Where is the dragon? the big one that was in a previous build or any NPcs even? since dont seem to be any except the fisherman and that girl
There is a map of the island on this post that might help:
Island Map
If you are standing in the starting area, with your back to the water, turn to your right and follow the water. It should lead to a small island. At the very top of the mountain on that island is the dragon that people are referring to.
Any idea why the ground is black?
My first guess is that you have an older GPU. This game is pretty demanding on resources, especially graphics cards. Go into Settings:Graphics and change the quality to low, also try turning off things like dynamic lighting, just to see if the game runs any better. It might look like crap though.
Only other thing I can think of for you to try is to change the PreferredRHI to DX11.
Go to this location: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\WickedIsland\Saved\Config\Windows
There should be a gameusersettings.ini file. If you edit that, there should be a line of text that says PreferredRHI=XXXX, replace the XXXX with dx11, save it and try starting the game again.
I have no idea if it will help, but it is about the only thing I can think off offhand.
where exactly is sand do i mine something or get it from somewhere or what i dont get it
Are you on or later versions? If you are, I think you can only find sand in the desert area. The desert area is right next to the starting area.
If you are on and earlier versions, you can find sand in almost any area with trees. It will look like a white/yellow mound on the ground and you just need to get close and press E to harvest it like any other resource you can pick up.