One thing I'd love for the devs to work on is making the dozens of sex positions already in the game more polished so they could come close to the scripted sex scenes. As of now, the 'sex minigames' are infinitely more engaging and polished then the random sex positions that come across as a Skyrim sex mod with the primitive camera and all. Basically, when you've seen the scripted sex scenes you've seen the creme de la creme, and everything else feels like placeholders. But it doesn't have to!
These random sex positions could be nearly as exciting as the scripted scenes if they added some things:
1. Giving every sex position some camera angles like the sex minigames have.
2. Adding variables to the positions but most importantly make each position finish/climax rather then repeat until abruptly stopping.
3. Did a 'fade to black' when you switch sex positions, they could make the random sex scenes you can plug in feel a lot more fluid and immersive.
I think that'd be the way to go as you can make virtually every character bump uglies with any other character with all the positions already in the game. Making it so it looked and played so much better would be an awesome feature that could be in the finished game, allowing us to earn relationship points or whatever to get it so we could start these build our own sex scenes with whomever we want, even if there's no script or dialogue for these two characters.