I've been sorta watching this game for a little while and I finally tried it over the weekend. Its actually better than I expected after reading the negative reviews. Buggy in so many aspects, but thats to be expected. Still, there is so much in this game that really impressed me, much like the music. Witcher inspired music no doubt. Character customization is beyond complex. More options than I actually want, but clearly lots of work has been put into that part of the game alone.
Only problem is that I don't see much long term play with this game. I tried to follow some of the quest stories, but the text windows auto advance and skip imediately so I can never tell what is being said. Even so, there's not much in terms of quests or any story. If there ends up being a lot added in that regard I would change my mind. It seems like there could really be a lot of quests added to this map, and maybe even introduce another map later on that the player could travel to and from. The foundation is nice, but its gonna take more than a good foundation. At least for now its entertaining with what it does offer.