
Oct 5, 2019
marmaduke ;

The issues I have with the newer builds are:

1. They keep adding in new prototype systems, but don't end up removing existing prototype systems, or improving upon the existing systems. Lets take combat and sex, as two examples:

Combat, first started with the Spear. Then they added the Bow, which made Spear combat pretty pointless, as you could more easily and more effectively kill even Chakkar. Then they added the Assault Rifle, which made the Bow pretty pointless and the Spear even more so. They haven't gone back and removed the Spear or the Bow. They haven't improved either of them in over a year. Heck, even the Assault Rifle has issues like not having an ammo counter, and they haven't implemented something simple like that yet.

Sex, first started with basic animation loops. Then they added gangbang scenes that required you to memorize which specific people you have to gather up into a group, to engage it with. Then, they added multi-grouped animation loops, wherein there is an idle, a foreplay, a main, an internal and an external cumshot. Then, they added the prototype sex system for humans, with effective transitions between each action. Then, they created sandbox specific scenes and story mode specific scenes. But, many of these older basic animation loops have issues. For example take the Minotaur Throne animations, wherein the minotaur sits on midair. Or the fact that many of these basic animations don't even have anal/vaginal options or the pose variation slider does nothing. There is no consistency of these things in the basic animations. The gangbang scenes typically have neither a pose variation or a vaginal/anal change either.

They really need to prune the things from the game that they don't want, and more heavily focus the experience. Because right now, it feels like a serious case of feature creep, spectacle creep, and a complete lack of development direction / good design.

2. Physics seems to get worse and worse. The number of times, I've seen the girls boob go inverted or get stuck in her arm, or has a misalignment of cock to hole, seems to increase with every new build. Considering they haven't changed many of the old animations, I don't see why these errors keep popping up. I also liked that in the older builds, back in 2017/2018, you could modify the physics to suit your preferences, then they got rid of that.

3. Performance seems to get worse and worse. Texture pop-in and object pop-in was supposed to be addressed by the extended load screen that they implemented, but now its starting to occur again. I can handle a solid 60 fps in most areas, even flying, but it absolutely tanks in the Fisher village, to the point of it affecting gameplay. A shooter needs to maintain a minimum of 30 fps, before it becomes hard to react to threats in time. I could understand performance getting worse if they implemented a Witcher 3 wind physics system, or had ray tracing, or used HDR instead of Bloom, but they aren't doing any of these things.

4. Cum still looks like wet paint. And you don't get leaking creampies and any creampies you attempt just explode onto her skin anyway. So why both having an internal orgasm option, when there is no possibility of creampies, gaping, or keeping cum in the holes and not magically appear on her skin.

5. Story seems to get worse and worse. The dialogue systems are getting worse, the text has more and more typos, you have nonsensical actions that lead to sex, and honestly it just feels like they should focus more of the sex elements, and less on the story elements, because every attempt they've done on the lore, or story, or quest development has made the game worse, rather than better.

I could rant on further, but these are the top 5 points.
Wow, wtf is that rant even?

Spear and bow are useless compared to the gun, so just remove them? What, did the native fisher village developed guns before spears and bows or what?

Story is getting worse? There was no story! And there still is but one very basic quest in the game. It's ridiculous trying to deduce a 'trend' from one placeholder quest to another placeholder quest.

Performance gets worse? Duh. Have you seen the amount of foliage in the new area? The more complex the geometry, the more polygons need to be rendered, the more the GPU gets taxed. I hate to break it to you, but performance improvements are always the last thing to get tackled in any game development cycle, as can be clearly seen with Cyberpunk's console launch.

The physics aren't getting worse, there is just more stuff going on. The physics don't get 'programmed in', it's a module that calculates boob jiggle live as you're playing the game and is impacted by your FPS. Now, that module can be tweaked to stop the physics engine going ape-shit, but that is, like performance improvements, low on the priority list and will get done last.

Same also goes for the cum physics. They're not set in stone, they can change. but changing them now before the full scope of the game is developed is just means that you most likely have to change it again in the future.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Honestly, can you see difference by your eyes? I can't see any difference in anything above 30 fps.
The only advantage of game running at 60 fps is that I can set 30 fps limit and reduce GPU load and cooling fan noise.

Even movie video formats are running at 24, 25 or 30 fps. There is no reason for more.
You can see formats running at double rate, but these are interleaved half frames (odd lines in one frame, even lines in next frame) which existed only to get around physical properties of CRT screen technology (fast fading luminescent dots).
While you can ceertainly not see a crystal clear difference, there really is.
For a long time I only ever saw 30fps and lower because of my components, and I was fine with it, completely fine, I thought of 30fps to be perfect and never complained because I wasn't playing games that urged me to react instantly to things.
Then I upgraded and 30fps is now ass compared to anything over 40fps, it's just something else.
That being said I don't see the need for anything higher than 30-40 in a game like this. Sure it makes sense in some titles and more optimization is always good but not at the development stage of WL. From what I know, optimising things now would give them a headache in trying to improve / change their game later on.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
The thing is everything needs to be running in 60 FPS if just the Game time is but for example animations are lower running or physics it makes no real sense, and it can also create strange behavior like flipping hair a currently very big problem of every indie so far trying to get it efficiently working.
Still Doom/Eternal is using a lot of tricks also in many areas like with alot Alembic animations instead of real physic simulation.
Overall im very unimpressed by most Unreal Sex Simulation Games for now seeing VAMS progress it is light years ahead in terms of the most complex parts which aren't Graphics anymore.
Only Sex Simulation Game on the right track for me is Holodexxx in overall complexity, the others are mostly nothing special.

The best in Doom/Eternal is it's very optimized Multithreaded Vulkan Core and the absolutely best TAA that can holdup even vs Nvidia DLSS.

The best in class Character Crowd Instancing goes to Hitman (IO Interactive)

True Facials is complexity wise a bit of a joke as well it doesn't have to handle all the complexity on screen that Wild-LIfe has to handle per each rendered frame.
And im not sure what is so fascinating about the Cum System it still looks weird as it can be, maybe Anime/Hentai users are happy with such results but PBR Freaks aren't

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Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
Horrible Degenerate ;

Yes there is a major difference in 30 fps and 60 fps. If you want a visual example, there is a youtuber named Gibi Asmr, that does some of her videos in 60 fps. Then watch one of her older videos, and the difference is clear as day.

For most games, you can get away with 30 fps, but not shooters or real time strategy. If you have slow reflexes, then maybe you might be able to do a shooter in 30 fps or less, but I can't. I'm used to UT3 Godlike Bots, at max turn acceleration and max sensitivity, and I win all my games with a 2-5 KDR; against human players I usually don't die.

VR tends to be even more demanding, with the Oculus Rift requiring the output to be at 90 FPS.

Human eyes can typically see up to 120 fps, and anything beyond that, we don't notice much of a difference. But, the amount of difference noted, is an exponentially decreasing value. So from 60 to 120, is roughly the same difference as 30 to 60, so each frame is less and less noticeable. It would be very hard to tell much of a difference between 90 to 120, but it would be there.

DerWahrePeter ;

Its fine that you don't agree with my rant. That is your opinion. However:

1] Just because there are tribals, doesn't mean you the player need to use those weapons. Also it takes significantly more training in how to use a spear or bow, than it does to train a human to use a gun. Have you ever tried firing a bow, vs a gun? Very different mechanics. If you are playing as Maya, then sure, use tribal weapons as she is tribal. But why does Max need to use a bow or a spear, when an assault rifle shot to a spacedeer's head is far more efficient at killing it than an arrow.

2] Games with two separate character foci are problematic for players. Witcher 3 did that with the Ciri sections... which were honestly the worst parts of the game as she had none of the powers or abilities Geralt has. This game "was" focusing on Maya, and now it is on "Max". Most games struggle with doing the story well for one character, much less two. Maya's story seems much better than Max's and the dialogue differences between the two and the interactions, and the more staggered time between actions and sex, is far better in Maya's demo questline than in Maxs. There is more direction and harder to get lost in Maya's questline too. Those are all indicators that the story is getting objectively worse.

3] Increased amount of foliage shouldn't be causing that much of an increase in performance costs. Unless of course, they aren't using Occulsion Culling and are drawing everything within X radius of the player, rather than drawing things in chunks. If increased foliage is causing a huge performance impact, then, what happens when they add wind physics to the scene? Suddenly no one can play the game. The total number of polygons and texture data on the screen, seems to be less than what developers of Witcher 3 has stated is in its game, so the game should run better than Witcher 3. But isn't.

4] If physics is going wonky, it is because someone modified the entire physics code or modified a specific portion of the code affecting certain objects. If for example, you change gravity from 9.8m/s^2 to say 10.0, everything will be affected. Just because there is more going on, shouldn't affect the physics of say things like boobs. If it did, then wind physics and hair hitting boobs, would cause boobs to jiggle. In physics systems there are constraints and only certain things are allowed to affect physic objects. If a bug fixed in other builds is cropping up again, then they modified the physic constraints in some manner.

5] I'm pretty sure the cum physics ARE set in stone. The original cum system had volume and viscosity to it, in this game, but they got rid of it for this system. Its unlikely they will return to that system, and thus it will remain wet paint, forever.

Krosos; What game are those gifs from?
Mar 10, 2019
Yes there is a major difference in 30 fps and 60 fps. If you want a visual example, there is a youtuber named Gibi Asmr, that does some of her videos in 60 fps. Then watch one of her older videos, and the difference is clear as day.

For most games, you can get away with 30 fps, but not shooters or real time strategy. If you have slow reflexes, then maybe you might be able to do a shooter in 30 fps or less, but I can't. I'm used to UT3 Godlike Bots, at max turn acceleration and max sensitivity, and I win all my games with a 2-5 KDR; against human players I usually don't die.

Human eyes can typically see up to 120 fps, and anything beyond that, we don't notice much of a difference. But, the amount of difference noted, is an exponentially decreasing value. So from 60 to 120, is roughly the same difference as 30 to 60, so each frame is less and less noticeable. It would be very hard to tell much of a difference between 90 to 120, but it would be there.
I've tried one of these YT comparison videos, where they are playing games 30 fps in one half of the screen and 60 fps in another.
I can't notice any difference. Except when there is fast rotating object where you can see subsampling effect. I had to play it at half speed to see the difference clearly or at 0.75 speed to barely notice something. Maybe I could see the difference if I was 18, but I'm much older now.
Yes, if the computer can barely run the game at 30 fps, it's likely to be slow on input responses and other video unrelated stuff that you would notice clearly.

Well, my 9 years old display running at it's maximum refresh rate of 60 Hz may be hiding some rapid image dynamics.


May 16, 2020
Hello i have some doubt about the cam presets i would like them to follow an order like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 but it doesnt allow me in such a way that they are random. Is there any way to follow an order? thx


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
I've tried one of these YT comparison videos, where they are playing games 30 fps in one half of the screen and 60 fps in another.
I can't notice any difference. Except when there is fast rotating object where you can see subsampling effect. I had to play it at half speed to see the difference clearly or at 0.75 speed to barely notice something. Maybe I could see the difference if I was 18, but I'm much older now.
Yes, if the computer can barely run the game at 30 fps, it's likely to be slow on input responses and other video unrelated stuff that you would notice clearly.

Well, my 9 years old display running at it's maximum refresh rate of 60 Hz may be hiding some rapid image dynamics.
A well Optimized Latency Target 30 vs 60 will be perceptible especially for any Precise Motion like a Sports Game, Beat em Ups, Flight Simulations, or in a Sex Simulation, the difference is huge when everything runs 16.6 ms vs 33.3 ms in Sync.
Normal People describe 33.3 ms also as the Slow Experience while 16.6 ms is being percepted as more fluid.
On television it is immediately perceptible between a Sport Event and a Hollywood Movie or a TV Soap Opera that tries to simulate RealLife Time vs a Hollywood TV Series like Game of Thrones for example.

Some youtubers measure it wrong and they even do the rest wrong when it comes to Video Compression.

It is all about Latency and Video Compression itself can be latency affected.

Also many youtubers do not understand what a complete Sync 16.6 ms experience is they do not understand when parts running 33.3 ms but overall they get shown a 16.6 ms final result.

A factor of 2x in latency you gonna realize bellow 33.3 ms you gonna realize it already even at 20 ms vs 16 ms and at 10-8 ms it becomes super fluid

You will rarely hear a Game or Video Engineer talking about FPS at all they see their World in milliseconds.

10 ms is seen as the input boarder where a Human can't realize the input/output difference anymore reaching 10 ms is super important for any touch interface like on a Smartphone or VR.

Virt-A-Mate, but it is hard to describe it as a Game rather than a "Life Changing Experience" ;)
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Nov 23, 2019
I've tried one of these YT comparison videos, where they are playing games 30 fps in one half of the screen and 60 fps in another.
I can't notice any difference. Except when there is fast rotating object where you can see subsampling effect. I had to play it at half speed to see the difference clearly or at 0.75 speed to barely notice something. Maybe I could see the difference if I was 18, but I'm much older now.
Yes, if the computer can barely run the game at 30 fps, it's likely to be slow on input responses and other video unrelated stuff that you would notice clearly.

Well, my 9 years old display running at it's maximum refresh rate of 60 Hz may be hiding some rapid image dynamics.
If you ever try a monitor with a high refresh rate (120, 144) then you'll be able to tell the difference, and it's night and day.
Displays that are 60 hz could have built in smoothing, or just slow pixel response times that blur everything together.
On my old 60 hz display I could enjoy all 24 fps movies and it looked smooth. On my 120 hz display with 0 smoothing I can almost count the frames.


Apr 20, 2020
Honestly, can you see difference by your eyes? I can't see any difference in anything above 30 fps.
The only advantage of game running at 60 fps is that I can set 30 fps limit and reduce GPU load and cooling fan noise.

Even movie video formats are running at 24, 25 or 30 fps. There is no reason for more.
You can see formats running at double rate, but these are interleaved half frames (odd lines in one frame, even lines in next frame) which existed only to get around physical properties of CRT screen technology (fast fading luminescent dots).
If there was no difference then esport players wouldnt play counter strike on 240hz monitors with 300fps. The higher the refresh rate the sooner motions get shown on screen after they happen in game wich means your eyes will notice the motion sooner.

It is true that your eye usually doesnt capture what you see at more then 24fps however that is only because the concept of fps doesnt acurately describe the human eye. Your eyes are able to spot changes in your surroundings in between frames to reset the "frame rate" of your eyes otherwise our ancestors wouldnt have survived attacks from wild animals because their reaction time would have been too slow. This can happen multiple times per second when an enemy is coming around a corner but also when you open a door and see a completely new room behind it but when the game runs at 30fps those moments feel slow and unnatural for our brain and it reminds us that its a game because in real life our reaction time wouldnt be throttled like that thus limiting immersion. When you watch a video it doesnt count if you see no difference because you dont controll anything and your brain doesnt expect any reactions to your actions you are just in it for the ride as a spectator.


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
marmaduke ;

0. Combat, first started with the Spear. Then they added the Bow, which made Spear combat pretty pointless, as you could more easily and more effectively kill even Chakkar. Then they added the Assault Rifle, which made the Bow pretty pointless and the Spear even more so. They haven't gone back and removed the Spear or the Bow.

1. Or the fact that many of these basic animations don't even have anal/vaginal options or the pose variation slider does nothing. There is no consistency of these things in the basic animations. The gangbang scenes typically have neither a pose variation or a vaginal/anal change either.

2. Physics seems to get worse and worse. The number of times, I've seen the girls boob go inverted or get stuck in her arm, or has a misalignment of cock to hole, seems to increase with every new build. Considering they haven't changed many of the old animations, I don't see why these errors keep popping up. I also liked that in the older builds, back in 2017/2018, you could modify the physics to suit your preferences, then they got rid of that.

3. Performance seems to get worse and worse. Texture pop-in and object pop-in was supposed to be addressed by the extended load screen that they implemented, but now its starting to occur again. I can handle a solid 60 fps in most areas, even flying, but it absolutely tanks in the Fisher village, to the point of it affecting gameplay. A shooter needs to maintain a minimum of 30 fps, before it becomes hard to react to threats in time. I could understand performance getting worse if they implemented a Witcher 3 wind physics system, or had ray tracing, or used HDR instead of Bloom, but they aren't doing any of these things.

4. Cum still looks like wet paint. And you don't get leaking creampies and any creampies you attempt just explode onto her skin anyway. So why both having an internal orgasm option, when there is no possibility of creampies, gaping, or keeping cum in the holes and not magically appear on her skin.

5. Story seems to get worse and worse. The dialogue systems are getting worse, the text has more and more typos, you have nonsensical actions that lead to sex, and honestly it just feels like they should focus more of the sex elements, and less on the story elements, because every attempt they've done on the lore, or story, or quest development has made the game worse, rather than better.
0. Uh... most likely because there's a "weapon you get" progression? Like, you first get the spear, then the bow, etc.
It's like complaining about the initial rusty dagger you get, when there's a +5 Vorpal in the game.
Besides, the gun is, of course, better. That's probably the whole idea: humans get tech, natives get skills (flying, possession, etc)

1. I don't get you mean here. Precisely, most poses have variations, and if a gangbang doesn't has an option to change holes, it's because there's no free hole lol! I play with a "futa" (Pocahontas with equipped cock) and I can pick were it goes what.

2. There are a couple glitches, yeah. A cock slightly off, or buttcheeks acting weirdly, but mostly because of my slider's fiddling (I prefer my girls to be voluptuous). If anything, most of those glitches seem to be on older models, while newer ones don't.

3. Can't say much here, honestly. I've changed my PC a couple weeks ago (my brother built it), and the game runs absolutely perfect with all fully maxed settings. Zero lag or anything (I actually find it too fast, since I'm not a good FPS player)

4. Uh... no? It looks slimy and viscous and has volume. And when, for example, the wolfguy cums in your mouth, you can clearly see the spurts, the cum ropes shooting, and how it drips from the -receiver- mouth. Same when a character cums inside, you can see the hole gaping after the dick pops-out, and cum drooling. At least, it works with beast people.

5. Well, there's no story. Just what you can assume: humans arrive on alien planet, we play from the human's side, and the native's side, each with their own perks. Basically, there has been always a "setting", but not a story yet.


Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
0] I've seen no evidence that there will be such a system. There may be something like that in the future, but right now, they serve very little purpose. If all you had in the game was a rusty dagger, you wouldn't complain about it, especially if it was only used in emergencies. ie in Wolfenstein 3D you have a rusty dagger.

1] Well, there is a lot of "beast" scenes that lack variations and sometimes even anal/vaginal option. Specifically, the minotaur / 2 minos 1 female or 2 females 1 mino, the tentacle dude, and I think Chakkar.

2] The things people tolerate. Each to their own.

3] A brand new computer would naturally play it extremely smoothly. However, most people don't have 2-3k to drop on a new computer, especially with the current economy. My computer was bought in July 2015 for around 5k and it gives me smooth gameplay with most games I play. I of course cannot do RTX, as my card doesn't support it, but otherwise I can do ultra graphics for a lot of games.

4] Uhh, yes? The initial strand may have volume and viscosity, but when it lands on the skin, it becomes wet paint. There is no volume to the layered material and it can only layer on certain parts of the body. So, I've never seen cum land on the breasts for example. Likely its a hack, similar to how some games make it easy to place tattoos on a body.

5] An alien planet without aliens, or alien plant life, or alien creatures (except for spacedeer?) or alien weather conditions? Even in science fiction, ie Star Trek, a M-Class planet, still looks alien in at least a few aspects, even if it is earth-like. I got the impression that they landed on a remote island on earth, maybe with some form of electromagnetic interference. Kind of like Skull Island in Kong (the movie).


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
4] Uhh, yes? The initial strand may have volume and viscosity, but when it lands on the skin, it becomes wet paint. There is no volume to the layered material and it can only layer on certain parts of the body. So, I've never seen cum land on the breasts for example. Likely its a hack, similar to how some games make it easy to place tattoos on a body.
It is called Decal it is as you describe a texture layer that gets displayed when needed it's a trick, the same concept as showing bullet impact holes in a wall texture you overlay a texture where the impact occurred the mesh (wall itself) gets physically never touched.
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Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
But really i can't imagine a human that does not see the difference between 33.3 ms Motion and 2x smoother at 16.6 ms it becomes harder the lower but even 16.6 ms vs 10 ms should be catchable by a lot, bellow 8 ms i think we enter for now pseudo science especially on most Operating Systems.

You trying to say you can't see the motion fluid difference between Wild-Life in 30 FPS vs for example NBA2K series in 60 FPS ?
or Wild-Life itself in 60 FPS ?

Take a look at
his work is very highly optimized for fast speed and you percept immediately when he couldn't account for it in his animation work, you gonna feel his later animations are suffering compared to the ones he put lot more effort into ;)

What you see in my Vault animations is only planing effort the rest is full Physics based ;)
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Active Member
Feb 1, 2019
I can personally see the framerate difference up to about 120 FPS. Beyond that, its hard to tell.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2018
seeing is rather the wrong word you feel it more than you see it thus why you can be tricked to believe 33.3 ms with Motion Blur becomes smoother due to the averaging of course only if the Motion Blur is performant enough and object based ;)
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
0] I've seen no evidence that there will be such a system. There may be something like that in the future, but right now, they serve very little purpose. If all you had in the game was a rusty dagger, you wouldn't complain about it, especially if it was only used in emergencies. ie in Wolfenstein 3D you have a rusty dagger.

1] Well, there is a lot of "beast" scenes that lack variations and sometimes even anal/vaginal option. Specifically, the minotaur / 2 minos 1 female or 2 females 1 mino, the tentacle dude, and I think Chakkar.

2] The things people tolerate. Each to their own.

3] A brand new computer would naturally play it extremely smoothly. However, most people don't have 2-3k to drop on a new computer, especially with the current economy. My computer was bought in July 2015 for around 5k and it gives me smooth gameplay with most games I play. I of course cannot do RTX, as my card doesn't support it, but otherwise I can do ultra graphics for a lot of games.

4] Uhh, yes? The initial strand may have volume and viscosity, but when it lands on the skin, it becomes wet paint. There is no volume to the layered material and it can only layer on certain parts of the body. So, I've never seen cum land on the breasts for example. Likely its a hack, similar to how some games make it easy to place tattoos on a body.

5] An alien planet without aliens, or alien plant life, or alien creatures (except for spacedeer?) or alien weather conditions? Even in science fiction, ie Star Trek, a M-Class planet, still looks alien in at least a few aspects, even if it is earth-like. I got the impression that they landed on a remote island on earth, maybe with some form of electromagnetic interference. Kind of like Skull Island in Kong (the movie).
0. But man, it's a demo.
Even if one of the (possible?) initial weapons is a 1-damage stick or a throwing rock, it makes sense it's in here. Heck, there's a xmas giant candybar. Same goes for clothing, is pointless but it's for showing, and for people have something to see.

1. There is lacking "options" because it's a demo.
Some versions ago, there were less scenes. And the initial demo was only a running-around-naked girl (IIRC, it had only one scene, with the only other NPC).
You have 2 dozen characters, each with their own scenes, plus combinations with 2-3-4 of the same on 1, 2 on 2, 3 on 2, straight, gay, futa, combinated with the previous, plus monsters... of course there are still f**ton of options lacking, and the more characters the more they'll add, and the more combinations will be missing specifically. If it comes to that, you could say that a basic "option" of sucking 2-3 cocks is missing, then someone else will say that sucking 3 race-different cocks is missing and so.
Moreover, several animations are repeated, just a different model (like Rhino guy and Minotaur I think). And most likely, several animations will be shared with current characters that haven't yet. Futa bunny lacks a lot, she was just a bonus. The main guy lacks lots of animations too for example: you can fuck X guy, but there aren't animations with Y guy, which could simply use the same.

2. A couple glitches on a game that is being built, and is just a demo?
Yes, easily tolerable.

4. No again.
Drooling out cum has volume, same as flying ropes. The mini-games have much more detail, because they're full animations, they don't deal with variables. There are strands of cum from cock-to-mouth aftwerwards, fgs.
Cum on body might be "flat", and it's absolutely acceptable (and yet is detailed, not flat-white).
People is complaining about the amount of details and weight of the game, and you want 3d models for cum on the body? And that can be landed randomly? So, the game would have to render 3d cum, that has to have code for variables as the character moves around, plus several layers, plus random variables + code for random parts of the body??? That's exactly the reason why most games have clothes replace body parts instead of adding layers.

(You can have cum on your tits, btw.
Basically, face, shoulders, tits, ass and back (and I think arms and legs to some extent) can be covered, and with several layers. So, 2-3 face cumshots will eventually cover your face, as well shoulders and tits. I think it's around 3 layers per body part or something like that (or maybe it's a maximum amount of "layers"?. I think at some point you stop getting layers
) ))

5. Hum, yes.
An alien planet with the main character being able to TF into a half-bird-like hybrid, with a whole tribe of beast-like people, with plants you can't identify, giant Hyena-like creatures and bipedal hybrids, a tentacle monster, 2 moons in the sky, giant floating rocks with alien inscriptions that warp you to different places, glowing giant mushrooms (right at the very beginning), a floating island, weird glowing mist and air particles and you can keep counting.
It's only a couple stages... because it's a demo.

Seriously, seems like you're picking every single little detail to bash... something that is basically a sample. In case I haven't wrote the word demo enough... DEMO.
Something that, usually, would have stayed in the dev's studio, but they need to advertise and get cash to keep producing. They took the time to actually make it somewhat playable, otherwise it would be something with only a debug console and lots of text boxes without format.

Right now, the things we might complain, is about glitches (we agree there are several), and/or suggest about this or that change in characters (more boobs here, better ass there, etc).
Aside of that, complaining about what's missing or lacks, is silly.

It's like complaining to a comic book artist that is penciling the first page, about the lack of inks or action when it's only the pencils of the first page/panels, and some sketches of characters so you get an idea of what's about.
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