The direction for this game is so misguided. I mean really, no one actually gives a shit about whatever story and scuffed combat system they're going to introduce. It's total hubris trying to make an rpg inside a porn game shell when you can just focus on making a fantastic porn game. No one is going to play whatever this ends up being for any significant amount of time, whereas sandbox games like SuperDeepThroat, Free Cities, Honey Select have and will be played for many many years. These games know what they are and most importantly, they're customizable.
If they spent these 5 years focusing on what this game originally was and what it does best (3D sandbox sex-sim) the result today would have been so much better. Imagine Wild Life where the goal was customization and player freedom. A much more expanded character creator like Honey Select 2, able to name and choose voiced personalities, pick traits, more maps, custom sex loops, many more sex positions with actual transition animations between positions, save states, community mod tools so the public can make the game 10x bigger.
It's such a shame lmao. All this work and money spent on pointless systems because at the end of the day Wild Life is not going to hold a candle to even a mediocre rpg.