Question that is still in my head is simple.
Will there ever be more meaning behind sexual interactions besides being exactly what you once said don't want it to be? A glorified sex animations viewer.
As long as there is nothing else to it besides just some fucking here and there, but nothing much about it, that is all it ever will be then. Even if you say you do not want the main appeal to be the sex in the game, it will always be exactly that for the majority of people.
If you don't want it to be meaningless sex animations in a adventure game, you might have to rethink the answer to that question: "Will there be 3d cumstains/cuminflations/pregnancies/etc.?"
The more meaning behind sex is in this game the more appeal it has for many.
And no i do not mean to say it is a bad game or bad in general. It just.. it boasts with untapped potential. That is all i try to say.