Why so many thread just became target practice against Devs?


Staff member
Aug 6, 2016
Here's my 2 cents as a member.. take it or leave it.
If a response is "Game is great! Dev is god!" or "Game Sucks! Die Now!", it's a throwaway response. IMHO, those should all be mass deleted. If I could, I would.
If a response says "The game has models that resemble melted wax and is like the horrible claymation movies" or "This looks like it was drawn by a blind kid with tremors", it's allowable because it's actually referring to something specific with the game. I've personally made similar comments about artwork and I frequently do. Barring the troll posts, we all need to do better with being specific as to why we felt the way we do about the game. If we feel it's awesome, then we need to tell the dev what was so awesome about it so they can continue with that good work. If we feel the game sucks, we also need to point out where and what the failure is in our eyes. This also helps the developer.
If I was a developer and made an OP, I'd make a rule that if I can't point to a specific part of the post that concretely refers to something in the game, it can be deleted. That way, only the constructive posts remain. Just something to think about...


Jun 14, 2017
When some developers (not all) understand that at the moment the demand is largely above the offer and that when it will not be the case, even their loyal worshiper will not support them anymore if they does not make effort then may be that it will calm down.

As said just above saying the game is bad / good or the dev is lazzy / a god does not help. But do not understand and accept constructive criticism is the worst thing that can happen.
So yes, a bad game can be extremely (too) appreciated at the moment. Whether it's just bad choice or because the dev chose to do nothing or do shit voluntarily. But that will not always be the case.

In the place of one of these developers if I saw messages of this kind (non-constructive but negative) I would just say that this person does not know or does not have time to explain what's wrong. But there is something wrong. So I will try to understand and improve myself if i can (its not always the case)

I understand very well why sometimes there are some who get upset to see others licking the ass of a dev / game that does not deserve it. It's the worst thing that can happen to a developer actually.
It gives him the impression that his game is really good in all areas. Except that the day when other games will come up, with something other than just nice cgs or anything else that is currently a little above average, these "ass lickers" will be the first to drop it and the game will not will not be improved because no one will have noticed the problems of the game.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
*really weird and uncomfortable smile going on*
Oi, what's going on in here? I see a lot of things I like, this is good.
Well, let's take a look in random order.

As moderators, what we do is we take action against posts deemed to be blatantly against the first rule - be respectful to other members. But it's a slippery slope that runs awfully close to censoring so we act against the posts that we deem are the worst offenders.
I agree, personal attacks are lowest of low (though, funny to watch when people throw shit at each other), but shitting on a product is fine. Pointing out issues with product is fine, I guess that slippery slope starts when conclusion of shown issues points at the developer. Most of the time it's the case.

Feel free to use the magic button and shut it down...my desire was not to open the pandora box and i hope it will remain civil and we can understand each other as adults but hmmm..
If not for the Pandora's jar reference, it wouldn't be as good. You literally fell under same reasoning for starting the thread as Pandora when she decided to open it [the jar]. It's a beautiful comparison in this context, I will give you that.

And my point is a thread should be about the product and not a mono maniac focus about the dev !
What if bad product is a result of a dev being bad? We avoid conversation to not hurt dev's feelings? Pat them on the head like a kid that can't understand? Become fanboys and defend all his/hers actions, good and bad? While I will agree that there is difference in "you're shit" and "your product is shit", one can be result of another.

No, this is not the censorship police, I still need to get my badge :p
Anyway, what kakhauf is saying here, I agree and nothing to add, just to point at. Saving space in a long post.

"In fact there should be no peace"? No matter what you or I think, there are people who like games that other people don't and they benefit from developers interacting with. What right does anyone have to make the kinds of decisions you're making on behalf of all 4,200+ members (unless you own or run this forum)? YOU not liking something doesn't mean that no one should be able to enjoy it.
I think you didn't got the point. There should be no place for devs that are: lazy, don't care, just want to milk money and so on, those types. And thanks to them, ricochets easily hit other, honest and hard working devs, those however should just continue what they are doing, actions and time will be the best way to prove who is wrong and who is right. Much better than words and promises.

And this is something that has only be increasing. I dont know where the toxic behavior started but its definitely become a virus on here and spreading. I personally dont like to punish users or have to ban them. Since it has been getting worse, harsher actions have been taken.
Erm... "I do not upload or touch RPGM games", I wonder why? It may be a wild guess, but isn't the reason of it that a lot of RPGM games are just crap? Often created to milk money, badly designed and badly made. And it's not the engine's fault, it's the developer's fault. They are ones to blame. More people start realizing and they keep bashing on it, more and more and more. This is where it starts, this toxic behavior, it gets to a point someone needs to express it in every single post, spreading like a virus. Don't get me wrong, it's fully justified and I understand it. Just answering.
Then again, my wild guess could be completely wrong.

I've noticed lately that many thread became only massive shit storm against the devs.
Just like that? Without a reason at all? Damn, assholes everywhere...

Here we are, on a forum where we have the chance to get for free so many games because some "lunatics" decided to pay and share their links with us.
And then we find hundreds of message to bash/insult the dev.
I understand that we can see the forum as a way to promoting the game, which is why so many dev themselves interact here, then it can lead to critics, which is good.
Sharing thoughts and critics are the best way to inform potentials supporters (patrons) and if we think that a game is not worthy to be financially supported. But lately, it became only thrashing talks how the dev is a lazy liar, a milk man, a crook....whatever.
First sentence sounds like you are trying to setup something, hmm...
Meh, probably got it wrong. Anyway, yeah, there is a lot of thrashing and? When you have a lot of people doing what they are being accused of, you will see a lot of it.
If you are a patron, a forum user and feeling scammed, you unpledge and inform others of your misadventure and then you go on the road rage on patreon...why here?
Dunno, to inform as many people as possible? If for some reason their "feels" (ugh) were correct, it will save money of potential customers.
And why so many free user, use this forum to unload their rage toward devs for who they don't pledge for and keep going on and on, and even, attack other users who don't agree with them ! You don't like the game anymore or beleive the dev is no longer a good one, just drop the thread..
Oooooh, so that's what that sentence was for. So you were actually setting it up.
So, they didn't pay for it. Want to fight piracy or something? Do you know how you fight it? By creating things people want to pay for and support.
But yeah, you didn't pay for it, you played it, realized it's shit to milk money, now shut up, don't say a word and be a good boy.
If you think the project is a scam and want to bash it, meh, go for it. If it wasn't a scam in the end, you were wrong, if it was, you were right. Whole story.
I like this place but it became more bitter and angry that it used to be.
Sounds like Internet to me...

I like that I see some white knights here and there, may be because game they liked got bashed and they need to rise their shield. They may be right or just fanboys, people will judge actions of the dev over time.
They are calling you a lazy dev? A milking scammer? Maybe be more open about your work time? Your progress, what your are doing and so on. Support it with stuff. But if you can't or are disappearing for 3 months without any contact, it does seem weird, don't be shocked people jump to conclusion.
Scammers and lazy idiots won't be able to show much, because they don't do shit. That's often the concern. Just like a company needs to answer to their shareholders and financial contributors, to not disappoint them, you have to answer to your financial supporters. Sure, maybe you want to share it with supporters only, that's fine. But if someone gives money to access it and sees same lack of anything, then there is the problem.

People don't start massively shitting on something just because they are assholes. There is always a reason for it. Just because genuine thing gets hit by it as blast radius is big, doesn't mean they don't have means to prove those accusations are wrong.

Oh, right, wanted to ask. Who is this 4chan people are talking about?


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 4, 2017
First of all as a dev I can say that both is important, the good feedback and the negative (if it is constructive) feedback.
Of course some people like this fetish more than that or this art more than the other and so on. It's like always a matter of taste, which can't really be argued about.

Some negative feedback is just over the top, yes some games or devs "might" deserve some harsh words, I'm not saying there aren't any who do. But some devs just started out with all that and are trying to create something fun and enjoyable but aren't yet skilled enough, they need time. Most games in here are not finished, meaning they are early access. EA means the whole quality can change until the game is finished by a lot! BUT most devs (No I'm not defending those crybabys) already threw their work out the window because they couldn't handle all the negative feedback before getting better.

So yeah, it should both be in moderation, meaning of course you can tell them their game is shit, but please TRY to explain why you think it's shit, is it the artwork the game is lacking in? Or is it the story? Is it the grammar or maybe the content? Many players think all the adult games have to be porn games, which is wrong, some are erotica which build up slowly to the sex instead of like in porn games where it's: *WOW look at that ass!!!* "Hey babe come here let me fuck your face" - "Oh sure, why not, get your boa constrictor out and I'll suck you to heaven!"

Well, insulting a developer straight to their face - or via messages like on the internet - is indeed harmful and can stress him or cause other things to him that might lead to unproductiveness and general personal harm. I agree with you on that.
What's the point of constant positive (in most cases *** licking) feedback, though?
Positive comments are ridiculous overwhelming on here and also in general on Social Media and other online platforms.
Negative comments warn other people of bad developers and can also assist developers on their game.
The positive comments do absolutely nothing on here.
Yeah asskissing might not be the right thing to do either, it's stupid to praise a game over the top. But to say positive feedback doesn't do anything is stupid too. Like with the negative feedback it should be in moderation and if possible with some explanation. "Woaaah that game rocks!!!" doesn't help that's for sure, but neither does "You're a fucking patron milker!" So if there would be something like: "Hey the story so far is pretty awesome, but the art could be better!" It would for one don't look as bad and horrible for the dev AND it would help him improve his work by dedicating some more time to the art while he can keep the storytelling as is. He or she has a target to improve then, instead of nothing but insults and "asskissing" as you said.


La rabia del pueblo
Dec 19, 2016
Sounds like Internet to me...
... Doesn't mean you have to act like a dumb prick and climb on the shit train neither. As much as I agree with you on devs randomly disappearing for several months you can read tons of dumb comments about each one's opinion (the NTR war among other examples)

I like that I see some white knights here and there
I like how you deem someone being a white knight, shall I call you a virtual bad boy?

On a personal note, I think that you're overall more naturally inclined to highlight bad critics about something rather than the positive aspects but yeah there's a difference between free bashing (eg. I consider judging a game being or bad just based on the ntr fetish useless) and real critics.

Jim Webb

Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
I find this thread strange I mean have you used Facebook?Twitter?YouTube? the things I've been called on these sites. Myself I think the answer is just one of growth the bigger an site gets......

I mean when I have gone after an Dev, and I can think of only one it's because I think that person genuinely deserves it Not because I enjoy being an dick, mostly I think this site is heaven compared to an lot of other sites.


Game Developer
Jul 16, 2017
"Target practice"...I think you over estimate the impact of comments a bit or take all of it way too serious:cool:

The only problematic comment I can see...but that not only on F95...are what I call "the follow up posts"...basically hopping onto a bandwagon in hopes of a "like" not having a original thought in the process. It's just tiresome to scroll through them to finally find something of value...

Before one rants about the quality of a game think about the quality of the comment you are about to make as feedback is an essential part of a products potential to get better
...what I am saying is...truth-bomb: shitty comments deserve shitty games or ...you get what you deserve or ...you sow what you reap Jesus I could go on and on but who's reading any of it anywaysXD
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Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
... Doesn't mean you have to act like a dumb prick and climb on the shit train neither. As much as I agree with you on devs randomly disappearing for several months you can read tons of dumb comments about each one's opinion (the NTR war among other examples)
I agree, "Doesn't mean you have to", at the same time doesn't mean you can't. If you want to be a nice guy, go for it. If you want to be a dick, go for it. Any end results you get from it, are on you.

I like how you deem someone being a white knight, shall I call you a virtual bad boy?
And what's exactly stopping you? Is my approval needed for this? Should I fill some form?
"Excuse me, sir, but you called my friend an idiot, so I am going to defend him. Do you mind if I call you an asshole? Is that ok with you? I am worried you may feel bad about this, so I want to be sure."
Damnit, now I imagined situation like this and can't stop laughing xD
On a personal note, I think that you're overall more naturally inclined to highlight bad critics about something rather than the positive aspects but yeah there's a difference between free bashing (eg. I consider judging a game being or bad just based on the ntr fetish useless) and real critics.
Yeah, I have no idea about this whole NTR war, sounds already cringy as fuck, I want to see it :D
Anyway, you are more likely to get negative review about a product than positive. When everything works, people don't care about going on and saying it. Sure, they may drop 5/5 stars or say "I like". However, when there are problems, they want their voices to be heard. Not everyone is going to write a damn essay about it, sometimes it's just "Doesn't work! Fix!". It's nothing new, it's older than internet itself. If you ask them for more explanation, you may get it. Ask any PR people about it, they have some good damn stories to tell.


Feb 19, 2018
Just like with everything else on the internet the devs shouldn't pay to much attention to it. If people dont like the direction of their games they should just play something else. But let's say you are supporting someone thru patreon and you feel that the devs are just milking you with small and pointless updates then you have a right to be pissed, but at the same time you made that decision to support someone knowing full well you might get nothing in return.
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El bacca Del Chew

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2017
So many valid points here, and we might agree on most of them in fact..
What if bad product is a result of a dev being bad? We avoid conversation to not hurt dev's feelings? Pat them on the head like a kid that can't understand? Become fanboys and defend all his/hers actions, good and bad? While I will agree that there is difference in "you're shit" and "your product is shit", one can be result of another.
I have no desire at all to protect the devs, if they are a bad, it needs to be said and why. What i do not understand is the dozens and dozens of messages which just stated : is a milker, is a lazy bastard, is an ass..and nothing more.

First sentence sounds like you are trying to setup something, hmm...
Meh, probably got it wrong. Anyway, yeah, there is a lot of thrashing and? When you have a lot of people doing what they are being accused of, you will see a lot of it.
What's the point of trashing plan and simple? Attack the game by proxy the dev is fine but just attack the human being is pointless; it's just a personal lash out to express hate...like you can insults every other drivers on the highway, it might calm you but ain't productive at all.

But yeah, you didn't pay for it, you played it, realized it's shit to milk money, now shut up, don't say a word and be a good boy.
Not paying doesn't mean you can't make some critics, you have every rights to give your point of view, but focus your critics only/always on the money issue is kind of ironic, don't you think?

But as i said you have some very valid points and in the end we might share a lot of views.
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Also known as 'Blazblue'
May 13, 2017
What i do not understand is the dozens and dozens of messages which just stated : is a milker, is a lazy bastard, is an ass..and nothing more.
As stated by the staff, the forum is getting more and more popular. This makes it easier to find for all kinds of people, including those who tend to write mean spirited comments.
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Respected User
Former Staff
Aug 16, 2016
I don't have any problem if a user demolishes even very hard a game explaining his point of view.
I find unacceptable personal attacks or comments that denote an absolutely lack of knowledge or interest in the thread/game.

I.E. people insulting heavily the dev for a short update when the reason for that was clearly explained by the dev two posts above/ people insulting the dev for bugs that has been already reported and are going to be fixed in the next release and so on.
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Feb 19, 2018
As stated by the staff, the forum is getting more and more popular. This makes it easier to find for all kinds of people, including those who tend to write mean spirited comments.
With great fame comes great whiners.


Game Developer
Nov 10, 2017
So many valid points here, and we might agree on most of them in fact..

I have no desire at all to protect the devs, if they are a bad, it needs to be said and why. What i do not understand is the dozens and dozens of messages which just stated : is a milker, is a lazy bastard, is an ass..and nothing more.
If I think that someone is an asshole, I am not going to write a damn backstory why. I am just going to call them that. Some people just drop what they think and move on. Justified or not, they just do it. People are different, but very vocal if something rises their concern. I wonder if devs that are considered good/ok/honest/whatever are getting this? Is it a new dev? Well, blame all idiots before you, then use your own hands to prove them wrong.
What's the point of trashing plan and simple? Attack the game by proxy the dev is fine but just attack the human being is pointless; it's just a personal lash out to express hate...like you can insults every other drivers on the highway, it might calm you but ain't productive at all.
So you are saying, that doing something that calms you down, while driving a car isn't productive? I don't know, but isn't calm driver more safe on the road and by proxy, making it better for rest of users on that road? Just wanted to point that out as it's a really bad example...
I wouldn't say personal attacks are pointless, it's something people do when they want to attack but have no arguments. Ignore it, they will go away if you don't give them a reaction, at that moment it's pointless, you give them reaction - not pointless. Just looking at it from different perspective.
And no, you can try changing people all you want or sift, but in the end, some will still come, world is big as fuck.
Unless you are doing what they accuse you of, people aren't that dumb and will hit hard if they feel like it.
Not paying doesn't mean you can't make some critics, you have every rights to give your point of view, but focus your critics only/always on the money issue is kind of ironic, don't you think?

But as i said you have some very valid points and in the end we might share a lot of views.
You know why we don't have as many demos from big studios those days? Because it takes money for them to release something for free. So some people pirate it to check if it's worth the money, if it's not, they don't give a fuck. And it's such a pain in the ass for them, because that could be another person spending $60 on a game. Not everyone returns all crappy games. Sure, there are those that never wanted to buy it or can't afford to buy it. Those aren't customers, but potential customers.
To explain it better: I go to a shop, test a TV there, decide it's shit [because] and write on the web: It's shit [because], it makes it less valid? And I may not explain why, just want to share what I think.
But you are saying they go for money argument. Well, maybe it's valid? Maybe they are jealous? Maybe they are concerned about other's people's money? Maybe they are just dicks and go for easiest target? You don't know, maybe just ask them why they think like that? Why is it always: Before you write, do this and that. Why people asking for this don't go around and start asking every single person why they are angry at this or that?
Because it's easier to say "please, just do this", just like for some it's easier to write: it's bad.

I just say how I see it, based on what I know.
I hope those views have some sexy girls in skimpy outfits :D


Active Member
Oct 9, 2017
I think the negativity against a dev topic goes a lot deeper. In general it's part of the process of how our communities change. The higher - faster - wider sort of thinking. Or in other words why a lot of people just have a mentality of 'F'k dat shit dev, nud gonna waste 10 seconds to think bout wut I'm gonna write now bout dat moddafokka'. They just don't care about anything.

And this mentality shows up in a lot different ways. The flaming and insulting is one them. Others are laziness or impudence or both combined. An example for that is how people go into threads and write comments like 'sav ples'. Just that, even an 'Hey there, could anybody share a save game please?' is too much. When I see such comments and how many posts those people have written so far it's rarely more than a handful and probably of the same kind. I just wish to have an instant 'delete this member button'. But unfortunately it's part of our today's community (in general, not just here in the forum).

So the question is: what can we do to prevent this process of general negativity, flaming, insulting, laziness, impudence etc. going further and further? That one surely is tricky, no doubt about that. Of course a forum wants to have as many members as possible. That's its nature.

On the other hand we should ask ourselves if a lot of these members are really of any worth for the community here? Are comments like I mentioned above really an enrichment as critique or different perspective to a thread? In my personal opinion they don't qualify as a serious part of a discussion but more as spam. Therefore I don't think deleting such comments or members can be seen as censorship. A message must have content to be declared censored by the authorities for whatever reason.

Now, as every forum F95 has it's own rules and when you sign up you agree to respect them. If you don't care and disrespect them afterwards there should be consequences. Of course it's pratically impossible to watch hundreds of threads, but that's not the point. The point is to create a place where people can talk and write about their interests in a normal and civilized way (often even with the dev himself/herself) and if someone is not capable of doing so, politely show him/her where the door is.


It's easy..
Horny kids equals 0% common sense.

I think the majority of the people who complain(or to say it better, act like pathetic idiots)are teenagers or young adults who are only interested in seeing the "good stuff" in the adult games on this site.
And think that Adult games are just like a video on Pornhub where they can get a quick fix and go on with their "life".
But the moment they play an game an realize they actually need to put time into a game to get some scenes and development is very slow (at best) with these games... They rage because they can not get to see the good stuff.

Same goes for the people who are bombing this site around a time of a new release of a popular game and ask if the game is out yet before checking it out..
Same goes for the people who ask questions on a topic and the answer is just a couple posts above it or easy to find with the Search button.

All boils down to this (for me).
These days Teens can get everything they want in a heartbeat...
-Want to see a movie?, 1 click away.
-Want to see porn, 1 click away.
-Want to order some food, 1 click away.
-Want to play some c.o.d, 1 click away..

So a lot of them don't have the patience anymore to put some real effort in to something, and the moment they need to...They don't like it because they are not used to it..And they will act like a spoiled little brat in a supermarket who isn't allowed a candy...
Rather lazy then tired...

I am only active on the lesser populair games on this site because if you try to have a normal converstation on a topic like Big brother, Dreams of Desire, Teachers pets (to name a few).... Well impossible..

Love this site nevertheless...
But an IQ test before signing up would be a good thing :p .

El bacca Del Chew

Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2017
o explain it better: I go to a shop, test a TV there, decide it's shit [because] and write on the web: It's shit [because], it makes it less valid? And I may not explain why, just want to share what I think.
So basically you say, that is what it is because it is, so what the fuck and shut up or not, it doesn't matter, or is it?
Well you got a very fatalist view , i can relate :)
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Birb Skull Fuckery
Staff member
Jul 5, 2017
Erm... "I do not upload or touch RPGM games", I wonder why? It may be a wild guess, but isn't the reason of it that a lot of RPGM games are just crap? Often created to milk money, badly designed and badly made. And it's not the engine's fault, it's the developer's fault. They are ones to blame. More people start realizing and they keep bashing on it, more and more and more. This is where it starts, this toxic behavior, it gets to a point someone needs to express it in every single post, spreading like a virus. Don't get me wrong, it's fully justified and I understand it. Just answering.
Then again, my wild guess could be completely wrong.
I hate them due to all the extra software that has to be installed to be able to patch them or play them. Also on top of that, even if you do apply a patch to make it in English. It still may not work.