Hi again
3Diddlyf95zone !
Went over the few bits of 0.59 news I can read and I think it is a good idea of you to give Mei a diverging trait on the next Lee/Davis event. This helps setting different tones and aspects for the subpaths.
Just for comparison, I have 4 main and 2 side playthroughs for the sharing/swinging route on the Kati/Jamal side of the game alone and all 6 differ in part greatly from each other. Mainly text (but even that sets different tones and aspects nicely) but also events which play out differently, sometimes very much so. All depending on our choices and stats/traits.
From our MC couple being open to sharing, but it staying an option not/rarely chosen to a really, really wild Mei but still deeply in love (LP10) with the MC. I am extremly glad that WDR has nice romance and esp. nice sharing/swinging/NTS paths worthy their name! You find this far too rarely among the AVNs.
Back to 0.59, the diverging trait introduced has the potential to become a major fork for the storylines, which is great. Even if some players will not like it since they won´t see all scenes in one playthrough.
