Can we get some good file hosting links please? Mega is volume and uploadhaven is speed limited. Use gofile or gdrive ffs.
Some one's a real Mc.Asshole for only providing 2 dl links knowing full well that Mega has a DL limit of 5 GB so hardly any one can use it and Uploadheaven which dl's at 250 KB, which will be dl all day and annoyingly the dl will stop at some point so you'll have to try to dl again...
Well first alternative would be a torrent, which we do have atm.
As for Mega you can bypass the download limit because it's IP-based, so all you need is a new IP, like from switching between VPN servers. That's basically what I did.
Apparently the uploader has issues with gofile (or rather gofile with him), not to mention that gofile will delete files that had no activity after 10 days.
For gdrive you need a google account with a hefty amount of storage to upload all these games and it opens you up to a couple issues:
1-you gotta pay for all the storage, or make lots of separate accounts (and potentially split bigger downloads into smaller archive chunks)
2-files can be reported and your account removed, because it IS piracy
3-if multiple people download the same stuff quickly it'll get locked for a while due to high traffic
The hassle isn't worth it.