its their coulture dont be opressive where is your tolerancetalks like thugs, smoke weed and fuck bitches.
go and talk to the character that you want then select possessCan I switch to controlling other characters in the show room and if yes, how?
For now I'm only able to control Maja, the first character. I know how to summon other characters, too, just not how to switch over to them so that I can control them.
As far as I know there is no AAA adult game yet. Most games are made by only 1 person with RPGM or Renpy.What games do you recommends? I'm new here and want a real AAA adult game with some story... seems harder to find than i thought it would be...
They are just placeholders, no saving/loading functionality as there is only sandbox mode + a concept demo. you can save and load the settings you use to customize different characters, that's all currently.cant save or load, and everytime take the bow the game crash, any help?
the game is a sandbox/character poser all the other gameplay stuff is still very alpha stage and aren't utilized. No need for the cheats you describeIs there a cheats function for this game yet? I don't have the ability to use cheats engine. At least I need functions for invincibility and max money etc.