Wolf RPG WIP [WIP Translation] Youmaen: The Magic Academy of Loli Succubi


Nov 24, 2021
unfortunately there might not be a hero, wayyyyy too loli
What dafuq does "way too loli" even mean? Does this mean if there's a game with only one loli then it's fine to post it here? If some people here think loli is cp doesn't that mean that any hentai game having even a single loli should just outright be banned? It's honestly laughable how we're moral policing over fictional content in a porn sharing site of all places


New Member
Mar 28, 2018
What dafuq does "way too loli" even mean? Does this mean if there's a game with only one loli then it's fine to post it here? If some people here think loli is cp doesn't that mean that any hentai game having even a single loli should just outright be banned? It's honestly laughable how we're moral policing over fictional content in a porn sharing site of all places
I always find these "UH THEY KIDS?" takes weird inside of hentai sites because rape, beastiality, anthro(furry), brainwashing, blackmailing, sadism, gore, vore, etc... never get that treatment.
Anyone crying about lolis should have also an issue problem with at minumum half of the ones above because it's also another form of "sexual violent fantasy". Yet no one goes after those :rolleyes:

Coming back to the thread... damn I just learnt the patch was officially released in DLsite, pretty nice.
Seems to be selling well and I'll probably get it asap.
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Jan 8, 2018
I always find these "UH THEY KIDS?" takes weird inside of hentai sites because rape, beastiality, anthro(furry), brainwashing, blackmailing, sadism, gore, vore, etc... never get that treatment.
Anyone crying about lolis should have also an issue problem with at minumum half of the ones above because it's also another form of "sexual violent fantasy". Yet no one goes after those :rolleyes:

Coming back to the thread... damn I just learnt the patch was officially released in DLsite, pretty nice.
Seems to be selling well and I'll probably get it asap.
for the love of god stop moralizing and accept that you are a filthy degenerate human being like the rest of us and that's an objectively bad thing.

on another note, starting a thread is one thing, but would someone get sent to the gulag if they shared a link in this thread? not sure where that line is.


Aug 12, 2017
for the love of god stop moralizing and accept that you are a filthy degenerate human being like the rest of us and that's an objectively bad thing.

on another note, starting a thread is one thing, but would someone get sent to the gulag if they shared a link in this thread? not sure where that line is.
the one how started the thread dosn't exist anymore on F95Zone so don't expect a link on 1st page

Tired Noir

Dec 29, 2018
What dafuq does "way too loli" even mean? Does this mean if there's a game with only one loli then it's fine to post it here? If some people here think loli is cp doesn't that mean that any hentai game having even a single loli should just outright be banned? It's honestly laughable how we're moral policing over fictional content in a porn sharing site of all places
I always find these "UH THEY KIDS?" takes weird inside of hentai sites because rape, beastiality, anthro(furry), brainwashing, blackmailing, sadism, gore, vore, etc... never get that treatment.
Anyone crying about lolis should have also an issue problem with at minumum half of the ones above because it's also another form of "sexual violent fantasy". Yet no one goes after those :rolleyes:

Coming back to the thread... damn I just learnt the patch was officially released in DLsite, pretty nice.
Seems to be selling well and I'll probably get it asap.
One thing noticed since long ago is that the most vocal people against loli content, almost always are deep in the muck of irl crimes, that's a pattern that happens so much it's not even funny. Hell, the most vocal people against (insert your tag of choice here), usually get found and jailed for commiting crimes related to the same shit they were vocal against.

I also agree with the "UH THEY KIDS?!?" thing, this site has a bunch of extremely fucked up shit in its catalogue, but somehow loli content is when it goes too far. A Site that lets games like Domina, for example, with all its glee on being misandric as fuck with the most fucked up depictions of cruelty i ever experienced getting a pass. But a wholesome game like Youmaen, which has one of the best character focused content I've seen in a long while for a porn game, and really pulls the heartstrings (those endings made me cry like a kid), being deviled as the worst thing, because of the antiloli brigade is the most moronic thing ever.


New Member
Aug 29, 2022
Quick guide for those having trouble: (Good route only. But be warned, to get the true good ending, you must see bad endings first, as well as having viewed all good endings.)

To get the true good ending, along with having the conditions previously mentioned, you need to unlock every key lock scene (Which can be viewed from the GTO, and have every girl at 10 affection. I'd suggest getting to NG+ ASAP, as getting the ending on your first run is impossible. Once you have NG+, finish the food route and get all 16 endings (Girls must be at -10 and have every keylock scene done.) Once you do around three keylock scenes, the principal fires you. This can be delayed by being knocked out or other certain events.

Once you have NG+ and all food route endings seen (You'll get an achievement when you get all of them), do the good route. Use the blue check mark to single out each girl one by one, and do their level 1 and 2 events (NOT THE KEY LOCK ONES, IF YOU GET ONE, RESTART THE DAY - MAKE SURE YOU SAVE EVERY MORNING, AND USE SEPARATE FILES). When you have all 18 girls at 10 affection, and have at least 20 non-keylock events done, you can get rid of the blue check. It should be around day 35 by now. Hope that the girls will drain you enough to be knocked out. (Don't use mysterious liquid or Fatiuge Goes Poof until after you get fired, and even then only if you have to.) If you're lucky, it'll be around day 40 by the time you get fired.

Now, here comes the rng part. Just let the days pass. Play once with any girl in the morning (Freeplay + properly is the quickest way), then sleep. Hand out snacks, sleep again in the afternoon, day ends. You'll be doing this a lot. For the rest of the game in fact. You should get around 1 keylock event per day, sometimes 2. This goes without saying, but make sure you have the principal give you 1 month before being fired (This becomes an option in NG+)

Finally... It won't work. Even if you get very very lucky, you'll never have enough time to get all key lock events done before you get fired. This is where you pretty much have to cheat. Use Cheat Engine to find the address which corresponds to the day value (Check which value changes between saves and follows the day counter on the calendar) once you find it, give yourself an extra 25ish days. That should be more than enough to get it all done in time. Once this is done, you may or may not have to sit through every good ending before reloading an old save (the night before being fired would be ideal), then play through the day, and you should get a scene where you talk to the children during naptime. Then at the very end, choose the picture of all the girls, and you'll have the ending.

If this doesn't work, I don't know what will. It worked for me. I hope it works for you too. Keep in mind that this strategy means you have to cheat to win, and you have to play through the game at least 3 times to get the true end... but it is worth it.


New Member
Feb 5, 2021
I have already posted a link to the entire game (24th page), but with an unfinished translation. I'm still here, so here you go
DLsite Youmaen (English ver.) (100% completed translation):
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