Why are so many games on here so rapey? [Poll]

Why do devs make rapey games? (explained below)

  • Shortcut to Sex

    Votes: 131 17.7%
  • Rape Fantasy

    Votes: 344 46.4%
  • They don't know how to interact with human females

    Votes: 267 36.0%

  • Total voters


I think my main issue is when something that can be deemed rapey shows up in an otherwise romantic relationship (without being addressed). To a lesser extent the complete lack of acknowledgment that something was rapey.
Actually there can be certain moments in romantic and well-meant relationship that can still be considered rapey, but not bad writing.

Imagine a young and inexperienced adult couple. She's very reluctant about all things sexual but is also curious. Sometimes he has to stretch her limits a bit in order to progress the relationship and keep it out of the "friend zone". Kind of like DMD but without the F-D relationship. For instance, some girls can be really self-concious about their body and really don't want you to see her tits. But in order to "liberate" her, you do need to "forcibly" undress her. She thinks her pussy is dirty and doesn't want that you go down on her, but you still do because you know she'll like the feeling. Etc. All of that is borderline (or over the border) rape, but I think the intention also matters in such a case. In the above cases, the intention is not hurtful or selfish. But to get such a point across requires good writing.

Up to a point, it's the same with peeping, "accidental" exposures etc. Sometimes it is necessary to progress a relationship, especially in an incest scenario where the first step is to change the relationship from a family one to a potential sexual one. Again, it requires good writing.
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Feb 11, 2019
I mean we can certainly argue about the definition of rape or rapey, but really I started this thread to talk about devs taking unnecessary shortcuts to sex that go against theme. I think my main issue is when something that can be deemed rapey shows up in an otherwise romantic relationship (without being addressed). To a lesser extent the complete lack of acknowledgment that something was rapey. If just a little bit of effort was spent on writing, it would be less jarring.
There are a number of reasons. But one that is the most dominant that I am seeing.
For an MC to do and get away with most of this stuff they would need a rather high IQ.
Many serial killers and serial rapist that get away with it for any length of time are quite intelligent.

It's impossible for a person with a significant lower IQ to write a story from the perspective of a much higher IQ.
What do I mean significant 10 IQ points is more than enough.
I'm not going to make an assumption on what any one specific person's IQ is on here. It is however extremely unlikely any large number of people on this form push the 130 mark.

Couple that with the low percentile chance that people have of having first hand experience in doing this stuff or worked with people that are victims. Then just add in the other reasons like fan fare and what ever else it is kind of self explanatory.


For an MC to do and get away with most of this stuff they would need a rather high IQ.
Many serial killers and serial rapist that get away with it for any length of time are quite intelligent.
We cross-posted, but look at my post above. The MC doesn't need to get away with it, he needs to get caught in order to get the others to notice him. Peeping without getting caught is just a gratituous scene, getting caught shows he's interested in her and a way to advance or change the relationship.

IRL, it is quite difficult to seduce your mother. Not that I have practical experience with that. but there are obviously many hurdles to overcome. First of all, she needs to notice you as a man instead of a boy. Then she needs to understand you are interested in her. Finally she needs to get over the taboo feelings. Some rapey stuff could be useful especially in the first two stages but it needs to be well written and not cross the line, because that would be very counter productive.

It's impossible for a person with a significant lower IQ to write a story from the perspective of a much higher IQ.
That's ok, the more stupid devs can write stories about stupid people. ;)

Seriously, the most annoying thing is when the (mostly female) MC is supposedly highly intelligent (e.g. a lawyer) but can't see even the most obvious traps these fat old bastards lay out for her. :rolleyes:

Couple that with the low percentile chance that people have of having first hand experience in doing this stuff or worked with people that are victims.
That really is just poor writing, nothing else. Unfortunately it's quite common in these games. First step to writing should be researching. But a lot of people are just lazy...
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Feb 11, 2019
Actually there can be certain moments in romantic and well-meant relationship that can still be considered rapey, but not bad writing.

Imagine a young and inexperienced adult couple. She's very reluctant about all things sexual but is also curious. Sometimes he has to stretch her limits a bit in order to progress the relationship and keep it out of the "friend zone". Kind of like DMD but without the F-D relationship. For instance, some girls can be really self-concious about their body and really don't want you to see her tits. But in order to "liberate" her, you do need to "forcibly" undress her. She thinks her pussy is dirty and doesn't want that you go down on her, but you still do because you know she'll like the feeling. Etc. All of that is borderline (or over the border) rape, but I think the intention also matters in such a case. In the above cases, the intention is not hurtful or selfish. But to get such a point across requires good writing.

Up to a point, it's the same with peeping, "accidental" exposures etc. Sometimes it is necessary to progress a relationship, especially in an incest scenario where the first step is to change the relationship from a family one to a potential sexual one. Again, it requires good writing.
The friend zone though is easy to get out of.
My line, "It's great and all you want to be friends but I got lots of them and its not what I am interested at present. My time is valuable and I want to spend it with someone actually interested in building a relationship. If that isn't you well have a nice day." Then leave. Call up another girl visit the area you know they will be at and be seen with someone else. Show them you have a life. If you haven't been called back by them in a few days. Just keep dating other women. If this doesn't work the push and will most likely just make them angry.

I've never had to forcibly undress a woman in my life. Build their confidence. It's amazing what you can do in single day. Take them sky diving and other stuff. Flatter them ask. While this might embarrass them a bit ask a half dozen guys around if they think she is attractive. Have enough confidence to realize she is there with you doing that she isn't going off with one of them.

Just so you know its technically rape but next to impossible to prosecute unless the witness or victim is willing to admit to it.
I knew young lady who passed out at a friends how he took advantage of her while she slept the next day when she woke up from it she start justifying it to herself to the point she decided she was in love with him. Mind you this guy was her sisters ex husband and they had kids. Her sister and friends tried to get him prosecuted but because she wouldn't claim to be a victim and not a thing could be done other than he got his ass kicked a lot more often that day forward.
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Feb 11, 2019
We cross-posted, but look at my post above. The MC doesn't need to get away with it, he needs to get caught in order to get the others to notice him. Peeping without getting caught is just a gratituous scene, getting caught shows he's interested in her and a way to advance or change the relationship.

IRL, it is quite difficult to seduce your mother. Not that I have practical experience with that. but there are obviously many hurdles to overcome. First of all, she needs to notice you as a man instead of a boy. Then she needs to understand you are interested in her. Finally she needs to get over the taboo feelings. Some rapey stuff could be useful especially in the first two stages but it needs to be well written and not cross the line, because that would be very counter productive.

That's ok, the more stupid devs can write stories about stupid people. ;)

Seriously, the most annoying thing is when the (mostly female) MC is supposedly highly intelligent (e.g. a lawyer) but can't see even the most obvious traps these fat old bastards lay out for her. :rolleyes:

That really is just poor writing, nothing else. Unfortunately it's quite common in these games. First step to writing should be researching. But a lot of people are just lazy...
When I say get away with it. I am talking about being able to plan intentional manipulation not it just be happen stance.
In short the people or the woman will realize there is something strange going on even if they don't recognize it as an attempt to manipulate.

Yea, I brought up that consistency issue also with smart women acting dumb. consistency

Seducing one's mother. The degree of difficulty is going to range on a number of aspects. Her intelligence and the sons or daughters. Then the situation they are in. Image the sun creates a false kidnap scenario where she believes that the only way for them to keep living is do what the kidnappers want. This carries on for months. Till it becomes normal place. That would take a high degree of planning and skill on the MCs part which is where the High IQ comes in.

Easier: Cult conditioning can also work. You can actually do this to someone under the guise of living healthier fairly easily.


The friend zone though is easy to get out of.
My line, "It's great and all you want to be friends but I got lots of them and its not what I am interested at present. My time is valuable and I want to spend it with someone actually interested in building a relationship. If that isn't you well have a nice day." Then leave. Call up another girl visit the area you know they will be at and be seen with someone else. Show them you have a life. If you haven't been called back by them in a few days. Just keep dating other women. If this doesn't work the push and will most likely just make them angry.
The first part I get, but that also depends on your / MC's life experience and confidence. What you is good and at the present day I would do the same, but when I was a teenager, I was nearly having a heart attack when a girl would actually speak to me.

The second part, well, I think it could work but I also consider it slightly douchey. Just my opinion.

I've never had to forcibly undress a woman in my life. Build their confidence. It's amazing what you can do in single day. Take them sky diving and other stuff. Flatter them ask. While this might embarrass them a bit ask a half dozen guys around if they think she is attractive. Have enough confidence to realize she is there with you doing that she isn't going off with one of them.
To be clear, I'm not talking about ripping her clothes off, more of a "she says no, you say yes" kind of situation with maybe a tiny amount of physical force. And yes, it's still somewhat non-consentual.

The sky diving, I think it could work for some women who have general low self-esteem. But what I was talking about was specific hang-ups regarding sex and her body. General confidence building won't really work there.


Feb 11, 2019
The first part I get, but that also depends on your / MC's life experience and confidence. What you is good and at the present day I would do the same, but when I was a teenager, I was nearly having a heart attack when a girl would actually speak to me.

The second part, well, I think it could work but I also consider it slightly douchey. Just my opinion.

To be clear, I'm not talking about ripping her clothes off, more of a "she says no, you say yes" kind of situation with maybe a tiny amount of physical force. And yes, it's still somewhat non-consentual.

The sky diving, I think it could work for some women who have general low self-esteem. But what I was talking about was specific hang-ups regarding sex and her body. General confidence building won't really work there.
Everyone is different its what makes us individuals. The simple fact is most women want a guy who is or has something who is their own person. Women are just a lot more attracted to guys they think have something going on or have something fun to do and then there is the other factor of do other women also show an interest.

Are you being a bit manipulative sure. But it isn't really underhanded. Think about it she said she isn't interested in you in that way. So you have no obligation to act loyal there isn't that type of relationship. At most you are giving her a glimpse of what she is missing out on. Women pull the same damn shit.

Don't get me wrong I have no issue with people stripping each others clothes off. Just needs to be 100% consensual. Some of the girls I dated we had to sew buttons back on both of our clothes and worse. But there was no hesitation on their part at all in what they wanted to do.

Here's the thing that doesn't fit with what some of these guys want in their stories. They want that part where its their choice not hers.

If you want kinky as bondage and more plenty of women are into that at as well. My wife was the one who got me into it. She loved to be tied up and taken. Just her thing back then. She doesn't do it with guy she is with now. My guess is he will get dropped pretty soon. Not my issue any more.

When you get into consensual bondage its fine in RL but its more 50 shades of shit rather than what these guys want in stories from what I see. Generally the appeal to rapist isn't the sex but the control that gets them off.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2018
We cross-posted, but look at my post above. The MC doesn't need to get away with it, he needs to get caught in order to get the others to notice him. Peeping without getting caught is just a gratituous scene, getting caught shows he's interested in her and a way to advance or change the relationship.

IRL, it is quite difficult to seduce your mother. Not that I have practical experience with that. but there are obviously many hurdles to overcome. First of all, she needs to notice you as a man instead of a boy. Then she needs to understand you are interested in her. Finally she needs to get over the taboo feelings. Some rapey stuff could be useful especially in the first two stages but it needs to be well written and not cross the line, because that would be very counter productive.

That's ok, the more stupid devs can write stories about stupid people. ;)

Seriously, the most annoying thing is when the (mostly female) MC is supposedly highly intelligent (e.g. a lawyer) but can't see even the most obvious traps these fat old bastards lay out for her. :rolleyes:

That really is just poor writing, nothing else. Unfortunately it's quite common in these games. First step to writing should be researching. But a lot of people are just lazy...
People can be "book smart" but not "street smart". Similarly, people can have high general intelligence but lower social or emotional intelligence. Social intelligence is more about social interaction, being able to "read a room", and to a lesser extent the ability to manipulate/resist being manipulated by others. Emotional intelligence is about knowing your own feelings, being able to feel empathy for others, and understand the true emotions the other person is manifesting.
There's also the element of inexperience. If someone has not experienced various forms of manipulation before, they may not as readily recognize them.
But if Mom is a smart businesswoman in her 40s who's lived a little and been around, odds are pretty good that her would be Casanova teenage son is not going to be able to "trick" her into some kind of sexual scenario...


Feb 11, 2019
All the various forms of intelligence are just subsets of general intelligence.
When you get down to it what you are talking about isn't so much intelligence its education.
Street smarts is having learned how things happen on the street so to say. So its education in that area.
People learn different things easier than others.

In short a person with a 70 IQ is never going to be really street smart no matter what. A person with a 100 IQ is only going to achieve average levels in that are. A person with 150 IQ who applies himself there will be even better.

Emotional intelligence is also known as emotional maturity when it comes to having relationships. Is again learned behavior and actions. Again education. IQ still determines the level you can reach.

Like I said before it depends on the situation and the ability to pull it off and make her believe it. We aren't talking some 5 minute crapper like you see in these games. Which is the primary point of it that they aren't realistic.

Think of it on this level. He sets up a place in a warehouse only he has access to.
There are two rooms jointly connected. There is a slot food can be slid through each day.
The wall between the two cells is plexiglass so she can see her son.
For them to get fed the captors demand the engage in sex. The food is fed in by a remote he has hidden on his bed.
So she is going to have to watch her son starve along with her own hunger over time for as long as she refuses.
Her food could be laced.
You can do enough shit over time that will fuck with a person emotionally. As anyone that was held for months or years by their captors. They can change to the very point they change names, associate being in love with the captor and so much more.

The only way someone could pull that off is being intelligent and having the resources to do so.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Actually there can be certain moments in romantic and well-meant relationship that can still be considered rapey, but not bad writing.

Imagine a young and inexperienced adult couple. She's very reluctant about all things sexual but is also curious. Sometimes he has to stretch her limits a bit in order to progress the relationship and keep it out of the "friend zone". Kind of like DMD but without the F-D relationship. For instance, some girls can be really self-concious about their body and really don't want you to see her tits. But in order to "liberate" her, you do need to "forcibly" undress her. She thinks her pussy is dirty and doesn't want that you go down on her, but you still do because you know she'll like the feeling. Etc. All of that is borderline (or over the border) rape, but I think the intention also matters in such a case. In the above cases, the intention is not hurtful or selfish. But to get such a point across requires good writing.

Up to a point, it's the same with peeping, "accidental" exposures etc. Sometimes it is necessary to progress a relationship, especially in an incest scenario where the first step is to change the relationship from a family one to a potential sexual one. Again, it requires good writing.
See you've already put more thought into it than many devs have. This is what I mean, it's not hard to provide a context for most scenarios that allows them to exist with some amount of plausibility. I mean this is pure fantasy, the reason doesn't even have to make all that much sense, but it should be explained. Like I've said before, I'll take mind control or a love potion over just acting like it's perfectly normal. Setting your VN in some version of the real world and often in a modern setting, you have to follow the "rules" of this world unless you state a way in which they defer in your game world.

Let's take a game where the MC gropes his sister while she sleeps (might be a few around). Let's say the sister wakes up during this grope session. The lazy writer will say "She's super turned on and wants to fuck." No reason, no explanation, just this is happening now. (Well maybe the classic "dick hypnosis" scenario) All it takes is one little scene (before the groping) where we see the sister was already interested in the MC and maybe even had dirty thoughts of her own. If we're not given any foreknowledge, then we expect most sisters to be horrified. Maybe I'm crazy, but that seems to be a more plausible reaction.

Now you don't have to explain every little thing that happens in a game, if they are normal things. The MC gets a soda from the fridge. I don't need to see someone buying the soda, I can take it on faith. If the MC pulls hand grenade out of the fridge, I might need some context. I mean imagine a scenario where the MC is walking down the street, pauses, then pulls out a gun and murders a guy. Somone comes up and says, "Thank you, you're my hero." If there was no setup and no follow up, the player would be left to wonder what the fuck just happened. I feel like rape and rapey content isn't something you can just sprinkle in without acknowledging it. In most cases, it's not acceptable behavior. So you're left with the responsibility to explain the context of it.
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Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
Nobody behaves in a game they would in real life. Why play then? General society is so thick headed when it comes to games, they can't get such a simple concept. This poll is symptomatic of that with the "can't interact with females" option, the inherent assumption behind that games = reality. There are no males or females in games, just 1s and 0s. If someone ran over a crowd of "people" in GTA, it does not mean they run over people in real life.

It's shocking that so many people in a gaming forum have the back-asswards mindset of geriatric politicians. Either that or they're trained by twitter to just pick the anti-rape answer to look hip and socially conscious. I guess that's fine if you want to look cool or normal but it doesn't really help get an accurate answer in an anonymous poll (no cool points on the table.)


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Nobody behaves in a game they would in real life. Why play then? General society is so thick headed when it comes to games, they can't get such a simple concept. This poll is symptomatic of that with the "can't interact with females" option, the inherent assumption behind that games = reality. There are no males or females in games, just 1s and 0s. Run over a crowd of "people" in GTA, it does not relate to someone's real world behavior.

It's shocking that so many people in a gaming forum have the back-asswards mindset of geriatric politicians. Either that or they're trained by twitter to just pick the anti-rape answer to look hip and socially conscious. I guess that's fine if you want to look cool or normal but it doesn't really help get an accurate answer in an anonymous poll (no cool points on the table.)
Run over a crowd of people in GTA and the cops start chasing you. Action, reaction. Is it hyper realistic? No, but the act is acknowledged. The consequences of actions can be just as important as the actions themselves. Ever accidentally run a person over while you're trying to do something else and now you have cops all over your ass? It makes the action have weight, however minor. In Red Dead Redemption 2 (same company) you can accidentally step on an animal with your horse in town and suddenly you are a wanted criminal. If there was no consequence, the experience would feel hollow. If you could shoot a random person in town and literally nothing happened, no bystanders panicking, no cops, zero reaction, it would make the act feel pointless and empty.


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
Run over a crowd of people in GTA and the cops start chasing you. Action, reaction. Is it hyper realistic? No, but the act is acknowledged. The consequences of actions can be just as important as the actions themselves. Ever accidentally run a person over while you're trying to do something else and now you have cops all over your ass? It makes the action have weight, however minor. In Red Dead Redemption 2 (same company) you can accidentally step on an animal with your horse in town and suddenly you are a wanted criminal. If there was no consequence, the experience would feel hollow. If you could shoot a random person in town and literally nothing happened, no bystanders panicking, no cops, zero reaction, it would make the act feel pointless and empty.
Just as many games don't do that. I think you missed the point. It's not about game mechanics. It's about the question: if you do something in a game does that mean you will do it in real life? Many people assume so but that's not possible. Video games sell millions of copies but there isn't any proportionate rise in mass shootings and other crimes. Yet so many people believe that, even here.


Active Member
May 2, 2018
Just as many games don't do that. I think you missed the point. It's not about game mechanics. It's about the question: if you do something in a game does that mean you will do it in real life? Many people assume so but that's not possible. Video games sell millions of copies but there isn't any proportionate rise in mass shootings and other crimes.
That's not really the question here. You're making a point against an argument nobody is making. So, okay?


Engaged Member
Aug 6, 2016
TLDR on my original post, eh? Look at the poll, number of votes seems to say different.


Feb 11, 2019
Nobody behaves in a game they would in real life. Why play then? General society is so thick headed when it comes to games, they can't get such a simple concept. This poll is symptomatic of that with the "can't interact with females" option, the inherent assumption behind that games = reality. There are no males or females in games, just 1s and 0s. Run over a crowd of "people" in GTA, it does not relate to someone's real world behavior.

It's shocking that so many people in a gaming forum have the back-asswards mindset of geriatric politicians. Either that or they're trained by twitter to just pick the anti-rape answer to look hip and socially conscious. I guess that's fine if you want to look cool or normal but it doesn't really help get an accurate answer in an anonymous poll (no cool points on the table.)
Sorry just got to laugh.
There are entire communities that play realistically in games even though they are role playing. Role playing doesn't have to be unrealistic. It's about the story the adventure doing something you don't normally get to do in regular life. Even seeing if you are up to a challenge but in a safer environment.

In short there are loads of reasons. The fact you can't understand that doesn't mean others don't. You just like I am not a representative of the entire population. The population is filled with individuals not copies of you or I.

I don't think the person was being anti rape so much as they were asking why was that being so widely used as a fall back.
Think of it like a mechanic who can't figure out what's wrong with the cars electrical system so he just starts replacing parts.
Well in this case they whatever the reason is when they get into scenarios the fall back is resorting to rape to move forward.


Feb 11, 2019
That's not really the question here. You're making a point against an argument nobody is making. So, okay?
Agreed, I got to wonder if they even paid attention you were the OP and started the thread and bothered to read that post.


Dec 27, 2018
For the most part it just feels like suspension of disbelief. You, as the player, (not the dev) accept the general narrative as fantasy and escapist and position 2 (tropes to build up the tension in the game like peeping, or a maguffin device/spell). But sometimes it can get a little weird. Ironically when something does crop up in a game that feels particularly rapey (in games utilising those basic features) it can get rather uncomfortable. Two that spring to mind. In waifu academy, (and to be clear, im not casting a moral pronouncement just using it as an illustrative example) a game almost built on the concept of revenge rape and abuse, (but isnt really) theres a scene where you literally rape a conscious girl telling you to stop in the lockers (as you spy on her mum having sex). As a player you might start feeling a bit... uncomfortable, but dont worry because she doesnt mind after the event. Later on she gets to rape you and now its even.

Im sure its not the only game where the fair and equal trade of rape makes it alright. Rape as something with consequence or emotional devastation doesnt exist. Its not even couched as rape, or if it is, its a world in which rape is just some kind of transaction. I rape you, you rape me. Fancy a bit of raping this afternoon Doris? 'Well i do need to do my weekly shop, but i could probably fit some rape in after lunch'. As a player you're kind of just left going 'oh... er, okay. I guess its fine in this universe.' and carry on playing.

Then there's this other game, i forget the name. Its a corruption game. You gain a magic power and can slowly break the persons will and inhibitions down until they become your slave. Again, rape is really front and center so im not casting more aspersions here, its just an interesting example. Ironically its not the raping that makes this one noteable. Its one specific scene where one of the girls is fighting your mind control over her. She stays at home and avoids coming into the office you work at entirely to avoid you. The protagonist cant have that. So he finds out where she lives, and knocks on her door. She is stunned and terrified to see you. She locks the door. But you then break into her house to find her in her room sobbing. She desperately wants you to leave her alone. But again, you dont. And its really uncomfortable because its the first time you're pulled out of the fantasy. Of course, you manage to brainwash her again and things go back to normal.

I dont know if its intentional or not, but its the first time you as a player are really made to look in the mirror. Sure, you can whittle down their self control, thats just the driving mechanic of the game. Perhaps even you as a player are giving them exactly what they need to become the person they deep down want to be with your magic power (and overall thats the driving narrative), but in this one instance the narrative walls come tumbling down and now its actually foregrounded as mind control and rape. And for reasons i dont understand i didnt expect actual rape in my cute little rapey harem game. To this day i still dont know if it was intentional from the author to make you reflect a little, or whether it was just the obvious solution to drive the story forward and give a bit of conflict.

The point is that the use of rape is always couched in that suspension of disbelief. You accept the voyeurism, corruption and rape elements. But thats just beating the game. But once in a while you're going to find an actual rape scene and its going to confuse you because youre not expecting or even wanting rape with consequences (in real world) in your game. Unless of course you are in which case you probably want games that dont just say 'dont worry, none of this matters; you're fine, s/he's fine' (as in the waifu academy example above).


Active Member
May 2, 2018
ipps makes some good points. I want to be clear on one other point (this isn't directed at ipps, just made me think of it). I'm not advocating that rape in games has be realistic. Real rape can be devastating and scar someone for life. I mean a game can handle it that way if they want, but that's not what I'm after. The thing is that you have to address it, at least a little. Maybe it lowers her opinion of you. Maybe she won't talk to you for a few days (thinking harem here). Something, anything. Just acting like it's normal and has no repercussions isn't really the way to do it. It's like when an action star gets injured and starts limping for a few scenes, then flat out sprints a little later. You go, but what about the injury? Some people will say "Oh, it's just an action movie, you're over thinking it." But I still think it's lazy and can be handled properly.


Dec 27, 2018
Yeah, thats the moral problem i'm genuinely wondering about in my two illustrations. The problem for me is that by adding consequences (or set ups breaking down the maguffin), it perhaps starts to take on the shape of a 'rape game'. And i really dont want to play an actual rape game. My initial reaction was to argue the point im now arguing against. Intuitively there should be a consequence to your Player-Character behavior. And that perhaps some of these games are a bit too casual in brushing over the problematic nature of certain narrative choices. But i still cant square that with the fact i dont want to play a rape game. And in bringing consequences into the game, i effectively am. To see what i mean, just think what would be crucial precisely to someone who does want to play that game. What would be their checklist? How satisfying would they find the rape scene in waifu academy (which plays out more like two friends pranking one another)?
How about the second example, where there are consequences, and where her terror is absolutely foregrounded. Isnt that going to feel more satisfying and closer to the game they actually want to play?

This isnt to say it cant be handled with a degree of sophistication. The guy making acting lessons seems to build this into his story. But you go into your game knowing that there are consequences. Whereas most harem games are more like a fun park.

So what i'd say as the mealy middle ground blancmange answer might be that there is a market for games with greater sophistication. And an ambitious writer or games designer might want to get involved in it. But perhaps not all designers have those narrative powers and just want a maguffin to move the plot forward in a fantastic universe where you can have sex with everyone you like. And because its consequence free, the term rape might have to be reassessed in how we talk about those games. I mean, theyre clearly using rape mechanics. But does it really make sense to talk about 'rape' when the entire narrative makes it clear that there are no in game consequences to the player or the members of their harem?