Horrible Degenerate ;
Yes there is a major difference in 30 fps and 60 fps. If you want a visual example, there is a youtuber named Gibi Asmr, that does some of her videos in 60 fps. Then watch one of her older videos, and the difference is clear as day.
For most games, you can get away with 30 fps, but not shooters or real time strategy. If you have slow reflexes, then maybe you might be able to do a shooter in 30 fps or less, but I can't. I'm used to UT3 Godlike Bots, at max turn acceleration and max sensitivity, and I win all my games with a 2-5 KDR; against human players I usually don't die.
VR tends to be even more demanding, with the Oculus Rift requiring the output to be at 90 FPS.
Human eyes can typically see up to 120 fps, and anything beyond that, we don't notice much of a difference. But, the amount of difference noted, is an exponentially decreasing value. So from 60 to 120, is roughly the same difference as 30 to 60, so each frame is less and less noticeable. It would be very hard to tell much of a difference between 90 to 120, but it would be there.
DerWahrePeter ;
Its fine that you don't agree with my rant. That is your opinion. However:
1] Just because there are tribals, doesn't mean you the player need to use those weapons. Also it takes significantly more training in how to use a spear or bow, than it does to train a human to use a gun. Have you ever tried firing a bow, vs a gun? Very different mechanics. If you are playing as Maya, then sure, use tribal weapons as she is tribal. But why does Max need to use a bow or a spear, when an assault rifle shot to a spacedeer's head is far more efficient at killing it than an arrow.
2] Games with two separate character foci are problematic for players. Witcher 3 did that with the Ciri sections... which were honestly the worst parts of the game as she had none of the powers or abilities Geralt has. This game "was" focusing on Maya, and now it is on "Max". Most games struggle with doing the story well for one character, much less two. Maya's story seems much better than Max's and the dialogue differences between the two and the interactions, and the more staggered time between actions and sex, is far better in Maya's demo questline than in Maxs. There is more direction and harder to get lost in Maya's questline too. Those are all indicators that the story is getting objectively worse.
3] Increased amount of foliage shouldn't be causing that much of an increase in performance costs. Unless of course, they aren't using Occulsion Culling and are drawing everything within X radius of the player, rather than drawing things in chunks. If increased foliage is causing a huge performance impact, then, what happens when they add wind physics to the scene? Suddenly no one can play the game. The total number of polygons and texture data on the screen, seems to be less than what developers of Witcher 3 has stated is in its game, so the game should run better than Witcher 3. But isn't.
4] If physics is going wonky, it is because someone modified the entire physics code or modified a specific portion of the code affecting certain objects. If for example, you change gravity from 9.8m/s^2 to say 10.0, everything will be affected. Just because there is more going on, shouldn't affect the physics of say things like boobs. If it did, then wind physics and hair hitting boobs, would cause boobs to jiggle. In physics systems there are constraints and only certain things are allowed to affect physic objects. If a bug fixed in other builds is cropping up again, then they modified the physic constraints in some manner.
5] I'm pretty sure the cum physics ARE set in stone. The original cum system had volume and viscosity to it, in this game, but they got rid of it for this system. Its unlikely they will return to that system, and thus it will remain wet paint, forever.
Krosos; What game are those gifs from?
Yes there is a major difference in 30 fps and 60 fps. If you want a visual example, there is a youtuber named Gibi Asmr, that does some of her videos in 60 fps. Then watch one of her older videos, and the difference is clear as day.
For most games, you can get away with 30 fps, but not shooters or real time strategy. If you have slow reflexes, then maybe you might be able to do a shooter in 30 fps or less, but I can't. I'm used to UT3 Godlike Bots, at max turn acceleration and max sensitivity, and I win all my games with a 2-5 KDR; against human players I usually don't die.
VR tends to be even more demanding, with the Oculus Rift requiring the output to be at 90 FPS.
Human eyes can typically see up to 120 fps, and anything beyond that, we don't notice much of a difference. But, the amount of difference noted, is an exponentially decreasing value. So from 60 to 120, is roughly the same difference as 30 to 60, so each frame is less and less noticeable. It would be very hard to tell much of a difference between 90 to 120, but it would be there.
DerWahrePeter ;
Its fine that you don't agree with my rant. That is your opinion. However:
1] Just because there are tribals, doesn't mean you the player need to use those weapons. Also it takes significantly more training in how to use a spear or bow, than it does to train a human to use a gun. Have you ever tried firing a bow, vs a gun? Very different mechanics. If you are playing as Maya, then sure, use tribal weapons as she is tribal. But why does Max need to use a bow or a spear, when an assault rifle shot to a spacedeer's head is far more efficient at killing it than an arrow.
2] Games with two separate character foci are problematic for players. Witcher 3 did that with the Ciri sections... which were honestly the worst parts of the game as she had none of the powers or abilities Geralt has. This game "was" focusing on Maya, and now it is on "Max". Most games struggle with doing the story well for one character, much less two. Maya's story seems much better than Max's and the dialogue differences between the two and the interactions, and the more staggered time between actions and sex, is far better in Maya's demo questline than in Maxs. There is more direction and harder to get lost in Maya's questline too. Those are all indicators that the story is getting objectively worse.
3] Increased amount of foliage shouldn't be causing that much of an increase in performance costs. Unless of course, they aren't using Occulsion Culling and are drawing everything within X radius of the player, rather than drawing things in chunks. If increased foliage is causing a huge performance impact, then, what happens when they add wind physics to the scene? Suddenly no one can play the game. The total number of polygons and texture data on the screen, seems to be less than what developers of Witcher 3 has stated is in its game, so the game should run better than Witcher 3. But isn't.
4] If physics is going wonky, it is because someone modified the entire physics code or modified a specific portion of the code affecting certain objects. If for example, you change gravity from 9.8m/s^2 to say 10.0, everything will be affected. Just because there is more going on, shouldn't affect the physics of say things like boobs. If it did, then wind physics and hair hitting boobs, would cause boobs to jiggle. In physics systems there are constraints and only certain things are allowed to affect physic objects. If a bug fixed in other builds is cropping up again, then they modified the physic constraints in some manner.
5] I'm pretty sure the cum physics ARE set in stone. The original cum system had volume and viscosity to it, in this game, but they got rid of it for this system. Its unlikely they will return to that system, and thus it will remain wet paint, forever.
Krosos; What game are those gifs from?