idk about you fellas, but the save system thingy is not entirely working atm (at least for me).
You know that there's a green tick button above the char's preset card? Yeah, I clicked on that. So that every time I spawn one of the girl, I don't have to customize her again.
However, it didn't work like that entirely. Last night, I modified half of the available chicks in the game. This morning when I loaded the game, from 5 chicks I spawn, there are only 2 - 3 of them that spawn with modified preset. The rest? they're reset back to their default preset. Not the legacy one, but the default one.
My best bet so far, the glitch happens when you create a new preset while you're still on a intercourse mode. But, like I said earlier, Idk about you fellas, maybe I'm the only who have this issue?
But overall It's a good update, I guess? I mean as long as there's a something new for the game.