3.00 star(s) 51 Votes


Sep 20, 2021
so i got up on top of the Dragon Maw where that feral dragon is sitting, any plans on any interactions with that? it would be badass to have a big feral dragon summon stomping around the campsite :)
Yes that is planned. Just need to figure out how to make that work with proportions as well as creating the rigs, doing the animaitons etc :)

Ok I will work on that and DM you the results when I have them. Also, some things I missed in my feedback:

- I seem to be getting experience for finding the waystones multiple times, as in I'm erroneously getting XP for things already discovered

- The landmarks don't seem to get actual entries in the journal when found. There is a blank tab there for each place, but no writing

- In loading up a save, all my summoned monsters are gone. They simply vanished without a trace

- In talking to a Wildling futa, she says she will fuck your ass, and yet I got pregnant. So either she uses the wrong hole, or else ass-pregnancy is happening...

- Setting the character name still seems to not stick, and defaults to your PC account name followed by a long string of random characters ending in an XP Level i.e. "[Level 9]" ..

- Windowed mode doesn't actually give me a window oddly enough

Questions: What is the end-purpose of human babies? Will growth rate be enhanced by magic or something? Also, demons cause you to give birth to human babies. Is this intentional?
Hadnt noticed the multiple exp thing, good find! Same with the landmark entries.
The persistance between saves/travel between levels is something i havent fixed yet but obviously something i need to implment :)
The dialogue for futa wildling didnt consider the animations, need to change that :D

Havent figured out human babies yet. Just thought it would be wierd getting offspring from trolls and stuff but not from humans. Any ideas are welcome.

For demons i just havent implemented anything specific for them yet.

Horny Police Robot

Active Member
Feb 16, 2019
Craft list would be nice, because i stuck with regural iron, but steel and iron armor can't created, it's showing in queue but icon in results showing white square and it's not appearing in workbench inventory. So, to ctaft it's only leather, clotch and royal armour. + i don't understand reforgenin ingots. I puted iron igont in furnace as told description but nothing!
Also, i got smoke source on feet level what looking all time to right side of MC after randomed defeated sex. Plus for that, Dungeon enter - exit, world reastart to "New Game' state. What mean all you loot in village or other containers, placed objects deleted and loot in village to. Run out of O2 and zeroed HP, not killing you like high fall damage, but if mobs not horny, you will die anyway. As i mentioned before, iron igonts not going to steel in furnance by bug i guess. No crafting recipe for torch, claymore, cube, arrows, bow(it's in game already or just arrows?). During sex scene no cum go from "cum key" and no sex stat from "sex stat key" during sex, but non sex time it's work ok. It's addition description for bugs what mentioned Dev by self ingame and here. Well, now smoke source creating randomly. I forgot about what do it, but i remember there regural problem for UE4 models. I not sure, but issues what it's not correct converted models from Blender like programs to Unreal Engine, what result missing some skeleton bones. But, there other problem, when you respawn, it's fine. But after ~2 minutes it's start again. Save - loading can fix it to, but for not long. Demons have often T - pose. Sleeping in dungeon result to black screen permament. If sleep againg, screen start dark again and still will be. "Demon2" have incorrect sex positon. 1661353947217.png 1661354624807.png
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New Member
Jan 31, 2021
Wow I've really been enjoying this game so far. It's just what I've been looking for in a game recently ( as opposed to, say, modding Skyrim for the 5th time). I'm excited to see how this develops. Kudos to the devs for this awesome project. My thoughts feedback and suggestions so far...

-Exciting atmosphere and vibe from the game
- Good char leveling and building. Stats are nice. Maybe adding talents or special abilities in future?
-Combat and enemy engagement is fun but I feel needs some work. Enemies will sometimes not animate attacks. Or they will be very sluggish and slow. But, not main reason why I'm playing :3
- Great char building and body slider. I can make more slim/petite builds. I like how simple and effective it is. Maybe a few more body slider options for the upper torso and shoulders to make those more narrow. No big deal though. More hairstyles too please. Pubic hair options, piercings, body tatoos, etc <3
-The monsters demons and beasts are great. The animations are very well done. More would be nice, especially fellatio animations. Also animations with the wolves and other beasts would be nice as well..

Thats all I can think of atm. Please keep up the awesome work!
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Reactions: RawDarkness


Sep 20, 2021
Craft list would be nice, because i stuck with regural iron, but steel and iron armor can't created, it's showing in queue but icon in results showing white square and it's not appearing in workbench inventory. So, to ctaft it's only leather, clotch and royal armour. + i don't understand reforgenin ingots. I puted iron igont in furnace as told description but nothing!
Also, i got smoke source on feet level what looking all time to right side of MC after randomed defeated sex. Plus for that, Dungeon enter - exit, world reastart to "New Game' state. What mean all you loot in village or other containers, placed objects deleted and loot in village to. Run out of O2 and zeroed HP, not killing you like high fall damage, but if mobs not horny, you will die anyway. As i mentioned before, iron igonts not going to steel in furnance by bug i guess. No crafting recipe for torch, claymore, cube, arrows, bow(it's in game already or just arrows?). During sex scene no cum go from "cum key" and no sex stat from "sex stat key" during sex, but non sex time it's work ok. It's addition description for bugs what mentioned Dev by self ingame and here. Well, now smoke source creating randomly. I forgot about what do it, but i remember there regural problem for UE4 models. I not sure, but issues what it's not correct converted models from Blender like programs to Unreal Engine, what result missing some skeleton bones. But, there other problem, when you respawn, it's fine. But after ~2 minutes it's start again. Save - loading can fix it to, but for not long. Demons have often T - pose. Sleeping in dungeon result to black screen permament. If sleep againg, screen start dark again and still will be. "Demon2" have incorrect sex positon. View attachment 2002426 View attachment 2002453
The smoke from feet bug was present in the first versions of the game. Are you sure you are using 0.7.1, the latest version (if there is a version number in the main menu you are on one of the later versions, if not, its an old version)?
If you downloaded from the first post it might be an old mirror.
The latest version is always available (for free) on
Many of the issues you are experiencing should be fixed in the latest version.


New Member
Mar 12, 2019
The smoke from feet bug was present in the first versions of the game. Are you sure you are using 0.7.1, the latest version (if there is a version number in the main menu you are on one of the later versions, if not, its an old version)?
If you downloaded from the first post it might be an old mirror.
The latest version is always available (for free) on
Many of the issues you are experiencing should be fixed in the latest version.
where is the free download?


Sep 20, 2021
Hi, will there be new update?
There will be a new update. So far 0.8 will contain

Migrated to UE5 (this means big behind the scene changes)
New weapon tracing for more exact hit traces on enemies/player
Lots of rework on existing stuff, startup speed should be a lot better for example
Might have updated locomotion system
New landscape material with some new features/tweaks
More hairstyles
Ability to pick hair/makeup/skin color witha color wheel for greater creativity
Possibly less stupid AI
Tweaks to animations overall

And a bunch of other stuff too minor to mention

ETA at least another month.
3.00 star(s) 51 Votes