Well I was able to get the campfire working, along with the cooking pot, crafting table and furnace.
Bed, torches, chair, chest and other crafted items not so much. As in, I could craft them and set them down, then they would just --- poof --- into nothing taking the crating materials with them.
I was able to cook meat and fish (which still goes bad just as fast as the raw stuff) but the fisherman never gave credit so that quest got stuck open.
Got trapped in cycle of childbirth (4 Werewolf pups in approx 15 minutes) before I just shut down the title.
As mentioned in several other posts here, bears would just walk up and stand there, have not seen any wolves since installing 08.41
Exact same experience, BUT I actually randomly found a wolf pup, "adopted" it and.... Got disappointed.
The wolf does basically nothing besides following you and getting in the fucking way when you mine/gather stuff (it takes damage because you hit it, btw), during sex animations etc....
Can't give it any kind of orders. It doesn't attack targets or defend you. You just can tell it to follow you or wait were you are at that moment.
Ah, also, you have the option to name it (a proper tab to do that shows up, where you can write), but the change doesn't apply.
The pup does grown up to an adult wolf, wich is nice, I guess ?
Also, the day/night cycle doesn't work for me..