Criticism - when someone tells you what they think you can objectively do better. They're trying to help you improve, providing you with some form of explanation and sometimes even possible solutions based on their experience.
Complaining - when someone talks about things they don't subjectively like or are unhappy about. They're not really trying to help you improve, they're just saying what's bothering them. Often times making demands or even threats.
Both of these are welcome as long as there's a purpose or a good reason. Yes, even complaints are valid if they're fully justified. The problem is I don't see a lot of justified complaints here because they come from people who are disconnected from patreon and discord wild life communites. Therefore, missing a lot of important information that addresses those complaints and provides at least an explanation for it. In fact, there may just be a planned solution up ahead. Would be nice if there was more of a connection between this forums community and the original wild life community at the source, so to speak.