No, it doesn't. No doctor could tell you jack and or shit with "I have a headache." Like going to any doctor, you need to provide additional information. You've called the Dr. Office and said "I have a headache, fix me" that provides the doctor absolutely nothing. They're going to say take a tylenol and leave me alone. Or in this case, redownload and try again.
When you actually go to the doctor they get additional info like height, weight, blood pressure, existing meds, when do you feel these symptoms, when did they start, etc.
In this case, that translates to:
What device are you using? what are the specs of said device? Is your device up to date? What specific OS are you running and what version of that OS? When is this issue happening (on start up? in the wardrobe? when you press ctrl+alt+del? etc)? Describe how that issue occurs. Can you provide the crash dump to debug, etc.