Your Seagate is completely trashed. Once it shows Cyclic Redundancy Error, its time is up. There is nothing to save this harddrive, go buy new/used one, as fast as possible. Do backup NOW. On the next restart you may not see the hard drive anymore, it will not be visible to BIOS/OS very shortly after these errors. You have very limited time to backup your data before it goes away. Been there, several times (admittedly with a 40GB and a 80GB Seagate very long ago, but its the same).
Get yourself a Samsung NVMe SSD (960/970 Evo/980) or a Samsung SATA (860,etc). I have them for years no issues whatsoever even if writing over 80TB (terabytes) on my old 850Evo SATA.
To me Seagate is bad.
As soon as you hear it clicking you should be definitely scared to hell it will fail but a CRC error is really a situation you should think about replacing it indeed your time is definitely running out.
PS: Funnily Results bellow come from the 860 Evo
I test with that and USB3 latency
Good morning Wild-Life
So amazing to see Epics Streaming approach has so much improved by now
I still have doubt's they are efficient as Rockstars RAGE approach Yet especially on the Vulkan layer path that is a total mess in Unreals Main Branch and in a still disastrous stage even vs Nvidia DX11.
I also doubt it beats luminous yet and it was a good decision to keep it alive by Square Enix, would have been a major management mistake if they would have killed it.
He found it first
Looks like a Award
Once you start stabilizing the lods it becomes so crazy more beautiful
Trying to adapt the Lod can have some interesting effects
Spitting out his last meal
Girls/Boys don't watch to closely
Lets better Fuck each other another way Anita is going to hate me
Interesting Logic glitch
Hmm repeating pattern every 30 seconds
Specular stable
Specular seam deviation (after swimming)