the sad critique i have to agree to is that one big selling point is the scenes/poses related content. personally i see most long term motivation for ppl to play this in the sandbox mode, even if many people want a campaign.
open world games just offer more long term playability that campaigns on rails, unless they have pvp like the CoD series. noone
buys that for the campaign.
Agreed. Sandbox is the way to go.
I wonder if most patrons are team Single Player Story or team Sandbox?
I'm surprised Adeptus Steve hasn't done a simple Patreon poll asking users what they want?
Do you want us to:
A) Work on Single Player Story ONLY.
B) Work only on Immersive Sandbox ONLY.
C) Work on both.
Working on both is not smart, it may result in a mediocre single player story and mediocre sandbox. Both sides get fucked as a result. Also, they don't have enough coders to make an immersive sandbox and single player story, at the same time. One of the basic aspects of immersion is having the NPC look at other NPC or look at props, but that isn't even planned right now. How can you have immersion, if the NPC just stares into space like a dumb ass?
I love Sandbox, but if the Single Player Story crowd wins, so be it, then at least I won't get my hopes up. Then they go ALL IN on Single Player Story, and just put Sandbox on hold. That's realistic.
what would one get out of a campaign ? im not expecting too much so lets say 25 hours ? is that too low ? too much ?
what would a really really really good sandbox offer ? ive dumped over 200 hours into my current ~7000 objects building/map.
Well said. I say this in Discord all the time. It's good to see other people with the same mindset. We need more people like you in their discord.
i dont want to say fck campaign or anything, if someone looks forward to it im happy for these people, but even if the game is done in a couple years, unless the dev wants to build something new from scratch or bring paid updates, some pseudo live service is much better for longevity.
FUCK THE CAMPAIGN, hahahah. They're talking about stupid shit like Boss Fights and non-porn related stuff. Why the hell would anyone want to kill a boss with a machine gun in a porn game? Death, Blood, and Porn don't mix unless you're into some really sick shit.
EDIT: As much as I hate non-porn combat in a porn game, I still actually look forward to the single player story because it's gonna be filled with kinky stuff.
the point i wanna make and get to is that if they make scenes/poses and the interactions between them more flexible and give the players/users more freedom besides selecting the order of fixed animations, then there are way more possibilities to do things, share them and maybe do some user created "maps" for others to explore. especially if u can see new "scenes"
If they could just make the Sandbox Open source, I would be able to make it highly interactable. I have a design document that outlines everything from start to end, a professional Immersive Sandbox. I already have what you're saying planned. I was going to give the document to the team and HOPE they consider some of its functionality. I'd never do this for anyone, but fuck, for Wild Life it's worth taking the risk.
i understand these high quality animations and managing the skeletons is no easy task, but maybe its possible to select basic actions, states for different bodyparts and a general body pose.
If it was open source, a Pose Editor could be added, it would just take a little bit of time. They already have the hard parts done, which is an UNDO system and Save/Load JSON ability.
They already have a micro pose editor. E.g., when you make an NPC look at Direction, you move the head around, and it saves that head rotation, that's technically the basis of a pose editor.
same for scriptable objects/groups. just something basic, but doors to interact with, pillories and other things we could build, script and then weave into a map/scene.
it wouldnt even take away from the campaign and the devs possibilities, it would just give us the option to really build interactive presentations via sandbox and share them.
also, i does need mod support at some point. most games with the highest longevity achieved that due to mods.
just remember the mess skyrim was without any mods.
sorry for the wall of text.
If it was open source, it wouldn't even need mod support.
The open source could be a limited license of some sort, so they don't get screwed, so they can DMCA anyone who tries to rip them off. The community would also call anyone out who tried to rip them off, or profit from their work.
They could move all their coders to Single Player Story, then
let the community work on the Sandbox. It's better the Sandbox is designed by someone who actually uses it for porn-related purposes, LIKE JACKING OFF. The guy who is working on the Sandbox now is brilliant, highly skilled, but he has no clue how to design an intuitive interface for a porn game, I don't even think he realizes that people are using Sandbox to jerk off. I don't even think he realizes that people are using Lovense products, or else no one in their right mind would design the Sandbox how it currently is.
If the current developer for sandbox actually did research, he'd immediately know there is another porn game out there (with 10 years of development; nope NOT honey select or koikatsu), that is nearly identical to Wild Life Sandbox, then use that as a model for building a proper Play mode and Edit mode(for Wild Life Sandbox). I'm not going to say what the competitor software is, he should know already, he should know the industry and genre.
Whew! I don't mean to upset anyone BTW! Just spitting fire because I love Wild Life Sandbox! It deserves more! MORE!