
Witch Trainer Silver
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
Thanks for the detailed response. Dunno what's wrong, but nothing significant is happening during my talks or hangouts with Snape and Tonks- all I'm getting are "You spend the afternoon/evening hanging out, your relationship has improved" messages.

ETA- I notice that I have to manually increase Hermione's favor tier every interaction- it isn't a persistent upgrade, and it doesn't get reflected in her character stats screen. Is that a normal mechanic or an indicator something is janky?
I've also got a talent for getting stuck in these games. The triggers in WTS are still somewhat differently than in the original WT, e.g. where you have to ChitChat with Snape for a comment about Granger lessons and then have to wait 7 days until Hermione finally knocks on the door to initiative the favors. Duh...

Below are the favour tier level conditions of Hermione (v1.46.1):

summon.rpy (Hermione)
label update_her_tier:
if states.her.tier == 1 and states.her.level >= 3:
# Trigger: None
her_level_up = 1
elif states.her.tier == 2 and states.her.level >= 9 and states.her.status.voyer == True:
# Trigger: Caught/saw Genie masturbate for the first time.
her_level_up = 2
elif states.her.tier == 3 and states.her.level >= 12 and states.her.status.stripping == True:
# Trigger: After she has stripped completely for Genie.
her_level_up = 3
elif states.her.tier == 4 and states.her.level >= 18 and states.her.ev.give_me_a_handy.cock_kiss == True:
# Trigger: Kissed Genie's dick during HJ favour.
her_level_up = 4
elif states.her.tier == 5 and states.her.level >= 21 and states.her.status.blowjob == True:
# Trigger: First BJ
her_level_up = 5

her.tier = Favour Tier of Hermione what you can see in her character overview (heart-icon top right)
Tutoring increases the Tutoring and Whoring (level) stats.
Personal Favors increase the Whoring stat.
Public Favors increase the Whoring and Reputation stats.
As you can see above within the conditions, you have to increase whoring to a certain level and do a specific favor to get a level-up possibility.
Better don't level too quickly as you could possibly miss a certain CGI, in particular with the public requests although it's possible to postpone all the public stuff, although missing CGIs during favor-tiers, after the ingame warning about following the public-route and do only private stuff first before starting the autumn ball. Make a save, check out the private ending, load and do the rest of the public favors to check out the public ending.

About the appearance of the other girls, see the triggers below. I don't want to go into detail with each event for sake of overview.
The game files of the WTS mod are all accessible so you can dig there for info if you have a text-editor capable to read files contents. You only need to remember what has all happened so far. Quests.rpy is basically the mother of all event files.

if game.daytime:

if not states.cho.ev.intro.e1_complete and states.her.tier >= 2: (her.tier = Hermione)
# Cho intro
jump cho_intro_E1

# Astoria events not triggered by a date.
if ag_event_pause == 0:
if game.daytime:
# Introduction
if states.ast.ev.intro.e2_ask_hermione and states.ast.ev.intro.e2_ask_snape and not states.ast.ev.intro.e3_complete:
$ states.ast.ev.intro.e2_complete = True
jump astoria_intro_E3
if states.ton.ev.hangouts.astoria_e1 and not states.ast.ev.intro.e4_complete:
jump astoria_intro_E4
# Introduction
if states.sus.ev.intro.e1_complete and not states.ast.ev.intro.e1_complete:
jump astoria_intro_E1


if ll_event_pause == 0:
if not states.lun.ev.intro.e1_complete and states.her.tier >= 3:
if not game.daytime:
# Luna barges into your office sleepwalking.
jump luna_intro_E1

If you still can't make any of these girls appear then upload a save game and I check it out, as I like to get smart about all the fussiness of these triggers too for my next WTS playthrough.
Good job, fellas. I'm taking note of your comments to improve the game. Sometimes, when you work on a project long enough, everything starts looking obvious, but that may not be the case for the player. Thanks a lot for the feedback.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
next version should be saves compatible. last need to restart was 1.45.


Apr 26, 2024
How is the hardcore diff of WTS in the long run?

The Slytherin point gain in the original WT was horrible, that I had to reset the Gryff points twice (~1300/1700) just to mainly do the private route in a sane tempo. Is this similar with WTS HC?

My first WTS playthrough (46.1) was on easy diff with some cheats which I regretted quickly do missing out achievements. Otherwise, there was no real challenge point-wise in comparison to the original game.

I'm going to do normal diff next time without any tricks, but maybe this is still too easy rushing side-characters too quickly through their content. I felt the WTS gifts from the cupboard were way too generous on easy. If there is no automatic mood recovery on HC, maybe this could be balanced right enough.
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Witch Trainer Silver
Game Developer
Jul 1, 2017
How is the hardcore diff of WTS in the long run?

The Slytherin point gain in the original WT was horrible, that I had to reset the Gryff points twice (~1300/1700) just to mainly do the private route in a sane tempo. Is this similar with WTS HC?

My first WTS playthrough (46.1) was on easy diff with some cheats which I regretted quickly do missing out achievements. Otherwise, there was no real challenge point-wise in comparison to the original game.

I'm going to do normal diff next time without any tricks, but maybe this is still too easy rushing side-characters too quickly through their content. I felt the WTS gifts from the cupboard were way too generous on easy. If there is no automatic mood recovery on HC, maybe this could be balanced right enough.
Speaking as someone who absolutely hates mindless grind, but also doesn't like when games are too easy, there's a fine line to walk here.

I have implemented progression-based heuristics, rubber banding, and diminishing returns for all random elements of the game to make them more engaging and fair, while avoiding making it too easy.

For example, if Hermione gets too far ahead with house points, other houses will start catching up sooner or later, but your engagement will define how fast it happens, and if any other house takes the lead.

Another example involves item drops. The cupboard is a random item generator, basically, and in games, such mechanics are frowned upon by many devs because they break the in-game economy. To avoid that, I've ensured that item and gold drops use diminishing returns system that (slightly) punishes repetitive actions to encourage you to explore other options of gaining items and gold (there's plenty!).

That said, everything was balanced with normal difficulty mode in mind, and while hardcore difficulty is taken into account, it can be vastly more difficult. I hope sheds some light on at least some of the existing mechanics. ;)


Apr 26, 2024
That said, everything was balanced with normal difficulty mode in mind, and while hardcore difficulty is taken into account, it can be vastly more difficult. I hope sheds some light on at least some of the existing mechanics. ;)
As long as you don't have to wait for weeks until Slyth catches up Gryff, I'm fine. While it was no issue in original WT with favors up to 25-pt range, it got really annoying when you are in the 50-pt range and Sylth compensates only every other day with +17 or something while Gryff also gets its regular pts. The other two houses with their pts haven't been very helpful so far, but I haven't played WT and in partuclar the other diffs of WTS enough to judge that properly.
I possibly give HC a try next time and see how quickly it gets frusted. If someone isn't that interested in purchasing outfits without a quest/event purpose then gold shouldn't be such an issue either.

Here are some ideas for future content that came into my dirty mind:

Granger: her content is large enough since the original game. Just some more sexual interaction with Cho, Luna, Tonks, etc. would spice the final phase up. The crush between Cho and Granger is obviously still unresolved.

Cho: the latest confession scene with her is extremely lengthy to a degree that it is more torture than pleasure in the end. Some follow-up shorter action, like having some sex would do well. Even some chibi animations as placeholder would do fine at first before it gets replaced by CGI animations. By all means, ending her content with zero repetitive actions left to do is not the way how you want to leave a girl behind in the end.
Adding more like a continuation with Tonks for more action is highly in demand too.
The old Luna normal-route content is the best example how to do a repetitive final phase in the end that satisfies well enough.

Susan: after cracking her insecurity during the last imperio lecture with Astoria, it’s really about time to have some simple let’s-do-it fun with Susan as freebie actions afterwards. Her profile reveals her secret crush on the headmaster, so there is no real need for further chit chat and such. Some silly chibi animations would do fine and feel like Susan is another accomplishment in the end, and not someone you don’t bother to invite to your office at all all the time.

Astoria: she’s indeed a frigid bitch and hard to crack. Tonks seems most interested and possibly the only one who could convert her to a slut too, as Astoria has expressed her disgust to the Old Man often enough. If that is mixed by further sexual torture with Susan, like some silly lactating spell/potion effect, that would be perfect. Astoria could have a crush for Susan but it’s much more hidden than with Cho and Granger. A challenge for Genie and Tonks to solve.

Luna: well, the v1.40+ content replacement still lies deep in the shadow of its removed content of v1.39. Having sex is at least the next logical step with possible additional action with Tonks and Granger. The game really needs more orgies. There must be a good reason why the Ministry of Magic finally intervened with an extensive memory wipe according to Snape’s story in Star Channel 34.

Tonks: the one with the most potential for expansion. I can’t wait for the next new content. Additional personal requests besides her public ones comes quickly into one’s mind. She is interested in Genie after all, so this lack is the biggest blue-ball issue. Tonks is the best partner for moresomes: Cho content already started well, cracking Astoria is still unfinished, Susan is another possibility, same for all the other girls. She’s easily a match for Genie's sexual appetite for more after all.

Snape: let’s not forget about this bastard. Some nasty threesome scenes with Grangers comes into one’s dirty mind in the final phase. No need to get touchy with Snape, rather only the back and front sharing fun similar like the dance/strip event.
He is famous for barging into the most undesired situations, so can play as a joker to whatever other future content scene. Even some small scenes were Genie surprises him in Snape’s room together with a Slyth girl could offer some additional fun. If Snape doesn’t come up sending his girls to Genie, it’s time for a surprise visit as revenge.

Ginny: possibly the most missed character in WTS that finally made an appearance in Star Channel 34; story-wise afterwards. I can’t remember all her sentences there at moment, but her interest in the headmaster same like Susan is there and how often she is mentioned during WT(S). That screams for an appearance in WTS too. I’d still rather expand the existing characters first though to a satisfying end, as long as there is no further idea to expand an existing or future scene. At least a single, special guest appearance during one of the Granger events would be awesome that explains her sexual desire in the SC34 scene when the memory wipe dissolves.
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Congressman Weiner

Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
Here are some ideas for future content that came into my dirty mind:
All good suggestions, and I agree except in two areas:

1. Don't give Snape any satisfaction. He has his Slytherin girls and he isn't sharing, and he doesn't deserve anything. If you really want a threesome with two males, well, Tonks can change her appearance, right? She could easily become Futa Tonks!

2. No more Astoria. Her plotline is done. She still looks a bit too young for me, anyway (although much better than the original version).

To me the top things I'd like to see are:

1. Hermione and Cho having fun together

2. Luna getting some sex with genie and maybe a threesome with Hermione (Some of the art is already there, right? From earlier versions? See attachments sex (00000).jpg bisexual lesbian kiss (00001).jpg bisexual (00000).jpg sex creampie (00000).jpg )

3. Tonks getting to have real fun with Cho and the genie and Hermione and anyone else she can get her hands on...
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Apr 26, 2024
Yeah, Granger+Luna dominant-route content could still be restored from v39, so that shouldn't require too much work. It's really nice enough without need of much polishment. It only felt strange on a repetition that it is always treated as the first time for Luna. It could be mixed with the normal-route content. The dominant route together with Granger in the end perfectly matched Akabur's philosophy that his games are of educational kind.
Luna's v39 normal-route content is also pretty good, especially the random part where you can invite one of several characters, although only Tonks seems interested in watching. Tonks doesn't even strip down, so only few corrections are needed without rewriting all this. This random ending with Luna is/was a perfect finisher for a new side-character.

Congressman Weiner

Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
Yeah, Granger+Luna dominant-route content could still be restored from v39, so that shouldn't require too much work. It's really nice enough without need of much polishment. It only felt strange on a repetition that it is always treated as the first time for Luna. It could be mixed with the normal-route content. The dominant route perfectly matched Akabur's philosophy that his games are of educational kind.
Luna's v39 normal-route content is also pretty good, especially the random part where you can invite one of several characters, although only Tonks seems interested in watching. Tonks doesn't even strip down, so only few corrections are needed without rewriting all this. This random ending with Luna is/was a perfect finisher for a new side-character.
I'm very glad they got rid of the dominant Luna line. It didn't make sense for her at all. This is much much better.

But some of the artwork can be reused where Hermione helps Luna learn about the fun she's having... :)


Apr 26, 2024
I'm very glad they got rid of the dominant Luna line. It didn't make sense for her at all. This is much much better.
The brainwashing effect at beginning was indeed strange, but Granger perfectly countered Luna's aggression and helped bringing back Luna from the dark side by tutoring her, contrarily to the submissive route where you get disappointed by a mind-reset with no content afterwards.
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New Member
Sep 14, 2022
Hey guys, does anyone know in which version of the game you could use a CHEAT to add Hermione's dick?
Yeah, it's a weird question, but I've seen that version somewhere.
Thanks in advance)


Jul 21, 2018
If Ginny ever does get added, I would like to see her being Hermione's mistress. Or Hermione being hers. I'm not fussy.
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