Oh okay, you mean "Play" mode, I'm sorry. I've never wanted to manually swap cameras in Play mode, only in edit mode.
This is what I don't understand. Why do you want to spend so much time in Edit Mode? I don't mind edit mode, you can create a cool scene, but I definitely don't want to be jerking off while in edit mode, nor do I want to spend hours & hours in edit mode.
For me, I'm 95% Play Mode, 5% Edit Mode.
But I thought you couldn't possess a camera without a "Possess" event bound in Play mode anyways.
We shouldn't have to code or use the event system just to cycle possess cameras. FYI, possess is a term used in Unreal Engine, but if you already knew, n/m.
So I think I understand correctly now, you want it so that in play mode, once a camera is possessed, you'd be able to swap between them in play mode just like in edit mode?
Yes. If the lead dev actually knew what he was doing, he'd understand that two object types should be cyclable in Play Mode:
Character & Camera.
Rapid character & camera possession is extremely important for a good fapping experience, but the lead dev doesn't understand because he probably doesn't jack off while using the sandbox, so he has no clue what players like me want.
Most people are probably too embarrassed to bring up the topic of fapping optimizations, but I have no shame, lol.
If play mode was the goal, then I would see it being used for a scene viewer or player made game
For years I've tried to get AdeptusSteve to define what the sandbox is. Is it truly a sandbox? If so, then play mode is massively neglected, but if he changes the name to SCENE VIEWER, like you just said, then it would make sense that most functionality would be in EDIT MODE. So, I see your point
, but then usually I'd just assume it'd be better to swap with specific hotkeys to each camera, or a simple button event. Other than that I couldn't think of uses for it, what did you have in mind for it if you know?
Yes, binding a hotkey to a camera for play mode is a great idea. Was that added recently? If so, that's a step in the right direction.
Play mode is for people who JACK OFF, stroke their dicks, who are not interested in spending 398493843 hours in EDIT MODE making a HUGE mega city where you can turn the lights on and off with a button.
I spend maybe 5% of time in EDIT MODE. My goal is to NEVER be in EDIT MODE, NEVER, minimizing it as much as possible.
I'm more interested in actually PLAYING in the sandbox in Play Mode, without having to PROGRAM anything while I'm jacking off, a concept the lead sandbox dev cannot comprehend because he:
- is not a porn guy
- doesn't study porn game competition (think he knows better than everyone else)
- doesn't understand r34 otaku guys who jack off
The lead dev thinks we just want to code all day, lol.
How can we code and jack off at the same time? The dude doesn't understand this simple dilemma, lol.