May 16, 2017
Thank you so much, encouragment can bring one out of wondering whether they are pissing into the wind, for no reason! Thank you for saying, it motivates me again - lol, was losing heart with trying to help this mod, as no devs talk to me ...lol!
Oh MadMerlin invited me to Discord after my first Snape images, but after I said I couldn't get it as I am in poverty, I've not heard a peep - lol.
House-elves really get a rough deal man! :D
It is like they see me as some sorta interloper dude being a boofhead and ignore my questions, etc ...on the contrary, I've explained my position over and over = I'm here to help and join Silver Mod Team, everything I post is there for use, or to inspire.

It appears Silver mod don't want those chibis or anything at all I've posted, which is a bit sad, as everything I put up is to enhance Silver... regarding the chibis (I thought you meant the ones from page 152 - lol), seems like they're going for more solid vectorised chibis, shrank down to size. Those sex anis aren't very good, but Silver can do whatever they like with them. :)

Oh, I can make a patch for you if ya like, so you can put them in your game instead of using the anal sex anis for sex scenes (been looking through Silver mod code, making a lot of sense of it now).
Firstly thanks so much to silver mod devs for continuing and expanding what is arguably one of the better games out there, for me personally, by a high margin........firstly thanks to akabur, and then tto all mod devs mods.

Saying that, i know there seems to be alot of people who prefer the cg's over the chibis, but for me, what made the game were the chibis, the animated pics on a drawn background brings me into the scene more then static cg's, thats why ive always loved akabur games above all else.
Edit: dont get me wrong, cg's were nice, when implemented well, a large size representation of the final moneyshot with a baffled expression, and akabur style music, priceless ........but the main draw for me were the chibis against a drawn background, which is i think still unique to this day in many other games, with this art style

Wyrdo, when i first saw your chibis, i thought finally, some chibi mods, the best part of the game for me, particularly the snape/herm interaction, got real excited, but then realising that its unlikely to make it into the silver mod, i just want you to know that there are some out there that would love to see this implemented, so, assuming silver mods dont implment it, and if you ever implement those chibis in your own version, i would love to play it.

I always wanted akabur to expand the herm/mens right story line, in the same vane as when herm is tricked to strip in front of snape because genie implies that its a trick to get snapecaught red handed...........i always wanted to see that expanded, for example, genie wants to expand her whore level, tells herm that he has a plan to catch someone red handed by taken a photo, herm being at the still innocent and still trusting stage, goes along with it, the scene would start off innocent, and gradually snape would demand more and more things, herm would whisper comments to genie to take the picture, genie would pretend its broken and imply its almost fixed......"keep going, keep him occupied, give me time to fix the camera"..........as he explains this, herm has to keep pretending she's willing with snape, while making comments like, "where finally going to show everyone what a corrupted individual snape is, hehehe", (along those lines), all the while, waiting for genie to fix the camera, maybe shes been asked to kneel down, mouth open, and thinks this enough to "get him".............long story short.......snape nuts in her mouth, herm wonders how it got that far, and genie is still pretending to fix the camera.......

Anyway, something along thos lines

Edit- sorry, not the mens rights story, the bit where herm is willing to "go along" with snape, because she thinks its a trick on him, but ends up being a trick on her "story"

Edit 2- and "knock,knockknock, variations where, at later levels, where the player can choose to let snape in and join in, on some other chibi shows, herm being unhappy at first, resigned in the middle, and eager in the end edit: maybe tying the knock,knock,knock option to the public request level to make everyone happy, those that dont like ntr

Just my thoughts here, no expectations
The first. I fully support the opinion of @leafonthewind with chibis. This is much better than CG for witch trainer. The very concept of the game provides for animated scenes. And especially in your performance, they acquire the spirit of the old Akabur's school. (Maybe are you Akabur?:unsure:).
The second. @Wyrdo You have already done so much (drew a lot), and you continue to do this, it may be worth creating your own thread, where you could upload your own works. And call, for example, Witch Trainer Silver Mod - Redaction Wyrdo. And you can also create a page on Patreon. I think that many people will support you with deeds and words. (and moneys;))
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Reactions: Wyrdo


Sep 22, 2018
@DrFog "Also, why can't you get access on Discord?"

I am poverty struck and use the public library for internet (they filter loads of sites ...am astonished that f95zone made it through), it is taking some time to save up, but I am almost at $2200 (never going to Patreon beg, that sort of panhandling really irks me - lest it is entirely original content, not a modification of someone else's stuff) to get a Surface Pro and after a few weeks will start to submit all manner of art for Witch Trainer Silver (my project is put on hiatus 'til then, I am getting acquainted with Silver's Ren'Py so as to help wheresoever I might be of use).
I paid for some data yesterday and wifi hotspotted my phone to laptop to look through a few months of the Discord chat, and then the new thread.

what made the game were the chibis, the animated pics on a drawn background brings me into the scene more then static cg's
I concur bro, totally agree. Immersion is vital, lest it is just another static image flip and some dialogue.
The animated chibis also VERY much have my attention.

finally, some chibi mods, the best part of the game for me, particularly the snape/herm interaction, got real excited, but then realising that its unlikely to make it into the silver mod, i just want you to know that there are some out there that would love to see this implemented, so, assuming silver mods dont implment it, and if you ever implement those chibis in your own version, i would love to play it.
Thank you for expressing such kind encouragements!! :) I am indeed making another mod, though I'm going to most probably redo all chibis (same style though ...am using Luna and Hermione of course, but not sure about Cho or Susan, plenty of other options).
I would have liked to fully engage all my input for Witch Trainer Silver, but there are major contrasting elements in my mod (makes me laugh a lot) that make it quite incompatible. Yet I would love to work with these guys and help make Silver excellent.

I intend to make about 4000 (keeps getting higher as I re-evaluate, lol) images for chibis (45% of scenes), full body images, CGs (65% of scenes, though all ANIMATED), mostly animated images for all the fiction novels Genie has to read for imagination increase (I have it at 30 books so far, I have made changes to some things ...illustrated novels not done yet, but ready to be tackled), animations on the newspaper, as well as new backgrounds (Hogsmeade, Quidditch grounds, Hagrid's hut, Diagon Alley, school gardens, whomping willow area, various hallways and classrooms, as well as a few teacher's offices, etc,.), spell effects (I have redone original duel...cannot reveal yet as it is part of my mod's core, and will include 5 other battles where you are accompanied by several students or teachers... "He who should not be named" is going to make several prominent appearances - heh heh), etc,.

I intend to make it a VERY colourful Harry Potter game, not the grey and drab excuse for a quick fap seen thus far - lol!! :D

All of that content I shall make available to Silver Mod Team ....if they actually use anything, it is up to them.

I always wanted akabur to expand the ....
...herm is willing to "go along" with snape, because she thinks its a trick on him, but ends up being a trick on her "story".
and "knock,knockknock, variations where, at later levels, where the player can choose to let snape in and join in, on some other chibi shows, herm being unhappy at first, resigned in the middle, and eager in the end
Ha ha ha!! You're onto it man!! ;)
That is exactly what I've done (though most of my Snape chibi anis are bad, coding is mostly finished ...not making my own art 'til the Surface Pro 6! Heh heh, can' wait to get stuck into it all!) with Snapeadoodle - lol!
I have Snape play a more "convenient knocking interruptus" annoyance to Hermione, though it progresses in stages like you suggested, as well as having a couple of other intrusions: McGonagall, Filch, Hagrid, and Harry Potter, though these may not join in.... 'cept that freaky deeky Hagrid! :)

Also I have several students "knock knock" when Genie is alone to come and "Tattletale" on lewd activities around Hogswarts, several girls and boys (one of the regulars is Colin Creevey, the fan-boy with camera, he gives Genie photos of scenes... they get more rude as whoring for the four girls advances) as well as visits from several Professors at certain times and visits from a couple of douches from the Ministry.

I approach the Training of the four girls (at each stage) as the game portends to, with incremental steps, not just BANG "You are now shagging Hermione." (still image - woot! /sarcasm)
I use four girls from each House according to a core scenario I cannot mention, though any old idea can elicit this same situation.

The first. I fully support the... .... chibis. This is much better than CG for witch trainer. The very concept of the game provides for animated scenes.
Aye, they are the bones, whilst the large images are there for dialogue progression.
I am making some CG animations though (already did once with the "luna_sex" one.... still no response if they want me to put it in game for them... :( ...ah well, was fun editing it, I'm not going to use it at all in my mod, so it is just going to waste - lol), one major of which I shall put up for Silver Team during the coming week ....though MadMerlin expressed they're not interested in CGs anymore... but animated ones are another ballgame. ;)

@Wyrdo You have already done so much (drew a lot), and you continue to do this, it may be worth creating your own thread, where you could upload your own works. And call, for example, Witch Trainer Silver Mod - Redaction Wyrdo. And you can also create a page on Patreon. I think that many people will support you with deeds and words.
Thank you for saying, I am going to make a thread once my mod is ready to play, and shall continue to try to help with Silver Mod, though I'll never do the Patreon thing. I am just willing to apply myself to making Witch Trainer Great, FOR FANDOM, FOR FUN, FOR FREE! :)

Thanks again good sirs, sometimes a fellow requires a little bit of validation to quantify their efforts. Thank you sincerely, I am humbled and filled with yet more resolve! :)


Witch Trainer Silver
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
@ LoafyLemon

It sure feels like it I'm being ignored after asking the same questions several times of the devs/modders, to no respsonse, then seeing various of them popping in to make this or that comment, disregarding my posts.
Can hardly berate people for asking over and over "when is the new update?" if the devs themselves don't bother reading through the thread. :/

As I said, I was briefly talking with MadMerlin then he didn't respond anymore. The only other interactions I've had with Silver devs has been Johhny28 telling me to stop posting stuff (page 165) as it was apparently confusing people.... !?

I am also a writer/coder/artist (only edits at the moment)and can easily add those Snape chibi scenes (they need polishing, they're crap at the moment) into Silver, or anything else that is usable.
I am more interested in seeing all the alternate girl chibis being used, I made them for Silver, I did make mention I would be using some of them, but temporarily ...as I'm replacing almost all art assets in my mod (and thereafter all material offered to you guys).

I appreciate you guys investing a lot of time into the game, I also work on Witch Trainer every day, either coding or some editing (my art, as I keep saying, is yet to occur), so I am elated to discover you lot.

I've only just today got the Discord. :/

"Feel free to reach out and contact me on the discord if you need any insight regarding some parts of the code or simply want to discuss things. ;) " Thank you for saying those kind words, it really was feeling like a concerted ostracisement: "Don't want your shit ideas or edits round here, boy!" Ha ha ha!

I shall ask once again, maybe you have an idea:
I don't want be a devil's advocate but I have to. I am sure Merlin didn't mean to offend you, he's just had quite a rough time considering whole MO situation, having to take the lead, set up new discord, patreon and organizing everything that hasn't been done in months. He just had a lot going on through his mind.

As for implementation of "luna_sex" CG Scenes, I'd like to do it but sadly I still have few things to finish before the upcoming update. More so, there are plans to rework Luna content entirely to make her fit better with the current story we have and fix her double-personality problem. I can't give you any ETA when it will happen, all I can say is her story is currently being reviewed by our writers. If you feel like the game could benefit from CGs being added despite Luna's current state I'll gladly add it into the game along with the accreditation in the credits menu (yes, we finally have credits menu!).
Just hit me up on the discord so we can finally talk! (Name's same as here)

The planned release is in about 48 hours from the moment I'm writing this post, Its 3 AM and I've just finished drawing special outfit for Hermione which will be included as a reward in our new minigame. Stay tuned!

Edit: I just read your new post and the bit about Discord issues. Is there any other way to contact you outside of F95?


New Member
Jan 27, 2019
@DrFog "Also, why can't you get access on Discord?"

I am poverty struck and use the public library for internet (they filter loads of sites ...am astonished that f95zone made it through), it is taking some time to save up, but I am almost at $2200 (never going to Patreon beg, that sort of panhandling really irks me - lest it is entirely original content, not a modification of someone else's stuff) to get a Surface Pro and after a few weeks will start to submit all manner of art for Witch Trainer Silver (my project is put on hiatus 'til then, I am getting acquainted with Silver's Ren'Py so as to help wheresoever I might be of use).
I paid for some data yesterday and wifi hotspotted my phone to laptop to look through a few months of the Discord chat, and then the new thread.

I concur bro, totally agree. Immersion is vital, lest it is just another static image flip and some dialogue.
The animated chibis also VERY much have my attention.

Thank you for expressing such kind encouragements!! :) I am indeed making another mod, though I'm going to most probably redo all chibis (same style though ...am using Luna and Hermione of course, but not sure about Cho or Susan, plenty of other options).
I would have liked to fully engage all my input for Witch Trainer Silver, but there are major contrasting elements in my mod (makes me laugh a lot) that make it quite incompatible. Yet I would love to work with these guys and help make Silver excellent.

I intend to make about 4000 (keeps getting higher as I re-evaluate, lol) images for chibis (45% of scenes), full body images, CGs (65% of scenes, though all ANIMATED), mostly animated images for all the fiction novels Genie has to read for imagination increase (I have it at 30 books so far, I have made changes to some things ...illustrated novels not done yet, but ready to be tackled), animations on the newspaper, as well as new backgrounds (Hogsmeade, Quidditch grounds, Hagrid's hut, Diagon Alley, school gardens, whomping willow area, various hallways and classrooms, as well as a few teacher's offices, etc,.), spell effects (I have redone original duel...cannot reveal yet as it is part of my mod's core, and will include 5 other battles where you are accompanied by several students or teachers... "He who should not be named" is going to make several prominent appearances - heh heh), etc,.

I intend to make it a VERY colourful Harry Potter game, not the grey and drab excuse for a quick fap seen thus far - lol!! :D

All of that content I shall make available to Silver Mod Team ....if they actually use anything, it is up to them.

Ha ha ha!! You're onto it man!! ;)
That is exactly what I've done (though most of my Snape chibi anis are bad, coding is mostly finished ...not making my own art 'til the Surface Pro 6! Heh heh, can' wait to get stuck into it all!) with Snapeadoodle - lol!
I have Snape play a more "convenient knocking interruptus" annoyance to Hermione, though it progresses in stages like you suggested, as well as having a couple of other intrusions: McGonagall, Filch, Hagrid, and Harry Potter, though these may not join in.... 'cept that freaky deeky Hagrid! :)

Also I have several students "knock knock" when Genie is alone to come and "Tattletale" on lewd activities around Hogswarts, several girls and boys (one of the regulars is Colin Creevey, the fan-boy with camera, he gives Genie photos of scenes... they get more rude as whoring for the four girls advances) as well as visits from several Professors at certain times and visits from a couple of douches from the Ministry.

I approach the Training of the four girls (at each stage) as the game portends to, with incremental steps, not just BANG "You are now shagging Hermione." (still image - woot! /sarcasm)
I use four girls from each House according to a core scenario I cannot mention, though any old idea can elicit this same situation.

Aye, they are the bones, whilst the large images are there for dialogue progression.
I am making some CG animations though (already did once with the "luna_sex" one.... still no response if they want me to put it in game for them... :( ...ah well, was fun editing it, I'm not going to use it at all in my mod, so it is just going to waste - lol), one major of which I shall put up for Silver Team during the coming week ....though MadMerlin expressed they're not interested in CGs anymore... but animated ones are another ballgame. ;)

Thank you for saying, I am going to make a thread once my mod is ready to play, and shall continue to try to help with Silver Mod, though I'll never do the Patreon thing. I am just willing to apply myself to making Witch Trainer Great, FOR FANDOM, FOR FUN, FOR FREE! :)

Thanks again good sirs, sometimes a fellow requires a little bit of validation to quantify their efforts. Thank you sincerely, I am humbled and filled with yet more resolve! :)

That sounds fantastic, to the chibi focus and to the concepts you've implied, i can already imagine the lewd scenario opportunities :). More then i hoped for honestly, your tablet cant come quick enough :)

Thanks leafyloam for being our designated diplomat :) (nice guy)(, and keeping us updated on the state of affairs right now, i would rather much see all mods enjoy themselves, working for the love of a great game. Hopefully onece things have settled we'll get a nice flow going on.

P.S hopefully we dont take away to much focus on the main threads game with perhaps occasional comments on wyrds work if they should come, untill the time comes that wyrd releases his chibi focused mod, or perhaps silver mods embrace another member, ......go on, embrace that wyrd guy :)

Edit: wow, at least get the guys name right? my apologies loafylemon

Edit2: Facepalm! apologies wyrd-O :) have to remember the O :)

Edit3: especially since , "go on, embrace that wyrdo guy :)" sounds that tad bit funnier to me, well, ....to me atleast, hopefully my play on words is not offensive to wyrdo

Hopefully is apparently my favorite word

Edit4: And edits, i love edits :(. One final comment to wyrdo, thats alot of work, i hope(god.damn.it) you still love the game at the end and dont burn yourself out

Edit5: im sorry guys i keep rereading my and other folk's comments after the fact and keep getting ideas and stuff (edit5.1: and feel i must edit)
"never going to Patreon beg, that sort of panhandling really irks me - lest it is entirely original content, not a modification of someone else's stuff"
Completely agree, although i think its okay if the patreon is used solely to develop for the game as silver seems to be, hell, i'd be alrite if it payed people wages, as long as some of that made its way over to akabur out of respect for creating the original game

Edit6 Not akabur
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Oct 21, 2017
@LoafyLemon: Ahhh, thanks for the clarification, glad to know Silver team are not Patreon beggars! :)


DISCLAIMER: The following is proffered to Silver Mod Team. Use it or abuse it, up to you. May this serve to inspire if nothing else.

This is the first bit of image editing I did after first play of the original game, like everyone else, I was aghast at the usage of the anal chibi for the sex scene - how lazy - lol!

The following series of animations is a bit crap, but you get that sometimes - lol.

I like to commensurate sets of images that lead ups, here Genie wanks away after asking her to come round his desk:

View attachment 230489 View attachment 230474 View attachment 230490 View attachment 230491
Then she is informed of what Genie has in store for her:

View attachment 230492 View attachment 230493 View attachment 230494 View attachment 230495
Genie forces her onto the desk and grabs hold of her:

View attachment 230496 View attachment 230497 View attachment 230498 View attachment 230499

Genie asks her to lift her skirt for him:

View attachment 230502 View attachment 230503 View attachment 230504 View attachment 230505
Here Genie goes for it. Ffirst version is crap, second version is guess what... also crap, but I use the 2nd one - lol .... they're not anal, so I use them for now:

View attachment 230507 View attachment 230508 View attachment 230509 View attachment 230510
Second sex_scene with "lead up" firstly:

View attachment 230512
View attachment 230513 View attachment 230515 View attachment 230516 View attachment 230517

I did make a cumming scene, but it is too lame, so have included just the outside ejaculation:

View attachment 230519 View attachment 230520 View attachment 230521 View attachment 230522 View attachment 230523 View attachment 230524 View attachment 230526 View attachment 230527 View attachment 230528
A server error occurred whilst compiling this post, so I will leave it at this.

Here is a mega for anyone that wants to fix/alter/change/improve these chibis:

This is a great chibi scene to add, Maybe even a chibi of Hermione sucking Genie's cock under the desk, And also maybe a scene in the forest where you can fuck Hermione?!? Could someone please get this to MadMerlin soo we can maybe get previewsof what those scenes would look like?!? Other than that everything is amazing, Keep up the great work
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Reactions: Wyrdo


Oct 21, 2017
You sure about that? I could've sworn that you ended up fucking Hermione in front of Myrtle at some point.

No but she does take your cock out of her mouth and makes you cum using her hand and hair all over her tits.... But no sex in the forest....


New Member
Nov 14, 2018
wait, what happened? there is going to be another Witch trainer mod but the other guy is going to make all the content available to the silver team, but the silver team had issues with "something" ive been gone a few days and am very confused as to whats happening on here, can somone TL:DR me what i missed?


New Member
Jan 27, 2019
This is a great chibi scene to add, Maybe even a chibi of Hermione sucking Genie's cock under the desk, And also maybe a scene in the forest where you can fuck Hermione?!? Could someone please get this to MadMerlin soo we can maybe get previewsof what those scenes would look like?!? Other than that everything is amazing, Keep up the great work
@ Wyrdo

Ive just been taking a closer look at wyrdo's chibis and i must say, in absense of any chibi mods, they look quite respectable inspite of wyrdo's claims that they're not great, more then good enough, i especially like that he has herm's eyes look in different directions, i can imagine the look at genies face as being a WTF moment after the deed is done, i like that, the eyes, very important, using the eyes :)
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Reactions: Wyrdo


New Member
Jan 27, 2019
wait, what happened? there is going to be another Witch trainer mod but the other guy is going to make all the content available to the silver team, but the silver team had issues with "something" ive been gone a few days and am very confused as to whats happening on here, can somone TL:DR me what i missed?

I think its the format in which the chibis, wyrdo has created, incompatible with the method the silver team want to implement, someone correct me if im wrong.

Wyrdos very kindly contributed his chibi's incase silver mod would like to implement, but because of this incompatibility, wyrdo has offered to create a chibi focused mod when he recieves his new graphics tablet and has had time to draw,(which i hope is not too long, personally wouldnt mind if he rleases in small dosages, too excited to see what he does with this to wait this side of eternity :)

@ Wyrdo
Edit: i can already tell the waiting will be teasingly hard for me..........but you know, no pressure wyrdo :)

@ hofuldigggg
Check out page 152 for examples of what wyrdo is offering if your interested
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Reactions: Wyrdo


Sep 22, 2018
Thank you for continuing to be so cordial and friendly, a "diplomat (nice guy)" as leafonthewind said! :)

No one has offended me, I was just a bit taken aback that since the days of Bitch Trainer it has been an all in, "let's all who can contribute make this game great" effort.
I totally understand people can take it upon themselves to tackle large workloads, MadMerlin has indeed been a busy man (I've read through months of Discord now). I just felt like if only someone would throw me a sock... lol (soz, house-elf japes *grin*) to communicate about ideas, edits, etc. All good though, we're talking, and I love how you've got amongst the rigging and put quite the air into some sails on this project! ;)

I'll do the implementation of "luna_sex" CG Scenes then, just need to ask you a couple of coding questions for this iteration of Ren'Py ...as you'll notice when looking through my scripting for a different and new animated CG scene I'm about to post in an hour - ha ha ha... yeesh! :)

Nah, I don't need accreditation, I just need what everyone else needs ...to see Witch Trainer the most awesome it can be! I'd only be cool with my moniker plonked in there only once I start pumping out large amounts of original usable art for Silver Mod.

I will use Discord again soon (my phone dies every now and then when I use it as a wifi hotspot ...going to upgrade my tech over the next few weeks so that won't be an issue anymore) and will be keen to talk about things WT! :)

That sounds fantastic, to the chibi focus and to the concepts you've implied, i can already imagine the lewd scenario opportunities :). More then i hoped for honestly, your tablet cant come quick enough :)

Thanks leafyloam for being our designated diplomat :) (nice guy)(, and keeping us updated on the state of affairs right now, i would rather much see all mods enjoy themselves, working for the love of a great game. Hopefully onece things have settled we'll get a nice flow going on.

P.S hopefully we dont take away to much focus on the main threads game with perhaps occasional comments on wyrds work if they should come, untill the time comes that wyrd releases his chibi focused mod, or perhaps silver mods embrace another member, ......go on, embrace that wyrd guy :)

Edit: wow, at least get the guys name right? my apologies loafylemon

Edit2: Facepalm! apologies wyrd-O :) have to remember the O :)

Edit3: especially since , "go on, embrace that wyrdo guy :)" sounds that tad bit funnier to me, well, ....to me atleast, hopefully my play on words is not offensive to wyrdo

Hopefully is apparently my favorite word

Edit4: And edits, i love edits :(. One final comment to wyrdo, thats alot of work, i hope(god.damn.it) you still love the game at the end and dont burn yourself out

Edit5: im sorry guys i keep rereading my and other folk's comments after the fact and keep getting ideas and stuff (edit5.1: and feel i must edit)
"never going to Patreon beg, that sort of panhandling really irks me - lest it is entirely original content, not a modification of someone else's stuff"
Completely agree, although i think its okay if the patreon is used solely to develop for the game as silver seems to be, hell, i'd be alrite if it payed people wages, as long as some of that made its way over to akabur out of respect for creating the original game

Edit6 Not akabur
Ha ha ha!!!! Bro, you had me almost kicked out of the library for laughing like a horse! :D

...I'm still doing it on glances to your post! o_O! Ooops - heh heh!

I am usually on quite a high from thinking of concepts, story arcs, particular scene development, and just how easy this is to make possible; most of all, what it shall feel and look like to play once realised. I already spend 5 hours a day working on coding and crappy edits (just got to have things in there working, all ready to be redrawn ...some things are beyond embarrassing, shoulda used stick figures - lol), once I get going with that electronic pen, this seemingly massive effort will be an immense confluent satisfaction! :)

I forgot to mention: I'm going to make animations for every public task (some don't get used on certain play throughs, but they're all going to be done regardless) as well - something sorely needed and noticed as a lack by pretty much everyone that has played this game. Soggy is already onto it, but I shall make a whole series of my own.

Btw, thank for you being you man! ;)

This is a great chibi scene to add, Maybe even a chibi of Hermione sucking Genie's cock under the desk, And also maybe a scene in the forest where you can fuck Hermione?!? Could someone please get this to MadMerlin soo we can maybe get previewsof what those scenes would look like?!? Other than that everything is amazing, Keep up the great work
Aye bro, those chibis are a bit crap, I'll make a whole series of better ones, not quickly edited ones just so I can get on with other stuff (oops - heh heh) for the game.
Chibi and CG images aplenty. Thank you for the encouragement! :)

Feodosiy made a Cho chibi sucking Genie's cock under the desk for his mod, it looked pretty good but it can't be used in Silver. I or someone else (Silver are remaking the chibis) will make several under the desk scenes.

Ideally... hang on a sec, "ideally", nope I'm TOTALLY going to make at least 5 variants of different sexual animations for every girl - so then anal with Susan, for example, would have at least 5 different approaches and angles to it handled by a randomizer.

@ Wyrdo

Ive just been taking a closer look at wyrdo's chibis and i must say, in absense of any chibi mods, they look quite respectable inspite of wyrdo's claims that they're not great, more then good enough, i especially like that he has herm's eyes look in different directions, i can imagine the look at genies face as being a WTF moment after the deed is done, i like that, the eyes, very important, using the eyes :)
Aha!!! Yup, you noticed how that effect would play! They sure do look immersive in the game. ;)

If Silver ask me to (I usually switch between writing dialogue and fleshing out storylines, coding, and editing) I'll redo any of the Snape sex scenes into more than decent ones. As I said, they were just chucked together really ...with full intention of redoing them later.

It makes me laugh a lot at some of the consternation and protests that Hermione puts up when she has to get down and dirty with Snape! :D

Some have argued that Snape detracts from the experience and is outright cuckoldery ...but isn't Snape part of the conspiracy to corrupt the girls!? Also, isn't Hermione sent on public tasks to get naughty with other people!? In light of that, it is good that the game caters for those who do not wish Snape to be involved... personally, I think he is a cheeky blighter and should get his fair share of fluff! lol


Sep 22, 2018
EDIT: Yikes!!! Thanks to larlikukka for pointing this out: "The renpy folder was named _Renpy_ and not __Renpy__. So it had multiple same scripts and that was creating the error. After manually installing the files to their correct subfolders, the game started and the scene worked perfectly."
Two underscores are required for that folder name ...oops, and thanks man!

Here is an animation ready (...actually, I'm not so sure now, I probably should've gone through it several more times.... yikes!) to go for Silver Mod Team!

It may need some reworking (it so does - lol), as it is screen heavy ...THOUGH, I read several times in the Lemmasoft Ren'Py forums over the years that Ren'Py loves a gazllion images and screens, so I wasn't too shy to get on with it. lol
I could have done it with a new c_c_g type approach, but that would have meant you'd have to start a new game just to see this patch... so nah, not for this one. Next one will be less bulky.

So far for "Sex with Hermione", we have
21_sex_07.png and


...both taking the girl from the rear.

I've put together a missionary position Animated CG sex scene with Hermione.

The source materials are all from Witch Trainer Silver and a Lola sex scene from Princess Trainer.

I used the items circled in red from the above image.


Used the table, brickwork, and letters from the above.


The head of Hermione from the "luna_sex_ folder, I was already playing around with it so just used them (plus a few others I dicked around with... barely tenable).


This is the main source for the scene, from Lola sex in Princess Trainer... couldn't find where exactly it came from in there, I must have cut the folder ages ago, instead of copy.

I'm not going to put up any images of the animation (hee hee),
so if you're interested in giving Hermione a good porking: -

...download the patch, fuck Hermione with chibi choice (this scene is not chibi, but CG used in the place of chibis), and on the third time "Sex with Hermione" you'll be presented with an option of either "CG Animated Sex Scene" or "Normal Sex Scene".

If her_whoring is not maxed there is a 66% chance that you'll have a bout of premature ejaculation, so just try again next time - heh heh!

If her-whoring is maxed, then you'll get Hermione requesting, during sex, that you enter her arserhole as a choice.

There are 5 possible endings to the scene: a premature ejaculation cumshot, vaginal withdrawal then blow over her cumshot, anal ejaculate over her cumshot, internal vaginal cum, and internal anal cum.

Sorry about some of the faces and dialogue, I sorta ....guess what, rushed this too - ha ha ha! Oopsie.

Here is the patch, if you are unsure about it, make a backup of the pertinent files present in the patch folders, then simply replace again. The images folder is separate, so removing that is a cinch.
Just unpack, and then place game folder over game folder inside your Ren'Py install, overwrite when prompted.

Have fun! :)

Anything that needs attention, oops and soz, please let me know.


New Member
Jan 27, 2019
Thank you for continuing to be so cordial and friendly, a "diplomat (nice guy)" as leafonthewind said! :)

No one has offended me, I was just a bit taken aback that since the days of Bitch Trainer it has been an all in, "let's all who can contribute make this game great" effort.
I totally understand people can take it upon themselves to tackle large workloads, MadMerlin has indeed been a busy man (I've read through months of Discord now). I just felt like if only someone would throw me a sock... lol (soz, house-elf japes *grin*) to communicate about ideas, edits, etc. All good though, we're talking, and I love how you've got amongst the rigging and put quite the air into some sails on this project! ;)

I'll do the implementation of "luna_sex" CG Scenes then, just need to ask you a couple of coding questions for this iteration of Ren'Py ...as you'll notice when looking through my scripting for a different and new animated CG scene I'm about to post in an hour - ha ha ha... yeesh! :)

Nah, I don't need accreditation, I just need what everyone else needs ...to see Witch Trainer the most awesome it can be! I'd only be cool with my moniker plonked in there only once I start pumping out large amounts of original usable art for Silver Mod.

I will use Discord again soon (my phone dies every now and then when I use it as a wifi hotspot ...going to upgrade my tech over the next few weeks so that won't be an issue anymore) and will be keen to talk about things WT! :)

Ha ha ha!!!! Bro, you had me almost kicked out of the library for laughing like a horse! :D

...I'm still doing it on glances to your post! o_O! Ooops - heh heh!

I am usually on quite a high from thinking of concepts, story arcs, particular scene development, and just how easy this is to make possible; most of all, what it shall feel and look like to play once realised. I already spend 5 hours a day working on coding and crappy edits (just got to have things in there working, all ready to be redrawn ...some things are beyond embarrassing, shoulda used stick figures - lol), once I get going with that electronic pen, this seemingly massive effort will be an immense confluent satisfaction! :)

I forgot to mention: I'm going to make animations for every public task (some don't get used on certain play throughs, but they're all going to be done regardless) as well - something sorely needed and noticed as a lack by pretty much everyone that has played this game. Soggy is already onto it, but I shall make a whole series of my own.

Btw, thank for you being you man! ;)

Aye bro, those chibis are a bit crap, I'll make a whole series of better ones, not quickly edited ones just so I can get on with other stuff (oops - heh heh) for the game.
Chibi and CG images aplenty. Thank you for the encouragement! :)

Feodosiy made a Cho chibi sucking Genie's cock under the desk for his mod, it looked pretty good but it can't be used in Silver. I or someone else (Silver are remaking the chibis) will make several under the desk scenes.

Ideally... hang on a sec, "ideally", nope I'm TOTALLY going to make at least 5 variants of different sexual animations for every girl - so then anal with Susan, for example, would have at least 5 different approaches and angles to it handled by a randomizer.

Aha!!! Yup, you noticed how that effect would play! They sure do look immersive in the game. ;)

If Silver ask me to (I usually switch between writing dialogue and fleshing out storylines, coding, and editing) I'll redo any of the Snape sex scenes into more than decent ones. As I said, they were just chucked together really ...with full intention of redoing them later.

It makes me laugh a lot at some of the consternation and protests that Hermione puts up when she has to get down and dirty with Snape! :D

Some have argued that Snape detracts from the experience and is outright cuckoldery ...but isn't Snape part of the conspiracy to corrupt the girls!? Also, isn't Hermione sent on public tasks to get naughty with other people!? In light of that, it is good that the game caters for those who do not wish Snape to be involved... personally, I think he is a cheeky blighter and should get his fair share of fluff! lol

I loved how snape and herm hate one another at the begining, herm seeking out corrupted teachers, and snape consternating about her meddling to genie. Also liked snapes reaction to seing herm in a comprimising situation for the first time with akaburs obligatory scratched record sound effect, and perhaps a burst out laughing snape at the situation before saying "hello" :),...... this student who's been given him such a hard time, reduced to a desperate for points so and so. Would love to see this reaction to a few more comprimising situations snape finds her in.(Snape"i cant believe this goodie to shoes whose given me so much trouble is doing this thing im seing right now, ha ha ha"

Maybe at the earl/middley stages, have snape make fun and comment on her mens rights, and her mission to catch corrupted teachers, while snape has his way, which offcourse she defends ironically at the beginning, considering the situation, and offcourse snape is more then happy to enthasize that irony with his chibi actions.

I like the pre mature idea, nice variation, im , imagining a scene where a knock knock interuption puts genie over the edge giving the newcomer a nice view of the moneyshot perhaps harry in this instance, a bewildered expression, and an incoherent stutering dialogue

I also would of loved to have seen the public scenes, surprise, as chibi animations, especially the middle/later ones, one that comes to mind, herm in snapes class, upfront, students in drawn background, maybe different facial expressions as the scene progresses(neutral,>confused>bewildered>shocked), and, well, ......lets just say, herm arrives at genie's office that night, cum soaked

Question, he who shall not be named, will he be joining in the lewd fun, or is he just for the battles?

Did not know you could patch in mod work into silver, i will be testing that out, and hope to see more

Also, good work silver mods, the newest forest scene was very akabur'resque :)
Edit. Good work on the knock knock tonks scene aswell, i liked that, shame she didnt stick around for end
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