason why I like games, as opposed to porn movies or erotic stories is:
- Choices
- Consequences to these choices
Without these, the game becomes meaningless.
Pretty much this. I've said (probably several times) that if you are making a rape game, make a rape game. I still expect some sort of consequences (whatever they might be) even if a bit unrealistic. If it fits the theme/narrative, fine. Getting to what khumak said, I think it is easier to write a "rapey" scene then a seduction/romance version of the same thing. If someone isn't up to the task of writing a seduction/romance plot, then don't? I dunno. Do what everyone does, start with something easy. Novice chefs don't go straight to souffles or blowfish. If you only have the skills to make spaghetti and meatballs, then make the shit out of that. I'm not saying people shouldn't challenge themselves, but understand what makes it work. It doesn't have to be perfect, I just want to be able to tell that you took a second to ask how your characters would react to the circumstances.
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Engaged Member
Oct 2, 2017
Pretty much this. I've said (probably several times) that if you are making a rape game, make a rape game. I still expect some sort of consequences (whatever they might be) even if a bit unrealistic. If it fits the theme/narrative, fine. Getting to what khumak said, I think it is easier to write a "rapey" scene then a seduction/romance version of the same thing. If someone isn't up to the task of writing a seduction/romance plot, then don't? I dunno. Do what everyone does, start with something easy. Novice chefs don't go straight to souffles or blowfish. If you only have the skills to make spaghetti and meatballs, then make the shit out of that. I'm not saying people shouldn't challenge themselves, but understand what makes it work. It doesn't have to be perfect, I just want to be able to tell that you took a second to ask how your characters would react to the circumstances.
Well the creeper type stuff has always seemed pretty unrealistic to me in any form. Voyeurism and peeping, sure you can manage to do that without getting caught and probably only get in minor trouble if you do get caught, especially if the subject has an exhibitionist streak. But nobody is going to sleep through being fucked (in any orifice) and not wake up unless they've been drugged or have drunk themselves into a stupor and you can bet there would be consequences. So the lack of realism for those types of scenes doesn't really bother me. I just accept it as a fetish I'm not really into.

It's the more plausible stuff like blackmail, coercion, or use of force that I want to fit into the scene. If you're romancing her, why would you suddenly force her or blackmail her? I do think there are some exceptions if you find out she likes it rough or likes to be dominated or something though (or she finds out he's into that and is willing to roleplay it for him).
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Feb 11, 2019
Well you can look at some statistic that might help explain a lot of this. Take a look at the number of white males for example that have had sex in the last year. Granted white males aren't the only people making these games. But I think the reason you can find statistics on that vs others is a number of issues that would be off topic for this so I will avoid that part of the discussion.

If however I look at the kids I see in my son's school and the people and number of other stuff I see on line and the college age and those recently graduated there are some trends that go along with it. This generation has a lot more socially awkward individuals. Probably because they spend so much time online rather than having face to face conversations. School districts like my son's don't help. For example you can't do party invitations unless everyone is invited in the class. So any sort of socializing like that you have to reach out after school hours. The point being is the school districts actually make situations worse not better.
Then you have shit bag parents these days that are another issues. They don't teach their kids proper behavior or enforce discipline. If you look at the number of females under 30 resorting to cam modeling and porn and prostitution well its really at epidemic levels.

Couple that with the long term relationships decline and hookups have increased.

Pretty much that says a lot of people aren't really experienced in the romance area. That kind of makes it hard for them to write about romance. For a lot of guys its just hard to approach a woman to ask her on a date let alone follow through with having a date and making proper conversation and not acting awkward simply being confident in themselves is hard for them. You can blame a lot of that confidence issues on crap like people getting participation rewards rather than simply being acknowledged for what they are good at. Think about it. How do you know you are good at something or have something to be proud of in comparison to others if you are never actually measured against others.

As I said before hand there are a lot of reasons why this is the case. The reasons are because we live in a world of cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction. People just don't care to think about the consequences of their actions these days so much because they want to get away with doing whatever it is they feel like doing at present.


Feb 11, 2019
Well the creeper type stuff has always seemed pretty unrealistic to me in any form. Voyeurism and peeping, sure you can manage to do that without getting caught and probably only get in minor trouble if you do get caught, especially if the subject has an exhibitionist streak. But nobody is going to sleep through being fucked (in any orifice) and not wake up unless they've been drugged or have drunk themselves into a stupor and you can bet there would be consequences. So the lack of realism for those types of scenes doesn't really bother me. I just accept it as a fetish I'm not really into.

It's the more plausible stuff like blackmail, coercion, or use of force that I want to fit into the scene. If you're romancing her, why would you suddenly force her or blackmail her? I do think there are some exceptions if you find out she likes it rough or likes to be dominated or something though (or she finds out he's into that and is willing to roleplay it for him).
Blackmail and coercion aren't likely to work unless the victim is really isolated and has no one to turn to. They really have to feel there is no alternative. These days they are more likely to say fuck it release the shit I'm not giving you more to use over me.

Probably the number one exception I can think of when it comes from a person switching from romance to force or another means is when they get rejected for whatever reason or the person calls off the relationship. In short guys that can't handle rejection well are the primary guys to resort to this type of action.


Novice chefs don't go straight to souffles or blowfish. If you only have the skills to make spaghetti and meatballs, then make the shit out of that.
It's a fair point, if you are hungry you have the choice to go to a Michelin-star restaurant or go to a snackbar. Both can be fine, depending on the mood and the circumstances.

But the problem is if you go to Michelin-star restaurant and get only French fries. You'll be disappointed, because you expected souffle and blowfish. If you then get presented with a $500 bill for those fries, you'll be angry.

There is a seriously large number of otherwise well-made and popular games which still have poorly handled rapey situations. If you look at the top five trending games of today:
- Milfy City: sleep groping and blackmail
- Man of the House: blackmail
- Lust Epidemic: didn't play yet.
- Big Brother: where to begin...
- Being a DIK: didn't play yet (I know...)

Even if the games I played myself are not fantastically originally, I do think they are well-written enough that such unrealistic situations could have been avoided and replaced by something else. At least in Man of the House the blackmail is explained and part of the story so it's reasonably well done in that case.


Feb 11, 2019
You could make a game where the protagonist is a convicted rapist-murderer who served their time and is a changed person when they get out. They have a daughter as a result of the rape-murder, and take an interest in their life. They have to notify their neighbors they're a convicted sex-offender, struggle to find any meaningful work to support themselves with, are closely watched by police, and so forth. In spite of truly reforming, they do experience temptation and often face difficult choices.
There is generally a good number of rules depending on the state they are in that they have to follow being on the sex offender registry. Different states have different requirements about being put on that list. Like CA statutory can get you on it. NC it takes more than just that. Then they tend to have rules about changing residence and jobs and notifying them before you actually change residence. If you are on parole showing up for parole meetings passing the drug tests and so on. Not only do states have rules some cities and towns have their own separate ones in addition. Like not being able to live with in 500 feet or 1000 feet of a school. A lot of jobs types you can't have. Even things like internet restrictions.

Frankly, I think the smartest move someone that ends up on the registry could pull would be to try and end up in WITSEC. At least then they couldn't be listed on any sex offender registry.

There is a potential problem.
Any halfway intelligent criminal organization is going to see you as to much heat to keep around.
A less intelligent one might see it as a means to keep you loyal because your job opportunities are shit.

Another option is they could escape to a foreign country that doesn't have extradition treaties with the country they are from.
Of course that doesn't mean a team won't be sent in and kidnap their ass and deliver them back to the country for trial and prison.
Which would mean they would either need to start making enough money to hire security or keep on the move and stay dark.
You can buy pretty much anything you want with digital currency or cash these days.

Another option is they could join up with a major sex trafficking organization or cartel.

If they have a family and want to stay involved with it and try and live a normal life witsec is still an option but it means a potential risk to their family. Or they could try and do the normal grind and work inside the system. There is another option. Do good show they have changed and become a bennefit to society and get the courts to order them off the list and even modify the records. The problem with that is the opportunity to do something like that is pretty much removed by just being placed on the list. You aren't going to be given the chance to become a doctor or therapist you can't work in groups with victims to better their life unless a court agrees to it and so some one backs you. The number of jobs you may potentially get is reduced to a fraction of what it was before being on the list.

In short yea you could make a game out of this with a hell of a lot of challenge and options for the character to move on.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
Just as I would have no problem with leeches as a medical treatment in the right time period, it doesn't mean I expect it to be effective.
Ahem... We still use leeches today in modern medical practices. :p

It is primarily used in things such as re-attaching dismembered limbs such as fingers etcetera.

Wanna know what else is also used in modern medical procedures? Maggots. :sick:

Who is in the Dark ages now!
Aug 22, 2017
I know of at least one game written by an apparent tumblr feminist female, that game is extremely rapey and led me to conclude that the author simply doesn't know how to interact with human males. OP is a sexist idiot, because women can be just as retarded as men.


Jun 1, 2017
Well you can look at some statistic that might help explain a lot of this. Take a look at the number of white males for example that have had sex in the last year. Granted white males aren't the only people making these games. But I think the reason you can find statistics on that vs others is a number of issues that would be off topic for this so I will avoid that part of the discussion.

If however I look at the kids I see in my son's school and the people and number of other stuff I see on line and the college age and those recently graduated there are some trends that go along with it. This generation has a lot more socially awkward individuals. Probably because they spend so much time online rather than having face to face conversations. School districts like my son's don't help. For example you can't do party invitations unless everyone is invited in the class. So any sort of socializing like that you have to reach out after school hours. The point being is the school districts actually make situations worse not better.
Then you have shit bag parents these days that are another issues. They don't teach their kids proper behavior or enforce discipline. If you look at the number of females under 30 resorting to cam modeling and porn and prostitution well its really at epidemic levels.

Couple that with the long term relationships decline and hookups have increased.

Pretty much that says a lot of people aren't really experienced in the romance area. That kind of makes it hard for them to write about romance. For a lot of guys its just hard to approach a woman to ask her on a date let alone follow through with having a date and making proper conversation and not acting awkward simply being confident in themselves is hard for them. You can blame a lot of that confidence issues on crap like people getting participation rewards rather than simply being acknowledged for what they are good at. Think about it. How do you know you are good at something or have something to be proud of in comparison to others if you are never actually measured against others.

As I said before hand there are a lot of reasons why this is the case. The reasons are because we live in a world of cause and effect. For every action there is a reaction. People just don't care to think about the consequences of their actions these days so much because they want to get away with doing whatever it is they feel like doing at present.
That's it, roll credits/lock the thread.

Certainly, the lack of quality and depth of any kind of competent narrative in this context is a confluence of factors, all of them touched upon or mentioned by everyone in this thread, but those only really amount to a negligible percentage. However, what @grtrader wrote about is the meat of the subject.

Now, don't get me wrong, here. I'm not expecting literary masterpieces coming from these things, and if you are, I'm afraid I have some bad news. But it couldn't be more clear, from the way everything in these 'games' is portrayed, that an overwhelming number of them are the authors' dumpster-fire of personal fantasy and power trips. It just so happens that this specific medium is in its novelty years, and through the digital branches of media, other people with similar tastes have been brought together, by the inertia of limited expression, sexual, emotional, or otherwise.

Look at the majority of the porn in question, in the context of the explosion of simulated incest across the interwebs, in the last few years. Ever wonder why the subjects are always white and somewhere around middle-class? I don't think I've ever seen incest or domination themed porn of any other demographics.

It's all about supply and demand. Always has been, always will be. To those whose needs of expression are met, it may not seem so, but porn IS a product, just like everything else in this world. The objective of the seller is to make their customer come back, not give him the perfect product. That'd be fiscally irresponsible of them.

It's something @dspeed mentioned, too. Incest is already established, right? It's expected that the reader/watcher/player ought to do most of the workload. Kind of Lovecraftian, in a way, if you think about it.Though leagues below the quality of the aforementioned work, of course. The most powerful force in the universe is your imagination, right?

The fact of the matter is, fiction has been sanatized, over the past ten years. People always have and always will require an outlet for their more...private needs of expression. And we know for a fact that the most satisfying fantasies people have always find themselves a little on the transgressive side. I mean, I don't know about you, but no matter its nature, glamor porn feels like watching paint dry, and I ain't no Wilson Fisk. If the fantasies of people are too disconnected from their reality, the journey and its eventual crescendo will prove attractionless. It's why amateur porn is significantly more sought after, than anything else. In real life, folks ain't smooth barbie dolls. Most men don't have big cocks and last 45 minutes. Most women don't look like 18 year old girls and provide constant auditory entertainment, for the neighbors to hear. People tire, cum prematurely, fart, laugh, their knees ache and their backs hurt; take water breaks and comment on how annoying their squeaking bed is. It's all about that relatability, man.

Look at these 'games', and see how many of these models actually provide plausibility. I mean, shit, a lot of people 'play' these 'games', and are obviously attached to the concept of the mother. But why is it that, barring few exceptions, they all look like college girls? Oh, but wait, the writer basically has to call her 'mom', so that it's clear who she is, since otherwise you'd have no fucking idea, by the looks of it. I've touched on this before, and I'll do it again. There's three factors that can elevate the type of work on this kind of site, and others like it, bringing it closer to success. For a 'game', like most of these, you need a programmer, a writer, and a director. Most of the people making these 'games' try to be all three, and buckle under all that pressure sooner, as we've come to see and expect, rather than later. When you're your own soundboard, your creativity and voice exist in an echo-chamber.

Furthermore, a lot of people want to, or feel the need to, but have no idea how to express themselves. You know what the responsibility of a writer is? It's not to write. It's not to read. It's to live. If a writer's potential stems from his imagination, no matter how much one writes or reads, if a point of reference doesn't exist, their thought process exists in a vacuum. Good fiction always has and always will be anchored in reality.

It's just baffling to me, how much potential is flushed away, because of basic impulses. Ironically enough, what's older in reality and history, than power? The relationship between power and weakness is intrinsic to human nature, and domination and submission exist in every fiber of everyone's being, be it unconsciously or otherwise. It's a tale older than time, but the future can never be written in the absence of the past. It's why fiction like this seldom feels plausible. If our nature and our very bones and nerve endings are lined with the need to echo the actions of our distant past, why don't we listen more, instead of continuing to make the same mistakes, time and time again?

Today, inertia's made folks latch onto certain things and throwing them at the wall, to see if they stick. Today, most of us hear, instead of listening. Stare, instead of paying attention. Sloth used to be a sin. Now, the mentality of the least amount of effort providing the most amount of profit is, at the very least, worshipped.

Kinks are what makes us tick. They're what's good for every individual soul, making everyone's exclusive experience empowering. But that doesn't mean we ought to let them turn into fetishes. Faith is private, and religion is public. As gooey and warm as the feeling of community might be, if we one day wake up, looking around us, finding ourselves in a crowd of strangers, all while having no idea of how we got there, in the first place, maybe that day is an opportunity for reassessment. Because maybe, just maybe, we were part of a cult, and didn't know it. You thought mother nature was a bitch? Inertia is her evil sister. I think it's good to know the nature of our own stories. You never know; they might be tragedies.

TLDR: Porn games are mostly made by virgins (regardless of their gender). Sexually, emotionally, and intelectually.
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Feb 11, 2019
This game Sinful Mother is the worst example of rape and realism being entirely ignored. It's to the point its beyond delusional.
I could write a book on all the issues. It was hard to stop at what I did write on it.
My advice if you are this bad when it comes to this type of stuff get someone else to write it someone with a brain in their head that has at least a little bit of sense of what can and can't work.
It's like the person has absolutely no grasp on reality. Seriously it would not surprise me to find this person was committed to a mental hospital.

You are probably thinking it is just a story why would you say that. I'll see if I can explain why. People who talk and have friends tend to tell stories all the time to one another you might not recognize it as such. They may be talking about the days events or what happened playing a game or what happened while shopping trying to impress one another.... In general when people naturally tell stories like that even when trying to lie there is an understanding that it has to make some form of sense or fit together in a means that it is able to be followed and believed. Even so called Ghost stories while we tend to know they are fake generally best ones immerse you in it by making you believe they are possible.

This game on the other hand didn't even make the least bit of an attempt from what I can see. That leaves me with two thoughts either totally bat shit nuts or this person has been in isolation for years a total loner like never talks to anyone. Just basic every day communication with others the story should be more cohesive.

Reality is the largest part of a stories cohesiveness. Even stories that have magic and monsters and so on rules to an extent.
Sure you could have explained away this story and all the damage issues I talked about in my post on it with magic was used to prevent and fix it. But then if magic existed there was no need to do any of this. If they can fix the mental damage with magic they could just made her submit and so on.

In short the story was so bad it litterally makes the story pointless in the end. You could just have had a few buts labels choice 1 and 2 and left the dialog out entirely and it would have been as good.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Ahem... We still use leeches today in modern medical practices. :p

It is primarily used in things such as re-attaching dismembered limbs such as fingers etcetera.

Wanna know what else is also used in modern medical procedures? Maggots. :sick:

Who is in the Dark ages now!
Interesting, but I think you know what I meant. Leeches to treat the flu or something. But hey, "The More You Know" -ting-

I know of at least one game written by an apparent tumblr feminist female, that game is extremely rapey and led me to conclude that the author simply doesn't know how to interact with human males. OP is a sexist idiot, because women can be just as retarded as men.
I'm not sure I follow the logic of that statement, but if it makes you feel better, okay. I could pick it apart, but I doubt that will accomplish anything.

@abbott : I'm not going to insert a quote, but I think you're probably on the right track with the lack of let's say exposure of many writers of VNs. Maybe we need a recommended reading/viewing list for people that are interested in writing a romantic VN. People are complicated as everyone should know because they are a person. When the people in your story don't act like people, then it's harder for a person to relate.

I think it's okay to skirt realism in service to a story or entertainment, but there's a limit. You want to avoid the reader, or player, from going "that doesn't make any sense." So I go back to the action genre because people have less emotional investment in that topic. Action Man falls out of a second story window and is dazed, but gets up and keeps actioning, okay fine. Action Man falls out of a 10th story window and is fine, you better start helping the audience buy that. He's a super soldier or he fell on some mattresses, something. Maybe some writers don't understand the weight of the actions in their VNs.

Let's run down varying degrees of a sexual situation. A guy and girl that are not romantically involved are sharing a bed for "reasons." First we start on the innocent side. The guy wakes up with his arm casually draped over the girl. She wakes up and tells him to get off her. The tone would be anywhere from disgust to gentle depending on the story. "Get the fuck off me" to "Um, I'd like to get up now." Now, similar scenario, but the guy's hand is firmly on her boob, again unintentionally. This is the sort anime accidental pervert scenario. Again the reaction could cover a range. Ramping up from there we could have any number of activities increasing in severity. The guy intentionally gropes the girl, he rubs his dick against her, he cums on her, he gropes her under her clothes or fingers her. Finally, you guessed it, he has sex with her without her explicit consent.

It's harder and harder to believe a gentle response to the escalating activity I've mentioned. A girl is probably going to have an easier time ignoring an unintentional (or even intentional) boob grab than being fucked in the ass. (We're not even going to cover what she would sleep through or not). If the girl is going to let being fucked in the ass slide, I (as a player) am going to need a little help understanding why. "Well if a girl sleeps in the same bed as a guy, that's basically permission to fuck them in the ass." This seems to be the logic some VNs follow. "My ass is sore, you want some breakfast?" No, this shit doesn't just happen. It CAN play out that way, but you have explain it.

I'll bring an example from a great movie, The Princess Bride. (Spoilers, I guess?)
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There are ways to write romantic stories without rapey scenes and still have plenty of sexual content. There are ways to write rapey stories that have some resemblance to reality. There are even ways to write romantic stories with rapey content and still make sense, but that's going to take a lot of explanation to work. Again, I don't think you have to be a "great" writer to pull these off. They have varying degrees of difficulty and the writers will have varying degrees of success, I just want to see that they tried.
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Feb 11, 2019
I'll bring an example from a great movie, The Princess Bride. (Spoilers, I guess?)
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There are ways to write romantic stories without rapey scenes and still have plenty of sexual content. There are ways to write rapey stories that have some resemblance to reality. There are even ways to write romantic stories with rapey content and still make sense, but that's going to take a lot of explanation to work. Again, I don't think you have to be a "great" writer to pull these off. They have varying degrees of difficulty and the writers will have varying degrees of success, I just want to see that they tried.
Some toxins you can build up an immunity to some you can't. It depends on how the toxin works, how it stays in the system and breaks down and if it can be diluted enough.
One example is some snake handlers often build up some immunity to various snake venom(s) because of repeated bites over time.

Toxins that don't leave the system and continually build up you can't build an immunity to. Over time you will accumulate enough in your system for it to be lethal.
Something like the harpoon snail in the ocean uses such a tiny amount you couldn't dilute it something like a single drop could kill 500 full grown elephants. It's a neural toxin on top of it you heart and lungs but the brain is alive till it looses conscious.

You can also right a romantic story with very rapey scenes in it that are not actual rape even though visually they would appear so. I'll just say it this way if you have a sex partner into that shit CYA get it in writing what they want have a safe word and even possibly record it to protect your ass from a false rape allegation. That said there are people who get the hell off being dominated/abused to that extent. Most have issues of one kind or another.


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Game Developer
Apr 26, 2019
Rape is such a common theme in so many of these games, and playing out fantasies is obviously a part of the gaming experience, but rewarding main characters for doing extremely vile shit to NPCs turns me off, personally. There's a way to implement these kinds of fantasies with maturity and nuance, in much the same way films and books do, but straight-up "victimization" of characters baffles me at times. I'm not sure if it's lazy writing, the dev's own fantasies or the demand (maybe all three), but it is prevalent.