4.40 star(s) 8 Votes

El Perverso

Nov 2, 2017
Oh, so nice and so ... few of a content right now. We need MOAR!!! Was really expecting to see that scene in the cryolab, but, well, have to wait, I guess :p.

To be fair the options are already there but I disable them when making a build because the current buttons look to similar to the others and with tests people did not realize that the button would skip the entire thing. XD
Hmm, didn't see any trouble interpreting theese buttons, most of them look self explanatory just of now.

Oh there will be... *rubs hand together and looks sinister* there will be... Mhuhaha!
*Seeing this giant thing pounding from below* Oh, I hope there will be, or else... I will get really disappointed :evilsmile:.

Sorry you don't like her nice, soft, mouthwatering...
Relax, man, there always be some pussies that can't stand to the real size :winkytongue:. In fact, have you seen such games as "Battle of the bulges" or "Terminal Desires"? Well, those ones really have the TITS. Yours (I mean, not yours, but the ones on your girl, uhh, your main character that is) are really tiny compared to that, so, don't give a shit, really ;).

I plan on revamping the GUI like the h-scene buttons to look more like the inventory and menu. This will also include better feedback on what will happen with the stats!
So, now, as I see it, the stats don't change. I mean the descriptions for your bladder, womb, stomach, they don't change. It's ok for now cause you can see it, but since I suppose, you'll have more that 2 states for them, it's better have some descriptions, to know what to do.

-[vanished panties] Yes this is intentional, you can see the tentacles grab it. (I plan on making a sewer section where you will be able to find them again eventually) But clothing will be a resource in of itself, so expect mechanics in the game that rely on certain types of clothing.
I've figured this out yet, but we really should have the way to get them back, I've missed so much on this micro monokini when I've lost it :teary:. In fact, we could keep it safe if we undress before something could happen to us, but doing it every time could become much of a burden. Or, maybe add a button to undress all?

Also, must add, at some point I had my lust at 5 and tolerance at 55, then don't know what I did, but they became 15 and 80 respectfully, then I used same options on the choices I've already been asked, and they reverted back to 5-55. seems, you have to look more carefully at where theese stats increase or decrease.

Edit: Oh, it looks, I know why my stats went to 15-80, it's when you equip this monokini I was talking about :rolleyes:.
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Dec 3, 2017
By the way, you can, actually, bring your stats to negative (noticed this with, yes, towel again; its decrease your tolerance, and if it is already low, bring to negative value).

Is this supposed to happen, or it is yet another bug? I immediately put towel down, just in case (I mostly play my heroines as nudists anyway, at least in games with breakable clothes; and when I mention this, will be there negative/«negative» consequences of Sarah’s nudism, besides missing stats bonuses, or I can continue to play like this just fine?), so I never tested what will happen, but I think it is worth to mention.

upd: Tested it right now. You start with 0 with all stats. Towel gives you -10 with both lust and tolerance, so they will set to -10, if you put it one right at the start. It is possible to bring both stats to -90, and even lower.
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El Perverso

Nov 2, 2017
By the way, you can, actually, bring your stats to negative (noticed this with, yes, towel again; its decrease your tolerance, and if it is already low, bring to negative value).

Is this supposed to happen, or it is yet another bug? I immediately put towel down, just in case (I mostly play my heroines as nudists anyway, at least in games with breakable clothes; and when I mention this, will be there negative/«negative» consequences of Sarah’s nudism, besides missing stats bonuses, or I can continue to play like this just fine?), so I never tested what will happen, but I think it is worth to mention.
Yes, you can bring your stats to negative. There are choices that can lower your tolerance by as much as 50, so you can go in the negatives. Assume, there is no real impact as of now, but maybe later.
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Dec 3, 2017
Some dialog options can be blocked, depending on stats. Don’t noticed it at start (since I rush towards maxing stats out in order to try everything), and assumed it was bug (in, for example, HoMM IV you can bring HP to negative with bugged stats-changing mechanics), but actually it makes sense: 0 is just starting value, her default attitude, so she can either become more lustful or less tolerant, then before, and negative stats is just way of say what stat is really low. Anyway, better save, then sorry, right? Sometimes «small» bugs leads to big ones, and not «funny» kind.

Its still counterintuitive enough, and better to be explained someway in the future, so players will know how it actually works (maybe add in options’ description stats requirements, for example, how much tolerance you need to do something).
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Jul 15, 2017
Not sure if this is a bug or not, but when I entered the bathroom, all I got was a black screen. Then I put the boots on, I still got a black screen (even though the text is saying I'm roaming around- with the toilets and water).
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Jun 15, 2018
Would be interesting to know what graphic card are used by the people with the pitch black bathrooms.
That may help to circle in the issue.
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Crazed Owl

Nov 3, 2018
Oh, so nice and so ... few of a content right now. We need MOAR!!! Was really expecting to see that scene in the cryolab, but, well, have to wait, I guess :p.
-Hmm, didn't see any trouble interpreting theese buttons, most of them look self explanatory just of now.
-*Seeing this giant thing pounding from below* Oh, I hope there will be, or else... I will get really disappointed :evilsmile:.
-Relax, man, there always be some pussies that can't stand to the real size :winkytongue:. In fact, have you seen such games as "Battle of the bulges" or "Terminal Desires"? Well, those ones really have the TITS. Yours (I mean, not yours, but the ones on your girl, uhh, your main character that is) are really tiny compared to that, so, don't give a shit, really ;).
-So, now, as I see it, the stats don't change. I mean the descriptions for your bladder, womb, stomach, they don't change. It's ok for now cause you can see it, but since I suppose, you'll have more that 2 states for them, it's better have some descriptions, to know what to do.
-I've figured this out yet, but we really should have the way to get them back, I've missed so much on this micro monokini when I've lost it :teary:. In fact, we could keep it safe if we undress before something could happen to us, but doing it every time could become much of a burden. Or, maybe add a button to undress all?
Glad you like it :)
-[Buttons] Well you don't get the scene buttons right out the gate so you can not be confused by them. (they are disabled) What you see at the end (for now) of the toilet scene are altered buttons quickly made for that situation.
-[Relax] Don't worry I'm not offended, but I do value every players opinion because every one of you has interest in this game, otherwise you would not be here making posts :) and the more opinions and feedback I get, the better! Because if I can make adjustments (without taking away enjoyable content) the game will cater to more people and thus become a better game!
-[internal spacing stats XD] There is no text in for womb, bladder, etc changes so no that doesn't show up. However I have finished a new system today where I now have a simple text file where I add new text for each erm.. change? So you will get that in the upcoming version! :)
(fun fact in my code the internals are classed as: "womby", as in womb-like... I couldn't think of a better name XD)
-[missing undies] Yes :) as stated you will be able to get them back eventually. But the game does need consequences and well this is going to play more of a role later on, you'll see :)

Some dialog options can be blocked, depending on stats... ...Its still counter intuitive enough, and better to be explained someway in the future...
Yes this will be addressed in future builds :) Currently both Lust and Tol are capped at -1000 and +1000.
(lust also gets soft capped by tolerance, lust can never be more then tolerance)

It just fixed itself, i loaded the game inside the bathroom, and wabam
Ok.... Well I'm happy you can continue playing! Does the problem happen again when you leave the toilet and go back in? It's a really silly bug...

...the Bathroom is completely pitch black...
Hey mate maybe you can do what Cesco did and quit while in the bathroom and then continue? Let me know if this also fixes it for you!


New Member
Jul 21, 2018
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to do anything for me. (I'm not even sure how to use the quote system anymore lmao. It's 1:30AM here and i just said screw it. Forum user, i am not.)


Oct 7, 2017
This game is amazing I can't wait for more <3

EDIT: Minor suggestion just sprung to mind, any way we can get PC "Sarah" to face forward in-game without checking inventory? If this isn't planned or too difficult no worries, just a nice idea.
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Crazed Owl

Nov 3, 2018
Thanks again guys!
(maybe sounds like I'm repeating myself but I'm just thrilled that people like it! :) )

This game is amazing I can't wait for more <3
EDIT: Minor suggestion just sprung to mind, any way we can get PC "Sarah" to face forward in-game without checking inventory? If this isn't planned or too difficult no worries, just a nice idea.
Thanks! :)
You are not the first to ask this :) and yeah I like the idea too, don't expect it to be in there any time soon. But it's a nice option that I will keep on my check list. :)

Hopefully with visuals optional, preggo is not for me:coldsweat:
So many people want the option to turn certain types of hentai off, so I have no choice but to obey ;D First I am going to focus on more content though, I think that is what the game needs the most right now.


Oct 7, 2017
Will (heh) there be any humanoid scenes? I didn't see any planned on your patreon, I hate to be a normy but I do like my simplicity :)
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Dec 3, 2017
As we started discussion about un-desired fetishes… Please, please never add scat and/or guro. To put it bluntly, it is «delete the game, burn PC and poke your eyes out» kind of «un-desired fetishes» for me. They are not in game yet, and hopefully never will be.
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Jun 30, 2017
I absolutely want to see more, it seems quite promising.
The demo is pretty well constructed.

I also couldn't hear anything but maybe that's just the whole alpha thing.
I also had a sound problem, I thought it being a Demo it may not have had any but it worked on old Vista Laptop when showing a friend so who knows.
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Crazed Owl

Nov 3, 2018
Will (heh) there be any humanoid scenes? I didn't see any planned on your patreon, I hate to be a normy but I do like my simplicity :)
There will be yes :)

As we started discussion about un-desired fetishes… Please, please never add scat and/or guro. To put it bluntly, it is «delete the game, burn PC and poke your eyes out» kind of «un-desired fetishes» for me. They are not in game yet, and hopefully never will be.
I actually had to look those up... and *scratching eyes out, burning the house*... Don't worry! XD

Overall it definitely seems promising, if not extremely bare bones, even if it is a demo. I also couldn't hear anything but maybe that's just the whole alpha thing. I'll be sure to keep an eye on the progress, cool cool cool.
I absolutely want to see more, it seems quite promising. The demo is pretty well constructed. I also had a sound problem, I thought it being a Demo it may not have had any but it worked on old Vista Laptop when showing a friend so who knows.
Thanks guys! :) And there is no sound yet! :)
So I guess your friends laptop was playing sounds from something else Contie, thanks for spreading the word though. :)

Edit: I realize I misread your post and you did not hear any sounds on the laptop! So yeah disregard that part. XD
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4.40 star(s) 8 Votes