AoaCB's prologue will remain in Ren'Py as it is quicker to script and program for
@Palanto, while he is shifting over to his new "REAL LIFE" job and getting adjusted there and once he's acclimated to the change in job and hours, he will return to working on the MANY maps and locations for the RPG Maker MV main game.
Because of his job change and the amount of work that he will have to do in RPG Maker MV, the AoaCB Prologue has been "broken down" to be somewhere between 5-6 Chapters (about the size of "Chapter One")... this will help to also help fully integrate the MANY new characters (many of whom were inspired by and created from our $50 Patrons) who are...
Namiko Mochizuki (
@c3p0 inspired)
Larsen (
@Sierra3 inspired)
Iris Marino (Darth Revan inspired)
Océane Camille Fontaine (Cùran inspired)
Fabienne Maarit Fontaine (Cùran inspired)
Mistress Ellena (
@GhostPhil inspired)
It will also give the players a good chance to familiarize themselves with the major criminal element and storyline that will be uncovered and players are going to find William/Billie and Claire thrown into... that, if left unchecked,
CAN and
WILL affect the Antichrist in "Wicked Choices: Book Two", along with the entire Crawford Family Fortune!!!
So, if players thought that "Adventures of a Changed Boy" was just going to be a "William Punishment" game... they don't know us so well.

They will find out that the Demonothans and Angelions aren't the only ones that have plans and goals for the Antichrist... and when they learn of his presence, the humans do as well!!!
...and, the best way in which to maybe get to him and control him might be through William/Billie or Claire!!!
SOOOOOOooooo... even though this may be a side-arc game,
MAKE NO MISTAKE, this certainly continues the storyline of "Wicked Choices" and will help you (when you go back to playing as the Antichrist) decide which faction that you want to work with and/or save... will it be the Demonothans, the Angelions or the Humans... and, which of them will best serve you (as the Antichrist) and your family!!!
And, yes, the main game for AoaCB will be done as an RPG Maker MV game... it benefits us in
SEVERAL ways...
Allows us to CREATE a large world that can be populated with NPC's and Hidden Events (using some of our patrons as those characters to help with those things and game hints).
It ALSO gives us the ability to switch seamlessly from "Adventures of a Changed Boy" back to "Wicked Choices: Book Two" without downtime!!! Because the world and all of the major locations will already have been built (and tested) for the game and just need story and images injected into it... and the PLAYERS will already know the maps, locations and everything after having played "Adventures of a Changed Boy".
This means we can finish "Wicked Choices: Book Two" and "Wicked Choices: Book Three" with
NO DOWNTIME, unless we decided to take a couple of weeks off for vacation... and also
REDUCES workload on
@Palanto and myself!
And... doing it this way, enables us to also do something that
NO OTHER GAME HAS EVER DONE!! But, I won't get into that right now, you'll just have to wait and see... but it is clever and going to be interesting and