
Jun 27, 2017
Wow can't believe you guys pissed off the developer himself. We're a crack site guys, don't complain over free shit.

The latest build is more tech demo than game. I truly think this game has a lot of potential but for now its still waaaaay too early in development to judge.


Oct 9, 2017
in the first page it says the version to donwnload is the 25 patreon 01-2018 build, but i donwloaded it and it seems to be a test version, so can any 1 give me a link to get the real 25 patreon january version? or the link to full version before january version...

srry for my english xD


Engaged Member
Jul 17, 2017
Appreciate the September build Pepe, perhaps you should add the links to the main post to avoid having to dig through 20 pages of cancerous comments. Jeez a lot of disgruntled individuals, and 90% probably do not support the project whatsoever.
Anybody who is complaining at these recent builds is too busy trying to bust one. (There is porn for that guys.) The desert terrain by itself is extremely well done and beyond common AAA graphics. Seriously, compare just the landscape to other titles you know of and see the hyper realism for yourself. I wish my laptop had just a little better gpu power, because this game stutters a lot if I max it out. That being said, if you can run on maximum settings this alpha is insane.
I will be keeping my eye on this, but to hell if I'm gonna throw money at a project with a very heavy set of missing features. If the devs can scramble up some real content I would gladly crack my wallet. If they can focus on actually giving some H-scenes with some player control they would amplify the appeal by tenfold. Let us have a testing room that isn't cluttered with memory eating foliage, and a massive open desert.


New Member
Oct 4, 2017
Where did you find the september build? I just went through the thread and couldn't find it. (I'm probably blind. :( )

....blindness confirmed. I started from page one when I should have started going backwards....


Jul 5, 2017
Please use the report button on any extremely toxic behavior. Anyone not following our site rules, will be corrected.
i would like to apologize for my comment but jesus christ the level of whining just REALLY got to me, i really just want to flame and troll all these whiny morons but i dont want to go to far and get banned.


New Member
Aug 6, 2016
We will stop paying attention to the board due the fact that its just toxic instead of getting any progressive feedback of upcoming builds.
Now, hang on a sec, I think you brought a lot of this on yourselves.

I think, as the Developer, you need to help us as players maintain rational expectations.

If you'd said: "OK guys, this one will be relatively light on content and will seem like a step back, but its an important part of consolidating our game onto C++" Then I think more people, including myself, would feel comfortable with what happened.

Instead, you went all Hello Games and over-hyped your build. Part of that is the community's fault for getting on-board the hype train in the first place, but you guys, as conductors of the hype train, needed to calm people down more too.

Deleted member 122097

Well it looks like the feedback for that demo at least ensures that they move away from the retarded one demo a month thing.
Not sure how their patreons will take this though, since they will now have to trust the devs more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2016
Im not sure if Im lost or what. Is the changelog in the OP for an earlier version? Because if it isnt, look at what they wrote, and tell me you were expecting what this tech demo is.


Jun 27, 2017
So the January 2018 build is nothing but few lines of a quest, picking up melons and then few broken POSES (yes, STATIC poses) ?! Absolutely not worth to download. I think ill just wait couple of years before picking up a new build.


May 5, 2017
If I should give some feedback I would say that I really like variety and detail (face expressions, texture overlapping) of sex positions but they are not animations most of the time so I guess there is still a lot of work. I dont like interface and UI that much I liked it more in previous build. If this should be RPG with big world this build is not showing much of progress in that sense and thats why we see a lot of hate. There is only new dialog, place and 2 characters with new potions. With this speed I dont see this game being developed in recent years. I just hope devs wont give up because this game is big potential but you have just few pieces of puzzle. If you betray your fans in this project I dont think Adeptus Steve will have trust in future projects.


Feb 9, 2018
Well, it was necessary that they changed to C++ and in that time there wouldn't be much content.
I wasn't disappointed with the build. I expected that. While the Sep Build was a showcase on graphic and Sex, the current build was a showcase how the Quests would look like.
However, like someone else said, the problem was the communication and over-hype by the devs. You just expected something else.


Jan 22, 2018
I think the best way to follow it is to only check back once every couple of months and never read the dev updates.
As for what it is, a showcase for sex animations, it's almost completely on the mark. I'm glad to hear it's been ported to C++, updates might come out faster, now.

Some things about the latest-latest build I'm not entirely sure about, though. For one, the sex scenes don't seem to animate, but that may be intentional. Quests are fine and are responsive, but I think it would help to have an aura around quest items. Of course, who am I to give feedback?
Looking forward to future progress.
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