how am I delusional?
my guy you've been following this game for a long time, you should also be aware of how easy it is.
here let me show you.
for creating and customizing a character
first load a sandbox map and press TAB to bring up the sandbox menu
step 1.
click the button that says "Create new Character" in the top left and select the skeleton base you want to work with and press "PLACE"
slect the newly created character in the hierarchy menu and freely browse the Body, Skin, Hair, Eyes, and Clothes menu to change the sliders and pick all your customizable options, then scroll down and select "save as preset"
see how easy that is? there's even more advanced options as well but you might want to play with the basics first.
now for poses
step 1.
click the button that says "create new pose" which is nex to create new character and select your skeleton base and whatever preset, including the one you just saved
step 2.
select the parent character you just added from the hierarchy and set the "idle" slider to 0
step 3
select the dropdown menu for A and pick whatever preset pose you want.
Done, there you go, you have posed your preset character, now lets go a step further to custom animate.
step 4.
go to the automation (gear icon) tools in the bottom menu,scroll to the end and drop in an "animation sequencer"
step 5.
select your parent character you have posed and go to their custom tab, select "Custom", this creates all the bone controllers for your posed character, you can even freely select these bones and further customize your pose
step 6.
select the animation sequence in the hierarchy that you added in step 4 and click "open animation editor"
step 7.
select the newly added custom bones of your posed character in the hierarchy, then in the animation sequencer window click the green cube icon to add them in
step 8.
you can now select your added bones in the animation sequencer and click the blue "+" icon to add your elements such as Transition, Rotation, and Scale.
now you can animate your posed bones, move the timeline around and move/rotate/scale that bone as you see fit and voila you have a custom animation for a custom pose with a custom character
the official discord also has video tutorials for this.
very simpel stuff, all the tools are there for you.
you're welcome