A Game Glitch You Can Use!
Hiya, group! Finally found something I can contribute instead of lurking!
Working on a video and absolutely hate the voice of the character you're using? Here's a neat trick I found!
1) Set up a sex scene (through the TAB key) using your favourite generic or homemade girl.
2) Hit the TAB key again and, using the same sex scene, change the girl, making sure the sex scene is aligned to what you're using before and after you change girls. e.g. If using Doggy, make sure Doggy is in the window by left-clicking on the scene you've chosen before and after changing the girl.
3) Save the scene.
Now here comes the fun part.
4) Hit the TAB again, and switch back to the original girl, WITHOUT aligning the sex scene (point 2). Save and exit, and you'll find your girl using the voice of the one you switched her for in the first part. So you can give Kim a Jenny voice, or Maya a Serenia one, Karra a Ziri voice, etc.
Only works with the original position you started with, so if you change to the A or B alternate you have to do it again. And only works within the skeleton (e.g. You can't give a Shey character a Maya voice), but still...
Hope it's a help.