Played this game for the first time and holy crap, the foundations for sex mechanics is absurdly well done and detailed. I think I would say that hands down, this is the best looking, most detailed sex mechanics I have ever seen in a game. The way the vagina/anus opens up as a wang is inserted, the cum physics are great(could be improved though) and the characters look fantastic.
I appreciate all the effort the dev's put into sex, but at this point I think more than enough of a foundation has been layed down with sex, now the game desperately needs context. Even if it's not a story and just an open world sandbox, the sex needs context. Characters need personality and stats related to sex, etc, etc. This game made me realize how important context is to me, because even if this is the best looking sex I have seen in a game, I still won't fap to it because it completely lacks character/story writing and plot context.
I feel like the dev's did the hardest part and now they should dedicate months to building an actual world, developing characters, adding some real quests and stories, implementing a stats section(stats for sex and general/combat), etc.
The potential though is crazy, this has the potential to be the best sex game ever made.