I complain because a couple years ago, I took several hours out of my day, and submitted quite a few lengthy bug reports to their candyvalley email, never got a response from them (stating they received the reports) and low/behold, years later, they still aren't fixed, as if they never received them or they outright ignored them. What is the point of having a support email address if you don't ever bother to read and confirm that you received reports. Since then, I've stopped submitting reports to them as I just don't see the point. Or maybe they saw the reports, but it wasn't a priority for them to fix them, and thus decided to ignore them. Who knows, and at this point, I don't really care.
I've also suggested, numerous times here, that I'd be willing to support them financially, if it was a one-time fee structure. I got burned on 3DXChat back in 2015, with their monthly subscription, and so I have no intention of doing this monthly subscription thing on Patreon. I see that they had planned on doing a Steam release... but then saw that they would separate the content heavily, between the Patreon build and the Steam build, so maybe I won't support them after all. Because all the really good stuff is looking like it will be pushed behind the Patreon build. So not sure what their mindset was on that, because that is going to kill sales by a considerable amount.
I'd be a bit more kind if they were actually moving towards completing the goals that they set out to do... but its honestly feels like they are industry veterans in a different field and have never built a single RPG in their entire life... or played one for that matter. They seem to take two steps forward and then seven steps backwards with each release. They have so many prototyped systems that it feels more like a concept / technical demo, rather than an actual game. What they need to do is hire on / pay someone in some other way (ie animations for work), that has experience making a RPG or Roguelike or something of that theme, that actually knows what people would want in an open world RPG. Because this team clearly doesn't know, and doesn't seem to be learning what they need to know, to make it good.
Maybe things will change, but I doubt it. I've been watching and playing the game project for 4 years now, and some things have improved dramatically, and some things are just as bad as they were 4 years ago, as they are now.