I've also got a talent for getting stuck in these games. The triggers in WTS are still somewhat differently than in the original WT, e.g. where you have to ChitChat with Snape for a comment about Granger lessons and then have to wait 7 days until Hermione finally knocks on the door to initiative the favors. Duh...
Below are the favour tier level conditions of Hermione (v1.46.1):
summon.rpy (Hermione)
label update_her_tier:
if states.her.tier == 1 and states.her.level >= 3:
# Trigger: None
her_level_up = 1
elif states.her.tier == 2 and states.her.level >= 9 and states.her.status.voyer == True:
# Trigger: Caught/saw Genie masturbate for the first time.
her_level_up = 2
elif states.her.tier == 3 and states.her.level >= 12 and states.her.status.stripping == True:
# Trigger: After she has stripped completely for Genie.
her_level_up = 3
elif states.her.tier == 4 and states.her.level >= 18 and states.her.ev.give_me_a_handy.cock_kiss == True:
# Trigger: Kissed Genie's dick during HJ favour.
her_level_up = 4
elif states.her.tier == 5 and states.her.level >= 21 and states.her.status.blowjob == True:
# Trigger: First BJ
her_level_up = 5
her.tier = Favour Tier of Hermione what you can see in her character overview (heart-icon top right)
Tutoring increases the Tutoring and Whoring (level) stats.
Personal Favors increase the Whoring stat.
Public Favors increase the Whoring and Reputation stats.
As you can see above within the conditions, you have to increase whoring to a certain level and do a specific favor to get a level-up possibility.
Better don't level too quickly as you could possibly miss a certain CGI, in particular with the public requests although it's possible to postpone all the public stuff, although missing CGIs during favor-tiers, after the ingame warning about following the public-route and do only private stuff first before starting the autumn ball. Make a save, check out the private ending, load and do the rest of the public favors to check out the public ending.
About the appearance of the other girls, see the triggers below. I don't want to go into detail with each event for sake of overview.
The game files of the WTS mod are all accessible so you can dig there for info if you have a text-editor capable to read files contents. You only need to remember what has all happened so far. Quests.rpy is basically the mother of all event files.
if game.daytime:
if not states.cho.ev.intro.e1_complete and states.her.tier >= 2: (her.tier = Hermione)
# Cho intro
jump cho_intro_E1
# Astoria events not triggered by a date.
if ag_event_pause == 0:
if game.daytime:
# Introduction
if states.ast.ev.intro.e2_ask_hermione and states.ast.ev.intro.e2_ask_snape and not states.ast.ev.intro.e3_complete:
$ states.ast.ev.intro.e2_complete = True
jump astoria_intro_E3
if states.ton.ev.hangouts.astoria_e1 and not states.ast.ev.intro.e4_complete:
jump astoria_intro_E4
# Introduction
if states.sus.ev.intro.e1_complete and not states.ast.ev.intro.e1_complete:
jump astoria_intro_E1
if ll_event_pause == 0:
if not states.lun.ev.intro.e1_complete and states.her.tier >= 3:
if not game.daytime:
# Luna barges into your office sleepwalking.
jump luna_intro_E1
If you still can't make any of these girls appear then upload a save game and I check it out, as I like to get smart about all the fussiness of these triggers too for my next WTS playthrough.