??? But he just did?
Are you unfamiliar with how to enable Console Commands in Renpy games?
noobgamer103, for the sake of explanation, in Renpy games there's a "console commands" that lets the user modify a number of variables of characters, in the case
markus T cited "enemy.hp=1", which means reducing a enemy's hp to 1, making it so any hit will kill the pest.
To do so you need enable console commands in your game. Just follow those steps:
1. Go to your game folder (Like Witch Hunter in this case) and navigate to "WitchHunter-0.7-pc\renpy\common".
2. Search for file "00console.rpy".
3. Right click on it and you will find "Open with". Click on it.
4. A window will open and select open with notepad.
5. Hold ctrl and press "F" key. Find window will open.
6. Search "config.console" without quotes. Keep on searching till you find "config.console = False" statement. Change it to config.console = True and then save.
7. Open your game. Hold shift and press letter "O". Console will open.
With console you just tweak whatever you feel like. Be warned some stat changes may cause bugs and break game continuity. If you check the posts in this thread you'll find a number of examples of both useful stat changes for the game
and possible continuity bugs if done too soon. Hope it helps you.