
Feb 11, 2019
i use ryzen5 1600 and r9 290x why i keep crashing even on low setting?
Short version is: The coding is shit.
Longer version is: They're doing something stupid with AMD based GPUs which requests twice the memory of an nvidia card (upto 6GB vram or so) then crashes due to same bad mem management.


Feb 11, 2019
View attachment 1431501
A crowdfunding announcement has just been announced! Hopefully more funds means more content ;)
Well, they've been milking Patreon for $100k per month for some time now, so I guess its getting harder for them to stall by putting in more repetitive animations and no actual progress, so yeah, time to milk more gullible idiots with crowd funding on top of that. But all credit to him, if I could make over a million a year for doing so little, I would too.


Apr 29, 2018
Why do poses that I make for a character doesnt stay , I just want to let that characterstay in that pose while Im on another character


Active Member
May 29, 2017
Why do poses that I make for a character doesnt stay , I just want to let that characterstay in that pose while Im on another character
i think you can tell them to follow you around and when in the character poser you can then pose them as well. you just cant let them stay in that pose when you leave the posing menu


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Why do poses that I make for a character doesnt stay , I just want to let that characterstay in that pose while Im on another character
you can set them to follow then pose, switch character using the pose dialog and etc, but you cant control characters while posing a different one


Feb 11, 2019
So I decided to watch their Q and A session, heres the summary to save you an hour;

Nvidia fanboys. Every machine they have is nvidia based. Only coded to work on nvidia because screw common sense and half your market making it work for everyone.

Target for kickstarter is min $250K.

Steam release is uncensored, no sandbox, no "story" past current demo. Enjoy your 5 mins game play.

Target for full game release is two years time, and 15 or so hours game play.

Team of 19 people. Three are admin, the other 16 has spent all that time making the massive demo.

They're trying to use old school method of finishing the game before optimization (yeah in two years time), despite using the pay monthly method and releasing demos every two months that people actually expect to work.

Rest of it was full of highly important details like their office is fancy, and has flag poles out front but landlord doesn't want wildlife signage, and going again about how Steve used to work in the film industry like thats relevant somehow.


Game Developer
Jun 9, 2017
Thanks for the sum-up mate. A couple of corrections Id like to add tho:

Nvidia fanboys. Every machine they have is nvidia based. Only coded to work on nvidia because screw common sense and half your market making it work for everyone.
The fact that our dev computers run on nvidia cards DOES NOT mean that the game will be completely unplayable for players with other manufactuerers GPUs.

Steam release is uncensored, no sandbox, no "story" past current demo. Enjoy your 5 mins game play.
Not sure what you mean by this but here is how it goes:
The Demo we are currently working on will be available on steam, uncensored, free but without the sandbox. If you want the whole sandbox content you know where to get it :)
The final release of the full game will also happen on steam and it WILL have the sandbox.

Target for full game release is two years time, and 15 or so hours game play.
Ideally 20 hours but its hard to give a proper estimate at the moment. There should also be additional side content to do which can bring the total meaningful playtime way above that target. We will see.

They're trying to use old school method of finishing the game before optimization (yeah in two years time), despite using the pay monthly method and releasing demos every two months that people actually expect to work.
Of course we do an optimization pass before every patreon release and keep things steady. Sometimes we go a but under and thats ok. Its a very large and complex thing with a lot of moving parts that we need to manage so bear with us when some builds dont perform as well as others.
After the demo we also to perform a big cleanup pass, throwing away a lot of old stuff that may be choking up the performance. Hopefully thatll bring things up in terms of performance.

Rest of it was full of highly important details like their office is fancy, and has flag poles out front but landlord doesn't want wildlife signage, and going again about how Steve used to work in the film industry like thats relevant somehow.
Well it was an open-end QnA and we covered all the questions we were asked :KEK:


Jan 7, 2018
So I decided to watch their Q and A session, heres the summary to save you an hour;

Nvidia fanboys. Every machine they have is nvidia based. Only coded to work on nvidia because screw common sense and half your market making it work for everyone.

Target for kickstarter is min $250K.

Steam release is uncensored, no sandbox, no "story" past current demo. Enjoy your 5 mins game play.

Target for full game release is two years time, and 15 or so hours game play.

Team of 19 people. Three are admin, the other 16 has spent all that time making the massive demo.

They're trying to use old school method of finishing the game before optimization (yeah in two years time), despite using the pay monthly method and releasing demos every two months that people actually expect to work.

Rest of it was full of highly important details like their office is fancy, and has flag poles out front but landlord doesn't want wildlife signage, and going again about how Steve used to work in the film industry like thats relevant somehow.
The "Optimize later" approach can sometimes be difficult because it might require you to rework some systems. If you only have a small amount of content on top of the system you are going to have an easier time refactoring your code.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
But at the time, it is. Why do I pay monthly for a version I can't play with a ATI RX570?
that is almost the same performance if not better from the card in comparison to my 1650...yea that is definitely questionable because I can run the game mostly fine in around 30fps on the sandbox desert map whatever it's called
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New Member
Sep 21, 2021
I downloaded this game from Adeptus Steve's Patreon account webpage.

Just thinking bout my previous post and was a bit disturbed by this thought.. I don't have the internet at home and have not participated in any kind of demo testing for games (professional or otherwise) and am thusly unaware if C++ is required for all demo testers. To my research it is a computer programing tool but not specifically ment for operating programs. It would make sence for game testing if you had to use something like Unity or Blender (don't know because I am not a game develloper) in order to run the game.. but a program that can rewrite your computers code? Maybe I'm just uninformed but this kind of looks like they may be using some new methods of game design or they have come up with a new style of virus that circumvents the traditional detection methods.

C++ requires Net Framework, both require the internet during their installation, and with my not having any of the previously mentioned items... With more and more news coming out about hacking by diferent groups and state sponsered filth... is this a new or diferent kind of backdoor into gamers computers? Programmers are always in a rush to come up with something new and hackers are step in step with them. It is an old saying "It is dangerous, out there, in the wilds." or some such aproxamation. Is this demo actually some kind of new tact on the part of (The British, Isreal, The U.S., Russia, ETC..) to harm a specific subset of people with the internet.

With the game designers stating that they are producing something that everyone wants.. Why would they do it in a manner that would limit the operating systems that can be compatable? I would have expected a game in devellopment would be done on a computer in a static state (as in a computer with no new updates to the programming software) so that the program wouldn't cause a failure in the develloping game. Why design it so only the newer computers software can play? Now, I'm not syaing that Windows 3.1 - XP must be capible of being compatible, but why is windows 7 suddenly off of the list? I know, "Don't Bite the hand that feeds you!" but I have not yet gotten to play this demo, thusly I have not "Been Fed", and am SO VERRY HUNGRY for what is cooking.

I have had to go through a lot of hoops (inactive links, partial downloads, then finding C++, then finding an ofline downloader for Net Framework.. that dose not actually install offline) to get the download of this game and everything that they say must be used to run it. Now I find out that... the game just won't run on windows 7. I'm relying on everyones' statement that this is a game, that it works, and it hits their tickeler just right. But I'm wondering why it has been so much of an up-hill struggle in the first place. They say that they are ging to release it on Steam (product of Valve studios, former game design company, and now just a memory.. oh Portal..) becaust it will be an easy safe download, but they have made everything about the demo SOOO dificult, and I'm wondering if that is by design.

In Conclusion:
I really wanted to play this game!!!

But seriously if you are luckey enough to have gotten this thing to work, I'm happy for you because you have more cash then my household, and you get to titalate your gamer itch with The Wilds. Just please be studious about making sure it is not some new kind of trojan horse. Mac just issued a new software update to their tech because a Jewish company is legally allowed to hack on the world stage and they got into everybodys' everything. Seriously how is it that a civilian is deemed a criminal if they hack but corperations and goverments are exempt from being subjected to equal treatment?
Oct 3, 2020
But seriously if you are luckey enough to have gotten this thing to work, I'm happy for you because you have more cash then my household, and you get to titalate your gamer itch with The Wilds. Just please be studious about making sure it is not some new kind of trojan horse. Mac just issued a new software update to their tech because a Jewish company is legally allowed to hack on the world stage and they got into everybodys' everything. Seriously how is it that a civilian is deemed a criminal if they hack but corperations and goverments are exempt from being subjected to equal treatment?
Because corporations and governments see themselves as above us mere plebs.

As for everything else you've said, I have no idea how installing this has become such a challenge. For most it is as simple as extracting a zip file and running the executable.

'Is this demo actually some kind of new tact on the part of (The British, Isreal, The U.S., Russia, ETC..) to harm a specific subset of people with the internet. '

Mate, they could not give less of a shit about us. If you think that various government authorities are conspiring to harm a fairly small group of people interested in a porn game, you should probably seek professional help. This is an unhealthy paranoia.
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Feb 11, 2019
The fact that our dev computers run on nvidia cards DOES NOT mean that the game will be completely unplayable for players with other manufactuerers GPUs.
Except it IS unplayable on AMD based hardware, I can take two crap (by todays standards) cards of roughly the same performance, in this case a GTX660 and R9 270X, and it runs on the nVidia based hardware and doesn't even try to load on the R9. Obviously the newer the nVidia based cards all work as well, even the wonky prerelease drivers for Win11 but if I try newer AMD based cards, it will only run on the card with 8GB vRam, and only for a couple of minutes in sandbox mode, and maybe a minute or less before crashing in the story demo. Thats multiple driver versions under Win10.

I'd suggest grabbing a cheap RX570 or 580 (as per steam charts, one of the more common AMD GPUs without stupid pricing) so you at least have *one* machine to test on occasionally.
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Jun 26, 2021
cheap RX570 or 580
Good luck finding a 8GB RX570 or 580 for a cheap price today (with all this GPU shortage and cryptomining madness).

In place where I live it's impossible, for example, to find a 8GB RX580 cheaper than $600 (and it will be, of course, a card heavily used in mining rigs). 4GB version is cheaper, but still expensive (about of $350 for a very used one).


Feb 11, 2019
Good luck finding a 8GB RX570 or 580 for a cheap price today (with all this GPU shortage and cryptomining madness).

In place where I live it's impossible, for example, to find a 8GB RX580 cheaper than $600 (and it will be, of course, a card heavily used in mining rigs). 4GB version is cheaper, but still expensive (about of $350 for a very used one).
I found one just now local to me, used Strix 4GB for US$140 with the average being closer to $200. All 4GB thou, no 8GB versions but Wildlife should run fine on 4GB anyways, probably preferable in fact as that will show the vram errors etc even better. I have no idea on pricing in Germany, but even if that's more like the prices where you are, then its still relative, a RX570 will be much much cheaper than say a 5700.


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Just thinking bout my previous post and was a bit disturbed by this thought.. I don't have the internet at home and have not participated in any kind of demo testing for games (professional or otherwise) and am thusly unaware if C++ is required for all demo testers.
C++ is a programming language that expanded upon the existing C language. I has all of the "old ways" of sepparating things into functions, but it also features the new Object Oriented approach which allows devs to split the source into classes (which define objects, which can contain functionality and attributes). I'm assuming it's related to AUTOMATED testing and not so much to MANUAL testing. As far as I know, automated testing involves repeatedly testing a program or a certain part of a program in some sort of loop, while manual testing involves simply playing the game and reporting / documenting bugs.

EDIT: The actual installation of the game seriously just invloves you:
RIght clicking the downloaded archive - extracting it somewhere - double clicking the .exe file inside of the folder that was just extracted.
But, the game might ask you to install redistributables, which are basicaly some packages that applications use to run I think. To do that you can simply google the name of the package given in the error message and download and install it using the instructions given on the site from which you downloaded. Just make sure you download from the OFFICIAL sources, definitely not from some site that doesn't have the secure connection lock icon next to the URL like this. 1633450298119.png
Also you should note that since your PC doesn't have those packages in the first place, and since you're referring to your internet connection as "the internet", it's safe to assume that your computer most likely can't even handle the game, so you shouldn't bother trying anymore. No offense.
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Apr 10, 2018
C++ is a programming language that expanded upon the existing C language. I has all of the "old ways" of sepparating things into functions, but it also features the new Object Oriented approach which allows devs to split the source into classes (which define objects, which can contain functionality and attributes). I'm assuming it's related to AUTOMATED testing and not so much to MANUAL testing. As far as I know, automated testing involves repeatedly testing a program or a certain part of a program in some sort of loop, while manual testing involves simply playing the game and reporting / documenting bugs.

EDIT: The actual installation of the game seriously just invloves you:
RIght clicking the downloaded archive - extracting it somewhere - double clicking the .exe file inside of the folder that was just extracted.
But, the game might ask you to install redistributables, which are basicaly some packages that applications use to run I think. To do that you can simply google the name of the package given in the error message and download and install it using the instructions given on the site from which you downloaded. Just make sure you download from the OFFICIAL sources, definitely not from some site that doesn't have the secure connection lock icon next to the URL like this. View attachment 1438511
Also you should note that since your PC doesn't have those packages in the first place, and since you're referring to your internet connection as "the internet", it's safe to assume that your computer most likely can't even handle the game, so you shouldn't bother trying anymore. No offense.


Jun 9, 2017
So they added a Steam page yesterday :)
Looks very different from when i played the F95 release last and and the current screenshots. Have sadly not taken the time to play the release recently so cant say if its all the same or if its a huge change they did for the Steam release.

With how Steam have accepted everything pretty much so far. I expect it all to be uncensored across the board.
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