Actually thinks that the tattoos are like clothes covering her instead of rocking that body she obviously had a lot of hard work and determination for. I mean, tons of workouts (Running) and eating only whatever you want, just less than usual. Then tattoos covers mostly everything? Meh... I don't know about that. Not against tattoos, I actually think it's a work of serious art, but it only needs to be small enough to make the body still look like a body. Think of it like a wedding ring not like dicks: The most precious gem is the smallest, and most expensive with pure highest quality ever found. There are lots of these type of gem (Bodies) but this little one is more valuable than them all combined. Also it projected among other things like teddybears and even books.
If anything, there is no way to deny that he is really passionate about his works, just that not everyone will appreciate it as much as he does (Wildeer is a man right?). Just try not to take it too seriously and overthink it.