" consensual bdsm is in the game "
Yea, especially the scene where the girl disgustedly licks the fat man's cock, and when he hits her in the face, she is clearly confused and angry. Consent as fck.
"moral argument against zoophilia. lack of consent "
With this sentence you deprive animals of their will.
If an animal initiates intercourse with our character, then by your logic that animal has been raped by our character. This is logical nonsense.
To me, deprive animals of their will is immoral and wrong.
An adult animal is not a human child.
The child is sexually immature. Adult animal is sexually mature.
There is not a single study or even a scientific indication that an animal is harmed when it mates with a human. There are numerous cases when during a court hearing in the accusation of abusing an animal by having sex with it, a veterinarian, when asked for his opinion, confirmed that no such harm had occurred.
To be consistent, you'd also have to jail all breeders for taking semen from their animals "without their consent"...
And if someone actually hurts an animal during intercourse because they do not recognize its signals, it means that such a person is empathically impaired and should not be allowed to have an animal at all.
" designer might believe the same thing that a lot of people do, that the consent element matters "
Most h-games have rape element in them...
And above all, it's not real, no one is hurting anyone here, these are fantasies.
Most women fantasize about rape, instead of giving them the opportunity to fulfill their fantasies in the game without actually being hurt, such content is banned, implying that something with most women is wrong...