Feb 23, 2019
I have to say, that as someone who really isn't interested in gameplay and just wants to make scenes, Skyrim leaves a lot to be desired compared to something like Wildlife, although if anyone knows any good tips or mods for setting up scenes in Skyrim I'd be happy to hear them.
Yeah, well then Wild Life is perfect. Virt-a-Mate would maybe interest you too; same concept in setting up a scene, and you can also choose to do it in VR. I personally enjoyed venturing around Skyrim capturing women which (randomized) features I liked and then jailing and playing with them in my custom dungeons. Super creepy I know but it's kind of the opposite of reality where I can tear up from watching a deserted puppy finding a new home :-D GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL lol

Setting up scenes in Skyrim is doable, but then Wild Life and Virt-a-Mate + Honey Select 2 / AI Girl would be better in my opinion. There are "IK" mods for Skyrim and pose mods, but its super janky compared to both Virt and Honey Select. Haven't played much with the sandbox in WL so don't know about that. There are MANY animations for Skyrim though. Everything imaginable and you can set up scenes that way too, it just works better when randomized. Example: Through dialogue you ask an NPC to have sex and then choose a scene yourself, with the right mods.

I started on Meetnfuckgames, then found out about modding and wild life, then honey select/ai girl, then virt-a-mate, then switched to DAZ3d in around 2018/2019 and haven't gone back yet. It just takes some time to learn. I am still shit with lighting and am VERY MUCH limited by my gfx card, a 3070 8GB VRAM, in how many assets the scenes can incorporate and render times, which you are not to the same degree in programmes like Wild Life. The only thing you lack in DAZ3d is soft body physics like in blender and wild life or virt-a-mate.
Ada Zombie Test.png Cattleya X Hobgoblin Test2.png Claire X Mr.X Test 2 2.png Double Rachel in the Club.png Nichelle X Brian 2.png Sofia (Tomb Raider).png Tifa and Aerith 3.png tribute.png 1Dalila Face Test.png 2 Dalila From Behind Test.png 3 Dalila X BaphoBrian Close Up Camera Test.png 4 Dalila X BaphoBrian Genital Camera Test.png 5 Dalila X BaphoBrian (Balls Deep Extra) Genital Camera Test.png 6 Dalila X BaphoBrian (Balls Deep Extra) Close Up Camera Test.png 7 Dalila X BaphoBrian (Balls Deep Extra) Far Away Camera Test.png
The sky is the limit ^_^ think I have 100 animation projects too going, because when you get an idea you've got to act on it before you forget right?
Last edited:


Aug 30, 2020
I tend to repeat myself from time to time here and I think its that time again:
Game development takes long and things generally look and feel like shit for the longest time.
We are now focusing more and more on the actual game development so you will see considerable progress on that front in the coming time. I also know this is something that will once again divide the community and possibly disappoint those who just want a sandbox. But I think with the addition of the full body poser we have created a very strong and long lived tool for the more creative people in the community to floursh in while the game gets now pushed into the finish line.

And once again I repeat myself that it is a bit misled and short-sighted to assume patreon is just "a business model to keep patrons as long sa possible". I mean, yes we want that and are doing what we can to keep people interested - obviously. But the goal is NOT to go like this for ever until the last person has had enough. The REAL business clearly is to finish the game and sell it as a finished product. It its a win-win for everyone! We get more funding for future projects from the sales, we have cemented in the trust of our fans that we can deliver a finished product, we have learned a lot on the way on what the people want and with that experience can improve ourselves and the future projects we make even more.

In the end there isnt much more that I can do than to keep giving my best to finish this game and share my experience and my thoughts here whenever it looks like someone could gain valuable insight.
Thanks for reading :)

Looking forward to the new update
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Engaged Member
Feb 2, 2021
I tend to repeat myself from time to time here and I think its that time again:
Game development takes long and things generally look and feel like shit for the longest time.
We are now focusing more and more on the actual game development so you will see considerable progress on that front in the coming time. I also know this is something that will once again divide the community and possibly disappoint those who just want a sandbox. But I think with the addition of the full body poser we have created a very strong and long lived tool for the more creative people in the community to floursh in while the game gets now pushed into the finish line.

And once again I repeat myself that it is a bit misled and short-sighted to assume patreon is just "a business model to keep patrons as long sa possible". I mean, yes we want that and are doing what we can to keep people interested - obviously. But the goal is NOT to go like this for ever until the last person has had enough. The REAL business clearly is to finish the game and sell it as a finished product. It its a win-win for everyone! We get more funding for future projects from the sales, we have cemented in the trust of our fans that we can deliver a finished product, we have learned a lot on the way on what the people want and with that experience can improve ourselves and the future projects we make even more.

In the end there isnt much more that I can do than to keep giving my best to finish this game and share my experience and my thoughts here whenever it looks like someone could gain valuable insight.
Thanks for reading :)

take your time i belive in you
Mar 18, 2018
I know it's the business model to keep patrons going as long as possible, but the scope is just too big. It should be a smaller slice game with simpler mechanics. Make it a crafting/building sim where you have to survive on a large island and as you do so you gain reputation with the island's various inhabitants which reward you with more and more sex minigames.

It's simple, straightforward and keeps the main thing people are coming for on the forefront: sex.

But hey, if they did that and finished it then there wouldn't be a need for a patreon anymore.

But then they could work on a sequel, or a new iteration set in a new location like in space or a cyberpunk style game or something. You would think this would eventually burn out and the need for a new product for people to get behind would be important. Thus creating new titles from the developers and keeping each product doable and within reason. But I guess it hasn't by now so...
OP, we desperately need to allow developers to post FAQs on the front page post. Ignorant takes like this completely fly in the face of what Adeptus Steve has objectively shown on their discord and patreon pages.


New Member
Dec 6, 2021
In the end there isnt much more that I can do than to keep giving my best to finish this game and share my experience and my thoughts here whenever it looks like someone could gain valuable insight.
Thanks for reading :)

Why is it that reviews trend towards 1 star and 5 stars? Because only the upset or pleasantly overwhelmed feel the impulse to invest effort in feedback. Before the UE5 conversion I considered your work to be at that 4 star phase that AAA titles find themselves at, mid production. You SOMEHOW achieved that with a small team after years of little to no help at all.

If you were a full Triple A studio, I would join these complainers in their whining for how long it is taking. Instead, I am going to say that your work is impressive to anyone whose head isn't up their own ass. Ignore the otaku's who have been unemployed edging themselves for 8 hours straight and find themselves frustrated with lack of completion like the world owes them easy orgasms. Personally, I enjoy building little villages and what-not with no particular goal and enjoy imagining what will be in the future. Keep it up, that fifth star is waiting.

P.S. *@&# the complainers who are shocked that you lost a half-star of quality with a rushed UE5 conversion release. I'm sure you ran into unexpected issues as any team does with system conversions. I say, know better, do better, haters gonna hate.


New Member
May 25, 2022
The truth is, you may like the implementation of UE5 more or less, or not at all, that the Sandbox be extended more, or the story, or the animations between species, or that maps that were already iconic in the community disappear... But it It is true to complain, we cannot complain either, at least those who do not buy the versions, or support Patreon, since so far the WL team has not forced to buy the game, nor has it hindered the game from being spread through other servers . This game reminds me of the case of No Man's Sky. A small studio that decides to create a game with high expectations, but with constant problems, disappointments and complaints from the community. A very bad game at the beginning, with great and good claims, but over time it has been improving and gaining followers inside and outside that community that criticized it so much. I believe that Wild Life is a similar case, the game has its bumps from time to time, and although right now its latest version is in a state... Not very enjoyable, eventually it will recover and improve until perhaps it is a benchmark in this genre that until now had not been exploited very seriously.
It's just a matter of patience


Feb 26, 2019
The truth is, you may like the implementation of UE5 more or less, or not at all, that the Sandbox be extended more, or the story, or the animations between species, or that maps that were already iconic in the community disappear... But it It is true to complain, we cannot complain either, at least those who do not buy the versions, or support Patreon, since so far the WL team has not forced to buy the game, nor has it hindered the game from being spread through other servers . This game reminds me of the case of No Man's Sky. A small studio that decides to create a game with high expectations, but with constant problems, disappointments and complaints from the community. A very bad game at the beginning, with great and good claims, but over time it has been improving and gaining followers inside and outside that community that criticized it so much. I believe that Wild Life is a similar case, the game has its bumps from time to time, and although right now its latest version is in a state... Not very enjoyable, eventually it will recover and improve until perhaps it is a benchmark in this genre that until now had not been exploited very seriously.
It's just a matter of patience
I think it has just become a trend for gamers to shit on developers despite their track record. You could have the most loved developers hit a bump in the road and large chunk of gamers will start shitting on them as if they're an EA in the making. CDPR is a great example of this. People loved them, but then they had one fuck up with the Cyberpunk launch and people started absolutely shitting on them, despite them almost immediately starting to address bugs. Unlike with Cyberpunk though, Wild Life devs actually gave a heads up that the UE5 build would be unstable in its early stages, and people are either ignoring that and expecting something differently than what the dev literally stated, or they aren't reading at all then come here and complain.


New Member
Mar 17, 2021
Hello, is there a way to open the dialogue menu with a pose? like in the fisher village area where there are characters doing poses and you press E and that menu pops up. I don't want to add any custom dialogue or anything btw, i just want to know how to make that thing appear


I rape lolis with my tentacles
Aug 11, 2017
I think it has just become a trend for gamers to shit on developers despite their track record. You could have the most loved developers hit a bump in the road and large chunk of gamers will start shitting on them as if they're an EA in the making. CDPR is a great example of this. People loved them, but then they had one fuck up with the Cyberpunk launch and people started absolutely shitting on them, despite them almost immediately starting to address bugs. Unlike with Cyberpunk though, Wild Life devs actually gave a heads up that the UE5 build would be unstable in its early stages, and people are either ignoring that and expecting something differently than what the dev literally stated, or they aren't reading at all then come here and complain.
But some people are "convinced that Wild Life is a scam. " lol

I wish those fuckers knew how difficult it is to make a 3D game.


New Member
Nov 4, 2019
It seems to me like they are trying to work off some of their technical debt. They got x and y systems to a workable place, but to expand it to where they want it to be, and/or maintain the system, there are some things they need to revamp, which seemed simple at the time, and turned into something far more complex. The reason why games go into technical debt is to make sure the mechanics and core gameplay loops are actually worth playing. It's a problem that plague's modern games due to their complexity.

I doubt they are attempting to scam their fan base out of their money. They have gone far beyond a least viable product, and while it certainly doesn't seem like they are done, their are easier ways to separate people from their money.


Dec 3, 2019
The reason why games go into technical debt is to make sure the mechanics and core gameplay loops are actually worth playing. It's a problem that plague's modern games due to their complexity.
If I can poke the discussion a little, would you say games would be more successful with proper planning? Feature creep is one thing, but taking on a project (not talking about this one, but in general) takes a lot of man power that needs to be managed. I'd like to believe proper planning prior to making the game, i.e., the design phase, is often overshadowed by the need to jump in and be a code monkey.

Game designing can be difficult if not everything is laid out. And that's another problem. Things don't always go your way. so even if you have this perfect vision, There might be some...system, or syntax error, or inevitably by god, something goes wrong.
Still having a plan can help.
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Jun 7, 2020
I tend to repeat myself from time to time here and I think its that time again:
Game development takes long and things generally look and feel like shit for the longest time.
We are now focusing more and more on the actual game development so you will see considerable progress on that front in the coming time. I also know this is something that will once again divide the community and possibly disappoint those who just want a sandbox. But I think with the addition of the full body poser we have created a very strong and long lived tool for the more creative people in the community to floursh in while the game gets now pushed into the finish line.

And once again I repeat myself that it is a bit misled and short-sighted to assume patreon is just "a business model to keep patrons as long sa possible". I mean, yes we want that and are doing what we can to keep people interested - obviously. But the goal is NOT to go like this for ever until the last person has had enough. The REAL business clearly is to finish the game and sell it as a finished product. It its a win-win for everyone! We get more funding for future projects from the sales, we have cemented in the trust of our fans that we can deliver a finished product, we have learned a lot on the way on what the people want and with that experience can improve ourselves and the future projects we make even more.

In the end there isnt much more that I can do than to keep giving my best to finish this game and share my experience and my thoughts here whenever it looks like someone could gain valuable insight.
Thanks for reading :)

U people better than that 'project Helius- Fallen doll' , they are Scamlius'


Oct 1, 2017
Is there any noticeable difference in performance between UE4 and UE5 version. Is there any point in downloading the "old" UE4 one?


Aug 18, 2018
I think it has just become a trend for gamers to shit on developers despite their track record. You could have the most loved developers hit a bump in the road and large chunk of gamers will start shitting on them as if they're an EA in the making. CDPR is a great example of this. People loved them, but then they had one fuck up with the Cyberpunk launch and people started absolutely shitting on them, despite them almost immediately starting to address bugs. Unlike with Cyberpunk though, Wild Life devs actually gave a heads up that the UE5 build would be unstable in its early stages, and people are either ignoring that and expecting something differently than what the dev literally stated, or they aren't reading at all then come here and complain.
Bugs were never my problem with Cyberpunk, my problem was that it ended up being more open world looter shooter than role playing game. It's hardly anything like what they were pitching pre-release. Realistic, detailed, mature, mechanically advanced rpg that sets a new standard for the genre my ass.

That doesn't really have anything to do with WL though. WL has been in development for a while to say the least and as far as playable content goes most of the advertised features in the Patreon blurb either don't exist or are extremely bare bones, then the whole thing implodes with the UE5 upgrade. I've been fine with what the game has had to offer but I understand why people get frustrated.
3.80 star(s) 181 Votes