THE END IS IN SIGHT!! Update on Prologue, Chapter One of “Adventures of a Changed Boy” – February 8, 2019
(as posted on our Patreon Page)
I am pleased to report that
ALL main story renders are
DONE and with animation total of 390 unique renders!!
And, as you can see by the finished Twine File, that this is the
BIGGEST release that we’ve
EVER done!!! Complete with many different variables, flags and animations!!!!
I am quite proud of this, to be honest.
*big grin*
All that is left now is some minor clean-up work and editing of my story writing on my part (and, hopefully, the wife’s part tonight) and then I package everything up and ship it to Palanto tomorrow to program!!
While he is doing that, I will be doing all of the renders of the character dialogue portraits that you’ll see during the conversations and the credits section, get that shipped off to Palanto on Sunday and I will immediately get to work on
Chapter Two of the “
Adventures of a Changed Boy”
Prologue… which will continue the story and will also feature new characters and a couple of
SPECIAL guest appearances!!
Thanks to everyone for your
WONDERFUL patience,
CONTINUED support of us, it really
MEANS A LOT to us and we hope that you will be able to see that in this release!!
Okay, back to work for me… just wanted to share the
GREAT NEWS and I return you now to your regularly scheduled program…
…talk soon!